Вакансии для хороших наёмных менеджеров

Вакансия на удаленке: Reputation Manager в DID Logic (SIP trunk provider)
30 июля 2020
DID Logic в поисках Reputation Manager.   Основная задача: обеспечение хорошей репутации B2B-компании, работающей в области VoIP и SaaS for Telecom. Компания работает на глобальном международном рынке.   Задачи: Работа с сайтами-отзовиками (Trustpilot, Sitejabber и т.п.), форумами/платформами с отзывами Генерирование контента и координирование контент-подрядчиков Прочие задачи, связанные с работой над репутацией   Преимущества: Возможность удалённой работы Высокая степень самостоятельности Работа подойдёт тем, кто хочет изучить области: VoIP, SaaS for Telecom, Call Center Industry, Customer Service и кто хочет понять боли B2B-клиентов в этих областях.
Управляющий на проект dark kitchen
30 июля 2020
Ищут сильного управляющего, обладающего компетенциями полного цикла в HoReCa, не только во front, но и в производственно-технологической части бизнеса на проект dark kitchen в Москве. Заработная плата выше рынка.
Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах: Director of Business Development в GAP International (industrial products)
30 июля 2020
GAP International is looking for a Business Development Partner in Russia market.   Products: quality valves, steel pipes, fittings and weld rod made in China. Market: petrochemical, oil & gas, coal fire power generation. The International Business Development Partner will be self-motivated to expand the business.   Responsibility: 1. To find the key clients in petrochemical, oil & gas, and coal fire power generation plants. 2. To find the new project opportunity or replacement opportunity of the valves, pipes, and fittings. 3. To find the decision maker of the clients. 4. To introduce our valves, pipes and fittings to the clients and decision makers. 5. To visit the clients together with the colleagues from China. 6. To find the good strategy to quote and conclude the orders. 7. To proceed the orders and help to handle the delivery to the clients. 8. You will be entrepreneurship in the business development, will have the opportunity to run international business between China and Russia, will be supported by full range of products and by the professional team from China, and will be awarded profitable bonus plus salary.   Requirement: 1. Minimum bachelor’s degree of engineering. 2. 5 years or above experience in petrochemical, oil &gas industry preferred. 3. 5 years or above experience of valves preferred. 4. Excellent communication and negotiation skills. 5. Bilingual fluency in English and Russian, additional Chinese language skills preferred. 6. International work or study experience preferred. 7. Teamwork with self-motivated.   Внимание! Для отклика на вакансию нужен VPN
Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах: Business Development Director в BairesDev
30 июля 2020
BairesDev is the leading software development company in the Americas. We are looking for a Business Development Director to lead our Business Development Team and help spearhead our growth. As a Business Development Director, you will play a critical and active role in the day-to-day operations. This is an excellent opportunity to be one of the key members of our Sales team and position yourself for unique career growth opportunities.   Main Activities
Develop and manage a strong Sales Channel network.
Generate and manage several lead generation streams from current initiatives and new ones.
Develop a strong Business Development team.
Plan sales strategies to achieve maximum penetration according to the company’s financial objectives.
Create an environment where new ideas can be shaped into potential business opportunities.   What Are We Looking For
7+ years of experience in IT sales roles.
3+ years of experience in team management.
Worked for an IT services company.
Strong interpersonal skills.
Work from home with flexible schedules.
Excellent compensation plan, well above the market average.
Training plans.
Extensive possibilities for growth and professional development thanks to our mentoring system.   Внимание! Для отклика на вакансию нужен VPN
Руководитель группы сетевых решений в банк
30 июля 2020
Требуется Руководитель группы сетевых решений в крупный банк.   Позиция предусматривает принятие участия в развитии сетевых решений на региональном и международном уровне внутри компании.   Руководитель группы сетевых решений:
Управляет командой (4 человека, два из которых – англоговорящие) Управляет пропускной способностью команды, рисками, бюджетом, оценивает поставщиков поставщиков. Отвечает за сетевую архитектуру (развертывает, поддерживает глобальные стандарты) Проектирует, развертывает и документирует сетевую инфраструктуру Выполняет роль сетевого архитектора, менеджера проекта Документирует процедуры, представляет команду на совещаниях   Для участия в конкурсе кандидату необходимы знания и опыт с:
ITIL Маршрутизацией и коммутацией Cisco на уровне CCIE Сетевыми технологиями Cisco campus Сетями центров обработки данных Cisco, включая технологии Cisco ACI и Cisco EVPN Расширенной маршрутизацией и коммутацией (BGP, OSPF,EIGRP и т. д.) Cisco Security, включая брандмауэры, VPN (S2S и RA) и функцией безопасности сетевой инфраструктуры Веб-прокси Symantec, брандмауэрами контрольных точек, Citrix Netscaler Также необходим опыт управления командой (в непосредственном подчинении или в проекте) Свободный английский язык.   Компания в свою очередь может предложить :
Достойную оплату труда : +/- 300 000р gross (260 000р на руки) + ежегодные премии в размере нескольких окладов (количество зависит от результатов работы банка);
Комфортное рабочее место в одном из лучших офисов Москвы; Работу в команде сильнейших профессионалов своего сегмента; Динамичная работу, требующую постоянного совершенствования знаний и навыков Социальный пакет; ДМС; Страхование; Спорт; Обучение и т.д. По поводу удалёнка/офис: Вопрос пока на стадии обсуждения, на данный момент сотрудники работают удалённо, ранее все сотрудники работали исключительно из офиса, но в свете недавних событий (коронавирус), возможны изменения.   Внимание! Вакансия от рекрутингового агентства!
Руководитель проекта в Росатом
30 июля 2020
Ищут Руководителя проекта (проектирование, конструирование, изготовление и поставка оборудования) в РОСАТОМ.   Ключевыми требованиями для успешного кандидата являются: 1. Опыт работы в производственной или конструкторской организации от 3-х лет; 2. Опыт управления проектами по разработке конструкторской документации, изготовлению и поставке оборудования; 3. Опыт формирования и управление командой проекта; 4. Опыт работы в Топливной компании, Госкорпорации «Росатом» — являются преимуществом. Проекты: — Модернизация производств;
— Технологический комплекс установок термоядерного синтеза.
Директор по развитию бизнеса в Rassvet.digital
29 июля 2020
Москва, удаленно
Ищут New Business Director в агенство Rassvet.digital.   Задачи и обязанности – Упаковка продукта с нуля
– Разработка и реализация маркетинговой стратегии по выводу продукта на рынок, контроль за достижением показателей
– Привлечение новых заказчиков/партнеров и развитие отношений;
– Выполнение планов продаж
– Взаимодействие с pr-агентством, направленное на организацию pr-активностей;   Преимуществом будет: – Опыт реализации проектов полного цикла с применением технологий виртуальной и дополненной реальности (Event направление, VR-production)
– Уровень английского языка – advanced;   Требования – Успешный подтвержденный опыт работы на аналогичной позиции от 2х лет минимум
– Обязательно наличие кейсов по привлечению заказчиков/партнеров
– Сильные управленческие и аналитические навыки, способность четко ставить цели, обрисовать roadmap по их достижению, распределить зоны ответственности и контролировать успешное выполнение;
– Сильные презентационные навыки;
– Знание стратегического маркетинга
– Стратегическое мышление, гибкость мышления, навыки ведения переговоров, лидерские качества   Условия:
– Офис в центре Москвы в 5 мин. от метро «Смоленская»
– Возможность работать удаленно;
– Достойная заработная плата (обсуждается индивидуально с успешным кандидатом).
Digital Director в компанию-провайдер VoIP
29 июля 2020
Ищут Digital Director в компанию многонационального быстрорастущего провайдера VoIP, который предлагает широкий спектр услуг связи для бизнеса.   ЗАДАЧИ:
• Контекст. Cоздание РК, настройка, тесты и экстраполяции лучших гипотез в Google ads.
• Таргетинг в Google и соцсетях.
• Работа с программатик-платформами.
• SEO.Самостоятельно + контроль подрядчиков.
• Управление рассылками. Direct/Email-маркетинг, формирование сценариев цепочек рассылок, настройка, автоматизация и анализ результатов, сбор обратной связи.
• Ремаркетинг вдумчивый. Понимание сценария «касаний», создание четкой стратегии проведения клиента по воронке.
• Выбор локальных подрядчиков по контекстной рекламе на целевых рынках: США, Австралия, Филиппины, ЕС и организация их работы.
• Локализация сайтов и РК под язык, менталитет, отрасль, ситуацию на каждом рынке.
• Работа с UX. Понимание «болей» клиента, готовность вникать в use cases, jtbd.
• Сквозная аналитика по каналам и кампаниям. Контроль ключевых метрик.
• Отчетность. Поиск и внедрение цифровых сервисов для оптимизации деятельности маркетинга компании.   ТРЕБОВАНИЯ:
• Наш идеальный кандидат — человек, воспринимающий маркетинг не как творчество, а как использование набора методов и каналов, позволяющих тестировать много гипотез и экстраполировать лучшие. Способный глубоко вникать в продукт, регион и особенности мышления ЦА.
• Понимание и опыт практической реализации современных маркетинговых инструментов – digital-продвижения и web-аналитики.
• Опыт работы в роли менеджера digital-проектов или интернет-маркетолога от 5 лет.
• Понимание специфики основных каналов и инструментов онлайн продвижения для В2В-сферы.
• Опыт работы с системами Direct/Email-маркетинга.
• Компания работает по всему миру, потому ОЧЕНЬ важно свободное владение английским языком на уровне:
— понимать огромные технические мануалы на английском и писать на их основе емкие грамотные тексты на английском.
— писать на профессиональных форумах и быстро отвечать на высыпающиеся вопросы.
— вести детальную переписку с подрядчиками и партнерами.
• Остальные языки, особенно немецкий, французский, испанский, иврит — будут полезным дополнением. Но английский на очень высоком уровне — кровь из носа.
• Обязателен опыт работы с проектами на рынках США и/или Европейского союза, Австралии и ЮВА. Там другая логика работы. Необходимо знание площадок Medium, Twitter, LinkedIn и подрядчиков. Кандидаты с опытом работы только РФ, СНГ не имеют шансов, к сожалению.
Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах: Lead Product Manager (mobile) в it-company Bending Spoons (Italy)
29 июля 2020
Милан, Италия
It-company Bending Spoons looking for Lead Product Manager (mobile).   Compensation & Benefits
Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are on us when you work from the office.
Health care coverage, free weekly yoga classes, and a welfare plan for your well-being.
The latest Mac, iPhone, and wireless noise-canceling headphones, as well as any software you might need to perform at your best.
Our total compensation is top of the market and can grow rapidly and include stock options depending on your performance.
At Bending Spoons, we’re building one of the greatest tech companies in the world. Our product line is rapidly expanding and radically increasing in quality, as we grow at the speed of light in pursuit of this mission. Therefore, we’re looking for someone with significant expertise in product management, excellent analytical skills, and supreme creativity. The right candidate will lead our innovation on a portfolio of fast-growing apps with millions of users, generating tens of millions of dollars in annual revenue. Full-time, permanent (tempo indeterminato). Milan, Corso Como 15. It’s fine if you prefer to work remotely sometimes. We offer substantial support for relocation, including finding an apartment in Milan and paying the rent for twelve weeks.   A few examples of your responsibilities: Help define the vision, strategy, and roadmap for the products you’ll be responsible for. Do so marrying wild ambition with rationality and pragmatism, finding a good balance between making big bets and seizing low-hanging fruits.
Know your products’ numbers inside out. Constantly analyze data, test and iterate, with a very data-driven mindset.
Study direct competitors as well as the market at large, looking for new opportunities.
Constantly communicate with the team as well as the rest of the company in a way that’s both clear and inspiring.
Foster a fantastic atmosphere within the team, one that’s both charged with ambition and urgency to excel and very caring. More generally, be a paragon of our values.   What We Offer
Huge impact. You’ll run some of our best apps with full responsibility. Your work can seriously impact Bending Spoons, tens of millions of users, and even the mobile-app industry at large, in the next few years.
No clients, lots of trust. We have no clients to dictate what to do or micromanaging bosses to clip your wings. Together with your team, you’ll be free to choose a direction, test, fail, and try again.
Top-notch team. You’ll be surrounded by experts, leaders, and innovators. Your team will be made up of the brightest and nicest guys you’ve ever worked with. You’ll experience what it feels like to be a visionary in a visionary organization.
International reach. Our users are all over the world. Our company language is English. We’re a global reality and your job will have global exposure.
Unique career opportunity. By joining a fast-growing company that sets out to become one of the world’s greatest within the vast, booming mobile market, you get a special chance to turbo charge your learning and career.
Top-of-the market tools. You get the best hardware on the market and all the software you could need. We can’t wait to introduce you to our high-tech approach to design and to our cutting-edge workflows.
Your work, in the hands of millions. Our apps have been downloaded hundreds of millions of times. We’re a global force and your work will be enjoyed by users all over the world.
No micromanaging. Be the owner of your effort, you’ll be one of the team and fully trusted to take responsibility for your tasks. You’ll be given all the incentives to make a real impact.
People who lift each other up. We hire for talent and leave divas at the door. You’ll find a group of truly talented Spooners who are eager to learn and teach their secrets. Reciprocal support and respect is everything—you’re unlikely to ever encounter a more harmonious crew.
Continuous education. We pay for your Italian/English language lessons, but that’s not where it ends. If you make a good case for some extra learning, we’re delighted to foot the tab.
Remote working, flexible schedule, and unlimited vacations. This isn’t a “punch in, punch out” company. We care about your productivity, not tracking every minute you’re on site. It’s up to you to always be responsible with your work, no matter where you are or what schedule you’re keeping.
Top-notch HQ. Natural light, silent rooms, state-of-the-art hardware, fun-filled common spaces… the list never ends! You’ll certainly be in the right environment to do your best work. And, when it’s time to switch off, you can do that in style and comfort.
Relocation package. To ease your move to Milan, the first three months of rent are on us. Visa support is provided for those who need it.   What We Look For
Vision. You can dream big dreams and see a path to make them come true.
Pragmatism. Far from being too academic or obsessive in your perfectionism, you understand that, when getting things done in a competitive world, speed is often as important as quality.
Problem-solving and depth of learning. You’re structured and creative enough to solve most challenging problems independently, given the necessary knowledge. You learn new concepts and skills rapidly, and look to understand stuff truly in depth.
Expertise. You have significant expertise in consumer-facing product management roles. Mobile, web, or startup experience a bonus.
Drive. You’re energetic, hard-working, and persevere through adversity until the job is done—and done well. You’re massively into getting results, and always aim for excellence in what you do.
Curiosity and initiative. You love exploring and you’re entrepreneurial in seeking out new opportunities and testing new ideas of your own accord.
Diligence, organization. You can blindly be entrusted with big responsibilities as well as coordinating the complex work of a complex team.
Leadership. You know how to involve and inspire others. You’re highly demanding of yourself and you’re not afraid of demanding the same level of excellence from others. You’re ready to stand your ground for what you think is right.
Communication. Your communication, both written and oral, is structured and crystal clear.
Humility. You’re down to earth, eager to listen to people’s constructive criticism, and ready to get your hands dirty with whatever the team needs to succeed.
Proficiency in English. You read, write, and speak proficiently in English.
Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах: Chief Technology Officer в GLOVO (Spain)
29 июля 2020
Барселона, Испания
GLOVO —  a Barcelona-based startup and the fastest-growing delivery player in Europe, Hispanic America and Africa. With food at the core of the business, Glovo delivers any product within your city at any time of day.   YOUR WORK-LIFE OPPORTUNITY:
Glovo is a global player in the on demand delivery space operating in 22+ countries and growing. Our ambition is to build a super app that will enable anyone to get pretty much anything their city has to offer. To be able to fulfill that mission, we are looking for an experienced engineering leader to join our team in Barcelona and play a key role in building one of Europe’s top tech organizations. As Chief Technology Officer, you will guide our Glovo development teams as we scale from a few hundreds to many more. You’ll work closely with senior stakeholders to ensure rapid delivery and platform scalability while influencing product direction through technical insights.   BE A PART OF A TEAM WHERE YOU WILL:
Inherit an extremely talented team of +150 engineers with a budget to expand to 300+. The team has grown quickly from 2018, so is in need of strong leadership and direction, in particular around: the vision of the business, priorities and deliverables; process and discipline; driving collaboration and innovation; and overarching architecture. Efficiency as an outcome of orchestrating all of this is particularly relevant.
Drive a close strategic relationship with Product and the business (management team and board). The business has grown at extraordinary speed so there needs to be more focus on communication and collaboration.
Scalability, reliability, and security: The business is growing exponentially and the platform already supports tens of millions of users. Scalability, reliability, and up-time are critical. Additionally, not only is the amount of data being generated huge, it is highly sensitive (eg: courier, partner and customer data). Data security is paramount.
From product to platform: Built originally as a product, we are evolving into a fully fledged platform that can connect to disparate partners. As a result, the technology also needs to continue to evolve to leverage microservices and APIs.
Technical vision : As technology advances, user preferences change, the CTO will need to bring vision and innovative thinking to ensure the platform remains ahead of the curve — making judgement calls around “buy vs build” is a constant question.
Culture: the engineering culture is taking shape, impacting how the team behaves in terms of building product, paying down debt, investing in infrastructure, but also on hiring and other important aspects of how the team interact on a daily basis such as daily routines, development philosophy, knowledge management. Keeping that evolving in a professional, performance driven manner is key.
A brand ambassador: The CTO will be a key spokesperson for the business. S/he will represent Glovo on a number of forums, groups, events and will be responsible for showcasing Glovo as being in the forefront of technology and overall a high profile company.   YOU HAVE:
Minimum of 5+ years in senior technology leadership role (VP or C-level), experienced in managing and scaling technology teams
5+ years running and scaling data-centric systems ideally in a B2B/B2C environment
Proven experience scaling and leading high performance distributed teams of 100+ whilst retaining and growing careers within the team. Managing a blend of internal employees and external temporary (but still long term) consultants is highly desirable
Strong operations experience: truly understands operational challenges and converts that understanding into visionary technology solutions
Proven technical background with a strong understanding of architecture complimented with experience of managing technical debt and driving the appropriate strategy balance pragmatic choices along the way
Proven experience developing data-led products, using AI / ML
Highly analytical, strong on data and extracting valuable insights from multiple data sources
Confident and inspirational leader, combined with a proper level of emotional intelligence
Strong, structured thinker and communicator at all levels
Experience in high growth environments   EXPERIENCE OUR GLOVO LIFE BENEFITS:
Enticing Phantom Shares plan
Attractive Relocation package (if applicable)
Comprehensive Private Health Insurance
Cobee discounts on kindergarten, transportation, and food
Free monthly Glovo credits to spend on our restaurant products (and zero Glovo delivery fee on all Glovo orders!)
Cool perks such as fresh fruit and healthy snacks every day, beers on Fridays, Culture Days every 2 months!
Discounted Gym memberships
Flexible working environment   WHAT YOU’LL FIND WHEN WORKING AT GLOVO:
Gas: We work hard with energy and passion for what we do.
Care: We act in the best interest of a sustainable future.
Good vibes: We always see the positive side in every situation and act with fairness and honesty with everyone.
Stay Humble: We embrace mistakes and feedback to learn from them.
Glownership: We roll up our sleeves and get work done no matter our position and level.
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