Вакансии для хороших наёмных менеджеров

Руководитель проекта в одну из крупнейших алюминиевых компаний РУСАЛ
29 октября 2021
международная компания
Алюминиевая компания РУСАЛ приглашает на работу Руководителя проекта в Департамент финансового контроллинга.   Обязанности: Разработка алгоритмов и методологии анализа исполнения планов, визуализация причин невыполнения планов, в т.ч. с использованием инструментов качества (Парето, 5 почему, поиск корневых причин - диаграмма Исикавы и т.д.) и статистического управления процессами.
Разработка и контроль бизнес-процесса, описание, в том числе, схематичное и документационное, разработка предложений повышения его эффективности (метод Кайдзен), мониторинг реализации предложений, методологическая поддержка участников процесса.
Проведение внутреннего аудита бизнес-процессов по установленной процедуре, оформление результатов аудита в СЭД, разработка предложений по актуализации методологии проведения аудита.
Разработка инструментов контроля исполнения новых процедур (формирование комиссий, разработка протоколов, администрирование).
Составление технических заданий на оптимизацию/автоматизацию оперативных отчетов, разработка дополнительных оперативных отчетов/презентаций/процедур в рамках поставленных задач.
Проведение ревизии системы оперативной отчетности, формирование рекомендаций по оптимизации и автоматизации, разработка новых видов отчетов, поддержание справочника отчетов в актуальном состоянии.
Разработка актуального единого справочника расходов на транспортировку с учетом выявленных ошибок, координация процесса введения в эксплуатацию, тестирование, консультационная поддержка бизнеса.
Сбор оперативной информации (выгрузка данных из SAP, визуализация), анализ данных, формирование заключений с использованием инструментов визуализации.
Организация системы контролей (протоколов, процедур, корпоративных требований), разработка и визуализация показателей эффективности контроллинга, формирование рекомендации для повышения эффективности, контроль исполнения поручений.
Формирование и контроль исполнения личных KPI сотрудников дирекции по результатам корректирующих мероприятий аудита в корпоративной системе (формирование отчетов для руководства, координация процедуры контроля исполнения).   Требования: Высшее образование (техническое/экономическое).
Навыки формирования и анализа управленческой отчетности.
Знание методов оценки и анализа эффективности бизнес-процессов.
Опыт формирования аналитических заключений и экспертных рекомендаций для повышения эффективности бизнес-процессов.
Опыт координирования кросс-функционального взаимодействия.
Опыт работы с договорной документацией (договоры на оказание услуг и приложения к ним).
Опыт разработки решений по оптимизации операционных процессов с использованием автоматизированных систем.
Составление технических заданий, в том числе для доработки учетной системы SAP, в части автоматизации и оптимизации операционных процессов.
Грамотная речь и навыки структурированного письменного изложения, умение генерировать идеи и формулировать мнение, уверенные коммуникационные навыки, умение аргументированно оппонировать.
Знание основных офисных программ MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint), систем электронного документооборота на уровне уверенного пользователя;
Английский (Intermediate).
Опыт работы с нормативной документацией (распоряжения, регламенты, инструкции, методики, порядки и т.д.): умение ориентироваться в документах, анализировать и применять, навыки составления.
Опыт проведения/сопровождения аудита бизнес-процесса.
Опыт работы в SAP будет являться существенным преимуществом.   Условия: Оформление в соответствии с ТК РФ.
Месторасположение офиса: Москва, ст. м. Парк Победы.
Заработная плата обсуждается с успешными кандидатами.
HR-директор в крупную сеть non-food ритейла
29 октября 2021
В крупную сеть non-food ритейла требуется HR-директор.   Федеральный non-food ритейл, сеть из 200 торговых точек + e-com + собственное производство, оборот 6.5 млрд ₽, численность более 2000 ШЕ.   Требования:
Релевантный опыт работы (от 5 лет) в корпоративном центре крупной розницы (только non-food)
Опыт прямого взаимодействия с акционерами обязателен   Ключевые задачи:
Разработка и реализация стратегии управления человеческими ресурсами группы компаний
Управление операционной деятельностью HR-блока: рекрутмент, КА, C&B, T&D, OD, корпоративная культура
Поддержка перехода к активному использованию франчайзинговой модели
Лидирование проектов в области оптимизации оргструктуры и автоматизации HR - процессов   Условия:
500К + бонусы
Внимание! Вакансия от рекрутингового агентства!
Топовые вакансии в крупный ритейл
29 октября 2021
В крупную сеть non-food ритейла требуются два сотрудника - Директор по розничным продажам и HR-директор.   Федеральный non-food ритейл, сеть из 200 торговых точек + e-com + собственное производство, оборот 6.5 млрд ₽, численность более 2000 ШЕ.   1. Директор по розничным продажам Требования:
Релевантный опыт работы (от 5 лет) в корпоративном центре крупной розницы (только физический non-food с развитым направлением электронной коммерции)
Критичен опыт работы по развитию франшизы
Опыт прямого взаимодействия с акционерами будет существенным плюсом Ключевые задачи:
Реализация стратегии продвижения розничной сети
Обеспечение плановых показателей по выручке, валовой прибыли, EBITDA
Оптимизация структуры функциональной вертикали
Развитие направления франшизы Условия:
1М + бонусы   2. HR-директор Требования:
Релевантный опыт работы (от 5 лет) в корпоративном центре крупной розницы (только non-food)
Опыт прямого взаимодействия с акционерами обязателен Ключевые задачи:
Разработка и реализация стратегии управления человеческими ресурсами группы компаний
Управление операционной деятельностью HR-блока: рекрутмент, КА, C&B, T&D, OD, корпоративная культура
Поддержка перехода к активному использованию франчайзинговой модели
Лидирование проектов в области оптимизации оргструктуры и автоматизации HR - процессов Условия:
500К + бонусы   Внимание! Вакансии от рекрутингового агентства!
CEE HR Consulting Manager в Microsoft
29 октября 2021
крутая компания
Microsoft is searching for CEE HR Consulting Manager.   Responsibilities:
HR Solutions Consulting - You provide expert consulting services to managers and employees on HR programs, processes, and initiatives. You also engage with HR partners to influence decisions related to HR programs
Capability Building - You analyze data to identify training needs and recommend training solutions. You provide one-on-one consulting/coaching to managers on HR programs and processes based on training agenda
HR Projects & Programs - You drive the execution and implementation of HR programs and you serve as a liaison to collaborate with the Center of Excellence (COE) and a business, region, or geography
Data and Reporting - You conduct cross-functional data analysis, identify trends and escalated risks/concerns, and develop recommendations   Qualifications:
Negotiations - The ability to achieve mutually satisfying agreements in negotiations with others by listening to their objectives, acting as the company's representative to effectively communicate the company's objective, and seeking common ground and collaborative solutions
Business Acumen - The ability to understand the parts of the business and their interrelationships. This includes skill in understanding the industry, competition, and expected future developments and challenges, the business's competitive strengths and weaknesses, opportunities to grow the business and reduce operating costs; and awareness of the environment for opportunities
Change Management - The ability to define and implement procedures and/or technologies to deal with changes in the environment. This may include adapting to change, controlling change, and/or affecting change
Consulting - The skill to influence others, develop and maintain working relationships, and deliver results and/or expertise for a client in a professional manner
Data Analysis - The ability to systematically gather information from a variety of sources, analyze information, identify implications of data, draw conclusions, generate alternatives and solutions, and evaluate the consequences of choosing each alternative using quality metrics and data. This includes the ability to convert general data and findings into applied, specific information and suggestions that add value to business planning and strategies
Human Resources Business Processes - Knowledge of Human Resources activities and business operations from beginning to end, including interactions with other business processes and functions
Human Resources Industry - Knowledge of human resources (HR) industry terminology, technology, research, and practice. This includes knowledge of HR operating environments, issues, trends, and federal, state, and local laws and regulations, and any applicable software
Human Resources Policies and Procedures - Knowledge of and ability to adhere to and update Human Resources policies, procedures, and practices
Human Resources Programs - Knowledge of the development and implementation process of a Human Resources program. This may include the ability to plan, design, implement, and/or ensure compliance for Human Resources programs used throughout the company
Legal And Regulatory Requirements - Knowledge of the rules, regulations, sanctions and other statutory requirements, guidelines, and instructions relating to governing bodies and organizations, both internally and externally
Business Knowledge - The ability to appreciate the technical nature of the business, as well as how a particular function relates to that industry and the competition
Diversity Promotion - The ability to establish and promote diversity and inclusion in multiple aspects. This may include the ability to identify high-performing and diverse talent, acknowledge/provide accelerated development opportunities and available resources, create and maintain an environment of objectivity, open communication, and respect
EEO Regulations - Knowledge of the rules, regulations, codes, sanctions and other statutory requirements, guidelines and instructions related to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and workplace discrimination
Employee Interviewing - The ability to converse with people to gather information for purposes of recruitment, customer requirements, business needs, complaints, investigations, and other subjects
Human Resources Administration - Knowledge of and the ability to administer and manage the organization's Human Resources programs and processes, including resolving issues and answering relevant queries
Human Resources Analytics Tools - The ability to use and understand business intelligence and data analysis software and programs, such as an HRIS system, for the purpose of evaluating, interpreting, and organizing data related to human resources
Organizational Analysis - The ability to review quantitative or conceptual problems and situations, and draw valid conclusions from data presented for the purpose of business needs. This includes the ability to identify significant trends, relationships, and themes relevant to the organization
Training Best Practices - Knowledge of refined policies, procedures, processes, techniques, tools and methodologies that have been optimized for efficiency and effectiveness in employee training
Employment Law - Knowledge of federal, state, and local laws and regulations protecting employees from discriminatory treatment, unfair labor practices, unsafe work conditions, etc. This includes the knowledge of applicable planning requirements
Corporate Culture Enhancement - The ability to correlate the organizational culture to new initiatives in order to keep the culture continually evolving with modern concepts. This includes the ability to communicate corporate culture broadly to educate and engage associates, and understand the culture to complement business strategy. This also includes the ability to use culture to guide decision-making and to ensure the company values and culture are visible and recognizable to internal and external stakeholders
Employee Investigations - Knowledge of Investigations, the conduct of a review, exploration, examination, and/or evaluation of records, events, activities, claims, products, behaviors and other actions in order to discover information relevant to the objectives of the investigation. This includes the ability to address the result of the investigation according to policy and in the interest of the organization
Required/Minimum Qualifications:
10+ years of experience with Human Resources or business programs/processes or 5+ years of experience with Human Resources or business programs/processes with Bachelor’s degree
Несколько интересных вакансий в Spotify
29 октября 2021
Москва, удаленно
Spotify ищет двух специалистов - Подкаст-менеджера и Старшего исследователя пользовательских предпочтений.   1. Подкаст-менеджер What you'll do:
Oversee partner onboarding to the platform and manage other key areas of relationships with local podcasters
Monitor podcast catalogue completeness and user engagement
Formulate and execute editorial, content promotion, and user engagement plans; align local content and marketing plans with the global ones; engage internal and external stakeholders to execute
Negotiate, implement and control potential original and exclusive podcast deals
Collaborate with teams across Spotify including licensing, programming, marketing, analytics, and others to execute the above
Work with internal and external analytics teams to identify / monitor key market and competitive trends Who you are:
5+ years of relevant work experience with a background in media or content. Experience in a podcast or audio business is a bonus
You have a deep understanding of content consumption and platform engagement trends
English and Russian fluency required
You have established relationships with key industry stakeholders and the creator community
Excellent ability to build relationships with multiple internal/external stakeholders
Ability to turn data-backed insights into actionable recommendations
Strong communication and presentation skills
You will be based in Moscow, Russia and flexible to travel as required Отклик: https://www.lifeatspotify.com/jobs/podcast-manager-russia   2. Старший исследователь пользовательских предпочтений What you’ll do:
Define, plan, and conduct user research
Deliver compelling and timely insights to the product and design teams
Facilitate evidence-based product and design decisions
Develop and innovate on company`s mixed-methods user research practice
Take a holistic view of company`s understanding of Spotify`s users and their behaviour, and proactively identify gaps and opportunities for new research
Work as part of a cross-functional team of product, tech, design and user research that foster a culture of impact and performance to propel Spotify’s user growth
Establish and maintain a culture of rigour and data curiosity to drive tangible business impact Who you are:
You have extensive experience in a research role at a consumer-focused company
You have a degree in Human Computer Interaction, Psychology, Social Science, or a related field
You have broad experience of qualitative research methods
You are comfortable planning, scoping, conducting, analysing and communicating research
You are familiar with quantitative research methods, comfortable with metrics and A/B tests, and are able to synthesise quantitative data with qualitative user research
You are a phenomenal storyteller and communicator, able to speak fluently to business people, designers, engineers and other stakeholders
You enjoy collaborative work in a dynamic, data-driven, creative environment
You are a seasoned professional who can mentor others from a position of authority
You are a specialist in a wide range of methods, to a high standard of rigour
You are a highly motivated and flexible individual with the ability to lead cross-functional teams and drive projects to successful and timely delivery
You thrive in a dynamic environment and are able to execute with autonomy Where you’ll be:
For this role, it can be within the EMEA region in which Spotify has a work location and is within working hours (Spotify operates within the Central European and GMT time zones) Отклик: https://www.lifeatspotify.com/jobs/senior-user-researcher-experience
Старший исследователь пользовательских предпочтений в Spotify
29 октября 2021
редкая позиция
Вакансия на удаленке   Spotify ищет Старшего исследователя пользовательских предпочтений.   What you’ll do:
Define, plan, and conduct user research
Deliver compelling and timely insights to the product and design teams
Facilitate evidence-based product and design decisions
Develop and innovate on company`s mixed-methods user research practice
Take a holistic view of company`s understanding of Spotify`s users and their behaviour, and proactively identify gaps and opportunities for new research
Work as part of a cross-functional team of product, tech, design and user research that foster a culture of impact and performance to propel Spotify’s user growth
Establish and maintain a culture of rigour and data curiosity to drive tangible business impact   Who you are:
You have extensive experience in a research role at a consumer-focused company
You have a degree in Human Computer Interaction, Psychology, Social Science, or a related field
You have broad experience of qualitative research methods
You are comfortable planning, scoping, conducting, analysing and communicating research
You are familiar with quantitative research methods, comfortable with metrics and A/B tests, and are able to synthesise quantitative data with qualitative user research
You are a phenomenal storyteller and communicator, able to speak fluently to business people, designers, engineers and other stakeholders
You enjoy collaborative work in a dynamic, data-driven, creative environment
You are a seasoned professional who can mentor others from a position of authority
You are a specialist in a wide range of methods, to a high standard of rigour
You are a highly motivated and flexible individual with the ability to lead cross-functional teams and drive projects to successful and timely delivery
You thrive in a dynamic environment and are able to execute with autonomy   Where you’ll be:
For this role, it can be within the EMEA region in which Spotify has a work location and is within working hours (Spotify operates within the Central European and GMT time zones)
Подкаст-менеджер в Spotify Studios
29 октября 2021
редкая позиция
Spotify Studios ищет Подкаст-менеджера.   What you'll do:
Oversee partner onboarding to the platform and manage other key areas of relationships with local podcasters
Monitor podcast catalogue completeness and user engagement
Formulate and execute editorial, content promotion, and user engagement plans; align local content and marketing plans with the global ones; engage internal and external stakeholders to execute
Negotiate, implement and control potential original and exclusive podcast deals
Collaborate with teams across Spotify including licensing, programming, marketing, analytics, and others to execute the above
Work with internal and external analytics teams to identify / monitor key market and competitive trends   Who you are:
5+ years of relevant work experience with a background in media or content. Experience in a podcast or audio business is a bonus
You have a deep understanding of content consumption and platform engagement trends
English and Russian fluency required
You have established relationships with key industry stakeholders and the creator community
Excellent ability to build relationships with multiple internal/external stakeholders
Ability to turn data-backed insights into actionable recommendations
Strong communication and presentation skills
You will be based in Moscow, Russia and flexible to travel as required
MDD HRBP Supervisor в холдинговую компанию-производитель пива Anadolu Efes (в Стамбул)
29 октября 2021
Стамбул, Турция
международная компания
В холдинговую компанию-производитель пива Anadolu Efes (в Стамбул) требуется MDD HRBP Supervisor.   Role summary:
Company is looking for a team member who perceives different perspectives and cultures as assets, learns from others, enjoys and gets inspired by innovation and cultural diversity in a volatile environment, and also inspires others to find the best in themselves. MDD HRBP Supervisor role is part of Market Development team, based in Anadolu Efes Group Office in Istanbul.
This role is meant to ensure smooth execution of all people processes in the Market Development business unit, as well as contribute to their design/adaptation in line with the continuously evolving business needs of the growing organization and with relevant Group policies and procedures.   Responsibilities:
Supporting establishment of HR strategies in line with the strategic business plans and priorities
Ensuring that Group HR programs and processes are smoothly applied in the business unit (all MDD, Belarus operation included)
Supporting MDD business unit transformation process and Efes Belarus evolution and integration process with relevant policies and practices development and implementation
Contributing to workforce planning within but not limited to annual SBP processes, as well as for newly arising projects and organizational needs
Compiling HR operational expenses budget, following up and controlling spending as needed
Collaborating with relevant HR expertise teams on employee cost budgeting, as well as data management and reporting
Supporting relevant HR expertise teams in the organizational & job design and structural change processes, and job evaluation process, monitoring organizational climate and introducing interventions where needed
Ensuring execution of recruitment process from A to Z in collaboration with the functional managers and central recruitment support team
Taking active part in C&B processes in collaboration with relevant Group HR team
Carrying out and following up the procedures related to the orientation, onboarding, and placement of the newly hired employees
Working in coordination with the HR Shared Services team during the hiring, job changes and dismissal processes, coordinating assignment and appointment processes
Following up and organizing HR administration processes for MDD employees positioned in different countries and legal entities, adjusting available HR solutions to fit the specific requirements on hand
Providing consultancy services to employees on all types of HR administrative issues, getting support of relevant Group HR teams where needed
Following up and solving employee relations issues in coordination with the managers and related HR expertise teams
Carrying out the talent management and career planning processes by updating the talent pool and succession plan and taking the necessary actions accordingly
Supporting of creation and implementation of individual development plans, working with functions and HR expertise team to implement proper development actions in line with arising needs
Supporting performance management process execution and purpose-oriented feedback culture deployment in the team
Supporting implementation of employee engagement survey in the unit, analyzing its results, communicating them, conducting focus group studies, planning and executing relevant action plans
Designing and organizing team gatherings and teambuilding solutions, as well as creating and deploying internal communication platforms and content to improve the engagement, collaboration, and cohesion within the team   Qualifications:
At least bachelor's degree in management, psychology, labor economics, organizational behavior, or similar fields
HRBP background or 4–5-year experience in at least three of the following areas - recruitment, organizational development, C&B, performance management, talent management, L&D, HR admin and employee relations
Experience in highly diverse and multinational environment, preferably FMCG
Ability to analyze, interpret and convey concise & meaningful information,
Strong cross-cultural, interpersonal, communication & coaching skills
Good time management skills and ability to prioritize
Ability to work under pressure and balance among multiple stakeholders
Advanced English, Russian is a plus
Strong MS Office skills
Head of Product Operations в крупнейший в мире туристический сайт Tripadvisor (с возможностью релокации)
29 октября 2021
Барселона, Испания
релокация зарубеж
Крупнейший в мире туристический сайт Tripadvisor ищет Head of Product Operations (с возможностью релокации).   TheFork, part of TripAdvisor Group, is the leading online restaurants reservation platform in Europe and Australia.   About The Role:
Company is looking for an experienced Product Director to develop & implement monetization initiatives and to enable TheFork’s scalability in a fast growth environment by providing internal teams with great tools, supporting the optimization of processes, and managing back office systems.
In this role, you will work closely with all teams in the organization, especially with Operations, Sales and Marketing teams.   You Will:
Build & grow your team of Product Managers in size and skills
Contribute to the definition and implementation of TheFork’s ambitious monetization roadmap (transactional & SaaS pricing, billing, cash collection)
Leverage Product Discovery approach and methods to identify and prioritize internal customer problems to solve and to test/derisk solutions the team wants to build
Build business cases and drive decision making of which opportunities to prioritize
Implement enhancements to internal processes and ways of working to move the needle on key operational metrics amongst which Costs of Restaurant Acquisition & Maintenance costs
Ensure resilience, security, stability of back office systems
Develop and own the Product roadmap related to monetization, internal tools and and back-office systems
Build trust with senior stakeholders and teams across the business, and collaborate closely with them to ensure a smooth product development process
Select & monitor key metrics to measure your team’s contribution to the success of TheFork and drive accountability on Product decisions
You will be part of TheFork product team and report to the Chief Product Officer   Who you are:
Passionate about food and restaurants
Minimum 8+ years of experience, with successful track record capturing monetization opportunities and/or addressing scalability challenges either in a Consulting or Operational capacity and minimum 3 years of Product Management experience
People leader: minimum 2 years experience managing, coaching and recruiting Product Managers or operators
Experience working in scale-up stage organizations with large Sales & Operations teams
Problem solver, process oriented, ability to foster team spirit and performance
Strong organizational and analytical skills
Excellent communication and collaboration skills. You are able to establish strong relationships with other groups in the organization
Experience working in an Agile environment
Experience in digital payment (especially with Stripe as PSP) is a plus
Fluent in English, comfortable in French or Spanish or Italian   Conditions:
The position is based in Paris, Barcelona, Milan or Turin with regular interactions with other countries. Company is also open to candidates in other locations or working remotely with the possibility to travel on a regular basis   Внимание! Для отклика на вакансию нужен VPN.
Director of Product (Experiences) в крупнейший в мире туристический сайт Tripadvisor
29 октября 2021
Вакансия на удаленке   Крупнейший в мире туристический сайт Tripadvisor ищет Director of Product (Experiences).   Role summary:
Company is looking for a Director of Product to guide the product strategy and development of company`s business lines. This role has a highly visibility set of responsibilities, including owning the product strategy and overseeing the work. The Director will report to the GM of Experiences and work closely with other senior leaders to develop category specific marketing strategies and help launch new direct to consumer products.   What You'll Do:
Lead and mentor a team of 6+ product managers in driving business value through hypothesis-driven development processes
Lead and define Experience product strategy across all facets of the business including supply, UI and UX enhancements, and recommendations/personalization
Manage multiple, concurrent initiatives in various phases of ideation, execution, and delivery across desktop, mobile web, and mobile app
Develop operational efficiency to bring the highest quality products to market in the least amount of time
Ownership of e-commerce product funnel with an emphasis on driving conversion growth projects and ultimately, topline revenue
Develop deep partnership with teams of marketers, engineers, designers, researchers, and analysts to uncover insights and opportunities that shape your strategy and prioritization
Product management predominantly within Experiences with some integration across all TA business lines including TA Plus   Technical Skills:
10+ years of consumer product experience, 4-7 years of ecommerce/direct-to-consumer experience, 5 years of people management experience
BA/BS degree or equivalent; MBA or technical degree a plus
Drive the Experiences product vision to be shared across the company; define and develop the product roadmap for which you and your team will be held accountable
Experience applying hypothesis-driven development processes and driving user growth and engagement through experimentation, iteration, and learning
Excellent analytical and commercial experience - a track record of driving business value via effective product stewardship, understanding business impact, and making data-driven decisions
Strong communication both written and verbal
Strong presentation skills with experience communicating product strategies and tradeoffs to diverse audiences   Leadership Skills:
Someone who can balance strategic leadership with execution discipline and is comfortable being involved in both
Extensive experience and comfort with change management; experience with large-scale organizational change efforts
Someone who thrives in face paced environment and embraces a growth mindset
Experience building, growing, and managing strong teams - strategic hiring, coaching, and development of entry-level through senior product managers
Ability to lead and influence all levels of an organization   Внимание! Для отклика на вакансию нужен VPN.
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"Хороший наёмный менеджер начинает искать новую работу в первый день новой работы"
...из Кодекса хорошего наёмного менеджера