Вакансии для хороших наёмных менеджеров

Директор в инновационный центр Тюменский технопарк
22 марта 2021
Департамент инвестиционной политики и государственной поддержки предпринимательства Тюменской области объявляет о старте конкурсного отбора на должность Директора Тюменского технопарка.   Новому директору Тюменского технопарка предстоит определить стратегию развития учреждения, создать из него умную лабораторию, где апробируются самые современные технологии в сфере нефтегазовой и нефтехимической промышленности, а также цифровых решений для бизнеса, организовать профессиональный инновационный консалтинг и поддержку стартапов.   Знания, навыки и компетенции для участия в конкурсе: Высшее образование (предпочтительно: экономика, управление предприятием, инновационный менеджмент, управление проектами).
Опыт руководителем в сфере экономики (инфраструктура государственной поддержки, институт развития, венчурный фонд и др.) Или бизнеса не менее – 3 лет.
Опыт руководства коллективом более 20 человек.
К компетенции руководителя учреждения относятся вопросы осуществления текущего руководства деятельностью учреждения.
Преимуществом является опыт привлечения инвестиций в бизнес-проекты (стартапы), в сопровождении инвестиционного процесса и организации сделок.   Целевая аудитория, с которой предметно работает руководитель, – это: Технологические предприниматели и инвесторы, что требует понимания специфики данной категории людей;
Институты развития, экосистемы инноваций, венчурные фонды;
Индустриальные партнеры и корпорации
Вузы и научные центры;
Государственные учреждения.   Направления работы: Разработка и реализация дорожных карт программы инвестиционного развития Тюменской области по направлениям «Нефтепромышленный кластер», «Нефтехимия и переработка полимеров»;
Отработка модели работы нефтепромышленного кластера;
Привлечение технологических компаний из других регионов;
Привлечение средств федеральных институтов развития: НИОКР (постановление правительства РФ №1649), цифровая промышленность (постановление правительства РФ № 529), РФРИТ, в бизнес-проекты компаний Тюменской области;
Привлечение средств федеральных институтов развития: Фонд содействия инновациям, фонд «Сколково». Открытие представительств федеральных институтов на инфраструктуре технопарка (РВК, НТИ, ФРИИ и др.);
Привлечение федеральных средств по поддержке производства и реализации пилотных партий продукции (постановление правительства РФ №634), участников кластеров (постановление правительства РФ №41), радиоэлектроники (постановления правительства РФ №109 и №110);
Разработка сервиса по работе с российскими и зарубежными венчурными фондами;
Привлечение региональных и федеральных ИТ-компаний в Тюменскую область;
Развитие востребованных, коммерческих направлений в деятельности технопарка.   Руководитель: Организует работу автономного учреждения;
Действует без доверенности от имени автономного учреждения;
Заключает договоры, в том числе трудовые;
Утверждает должностные обязанности работников автономного учреждения;
Выдает доверенности, совершает иные юридические действия;
Утверждает план финансово-хозяйственной деятельности автономного учреждения и регламентирующие деятельность автономного учреждения внутренние документы;
Утверждает штатное расписание автономного учреждения;
Применяет к работникам автономного учреждения меры дисциплинарного взыскания и поощрения в соответствии с действующим законодательством Российской Федерации;
Делегирует свои права заместителям, распределяет между ними обязанности;
В пределах своей компетенции издает приказы, дает распоряжения и указания, обязательные для всех работников автономного учреждения;
Руководит курируемыми подразделениями;
Решает иные вопросы, отнесенные законодательством Российской Федерации, Тюменской области к компетенции руководителя автономного учреждения.   Дополнительные преимущества кандидата: Цифровые навыки (digital skills, hard skills). Пользователь ПК: msword, Excel, powerpoint, Internet, Directum, основы Adobe Photoshop, управление проектами.
Знание английского языка (средний уровень).
Опыт стратегического планирования. Способность принимать нестандартные управленческие решения. Прогнозирование, визионерство, стремление к инновациям.
Личные качества: ответственность, лидерство, гибкость, коммуникабельность, эрудиция, оптимизм, мотивация, креативность, требовательность.   Конкурс проводится в четыре этапа: Сбор откликов и резюме — с 22 марта по 9 апреля 2021 года;
Изложение в свободной форме (сочинение, эссе, презентация) собственного видения развития Тюменского технопарка — с 22 марта по 9 апреля 2021 года;
Анализ резюме, определение лучших, проведение интервью с соискателями — с 9 по 14 апреля 2021 года;
Очный однодневный ассессмент-центр в г. Тюмени — в период с 14 по 16 апреля 2021 года.
Product marketing manager в пятизвездочный курорт Mriya Resort & SPA (Крым, Ялта)
22 марта 2021
Крым, Ялта
В пятизвездочном курорте Mriya Resort & SPA открыта роль Product marketing manager‘а.   Задачи:
Составляет медиапланы, работает с продвижением (online, offline)
Составляет портреты ЦА, разрабатывает УТП, CJM проекта
Разрабатывает совместно с командой креативные концепции рекламных кампаний, рекламные материалы (визуал, тексты)
Ставит ТЗ по разработке сайта, рекламным материалам, развитию SMM проекта: IT, дизайнеру, SMM специалисту
Анализирует эффективность рекламных кампаний совместно с интернет маркетологом   Компания ищет профессионала, который:
Уровень middle
Имеет опыт в маркетинге
Имеет опыт работы с большими бюджетами
Понимает специфику премиум сегмента
Умеет зарабатывать для компании
Хочет жить у моря   Условия:
Фултайм, комфортный офис с видом на море
Масштабный проект с интересными задачами
Конкурентная заработная плата, расширенный соц. пакет + компенсация проживания и переезда в Крым.
Продюсер для производства подкастов и YouTube к Василию Эсманову
22 марта 2021
Василий Эсманов — основатель издательского дома Look At Media, сайта о молодежной и визуальной культуре Look At Me, городской газеты The Village, онлайн-журнала FurFur, проекта о предпринимателях нового типа Hopes&Fears и сайта для современных российских женщин Wonderzine, находится в поиске Продюсера для производства подкастов и YouTube.   Что нужно делать?
Работать с гостями, в том числе искать героев
Готовить съемки и организовывать процесс
Иметь базовый навык работы со звукозаписывающей техникой и видео (суперпрофи быть не нужно, но нужно будет иногда физически присутствовать, кнопки нажимать, в камеру смотреть).
Контролировать пост-продакшн: от монтажа до выпуска в сеть
Работать с внешними подрядчиками.
Associate Director, Business Intelligence, Russia/CIS в международную консалтинговую компанию Control Risks
22 марта 2021
международная компания
Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах.    An international consulting company Control Risks is currently recruiting an Associate Director, Business Intelligence, Russia/CIS.   The Associate Director of Business Intelligence in Russia/CIS is responsible for the day-to-day management and profit growth of the intelligence team that covers Russia, CIS and Israel. You will lead a culturally and linguistically diverse team in our office in Moscow to ensure that we consistently and continually improve the: (a) quality and relevance of our business intelligence consulting; and (b) the recruitment, training and management of our colleagues. The role requires a mixture of internally-focused pipeline and team management, and externally-focused client management and business development. The core deliverables you will be responsible for are: pre-relationship or pre-investment due diligence; business intelligence around transactions and our clients’ competitive landscapes; post-transaction problem solving and litigation support; and asset identification searches. You will be working for a wide-range of corporates, financial institutions and investors, and their legal advisors, from around the world.   The position’s core responsibilities are:
Developing an inclusive, collaborative high performing team
Implementing high quality on-boarding of new recruits and training of existing team members
Playing a lead role designing and implementing our business intelligence strategy and innovating our services with other senior colleagues
Managing the pipeline and delivery of the team’s business intelligence projects
Playing a lead role in winning business intelligence projects inside and outside Russia/CIS
Overseeing the achievement of profit targets for the Russia business intelligence practice
Monitoring and meeting the team’s compliance requirements   Tasks and Responsibilities
Foster an inclusive, collaborative environment in a culturally and linguistically diverse team in Moscow.
Improve, implement and periodically review on-boarding training for new team members.
Identify skills gaps in the team and address this through recruitment and/ or training alongside other colleagues and external advisors.
Set appropriate and consistent objectives for team members of different seniority.
Improve, implement and periodically review open source research, intelligence skills and client management training for existing team members.
Ensure that the team’s legal and compliance requirements are understood and adhered to, including the implementation of associated training.  Ensure capability statements address our clients’ business intelligence requirements in Russia, CIS and Israel, and clearly demonstrate our experience and differentiators in the market.
Ensure proposals focus on our clients’ requirements and our ability to meet them, and that our proposals stay ahead of the market by incorporating clients’ feedback and service innovation.
Lead more complicated business intelligence projects in Russia, CIS and Israel, and multi-jurisdictional projects that stretch outside these jurisdictions, with other senior colleagues.
Manage the team’s output to ensure consistently high standards of quality and client-relevance are met.
Collaborate with your peers in other business intelligence practices to ensure our clients’ requirements for integrated risk management consultancy are met.
Client management and business development
Closely manage a number of existing clients that are regular consumers of business intelligence and grow these relationships within business intelligence and other services.
Work as an interface between clients and Control Risks’ consulting teams to provide solutions to complex issues, mainly involving regulatory and political risks, and complex problem-solving.
Identify and secure new client relationships through pro-active business development efforts.
Represent Control Risks at events and other business development functions in coordination with other senior members of the team and broader regional management.
Collaborate with other regional business intelligence teams on global business development initiatives.   Knowledge and Experience
The candidates invited to interview will demonstrate evidence of leading a team delivering business intelligence or a related discipline, with a particular emphasis on the following indicators:
Experience monitoring and analysing political, regulatory and business developments in Russia, the CIS and preferably Israel.
Extensive understanding of how governments, agencies, regulators, and businesses – and the key individuals therein – interact and operate in Russia and the across the region, and deep appreciation of challenges and issues faced by investors, corporates and banks navigating this environment.
Ability to communicate nuances and find solutions in a risk-aware and pragmatic way.
Identifying skills gaps and addressing this through recruitment or training.
Mentoring, developing and retaining high-performing team members.
Professional experience delivering quality written and verbal advice, analysis or information on complex topics to business audiences in Russian and English.
Integration and inclusion in recruitment, management and communication practices.
Developing a trusted advisor relationship with senior-decision makers within clients in Russia and other countries.   Qualifications and specialist skills
Graduate degree or equivalent.
Full native fluency in Russian and professional fluency in English.
Hebrew fluency an advantage but not a necessity.
Excellent communication, listening and negotiation skills.
Advanced analytical and report writing skills.
Close attention to detail.
Ability to multi-task and manage multiple commitments under time pressure.
Demonstrable strong people management skills.
Methodical approach and strong project management skills.
Demonstrable commercial acumen when planning and pricing projects in terms of time, resources and outcomes.
An “executive presence” to work with high-level clients, gaining their trust and confidence.
Strong network of professional contacts within Russia, CIS and Israel.   Внимание! Для отклика на вакансию нужен VPN
Менеджер по продукту в аптечную сеть Ригла
22 марта 2021
В аптечную сеть Ригла требуется Менеджер по продукту.   Обязанности:
Управление развитием продукта (сайт / мобильное приложение);
Формирование решений на основании запросов внутренних заказчиков;
Формирование дорожной карты;
Ведение статусов проектов;
Ведение оценки рынка.   Требования:
Высшее образование;
Опыт работы в интернет-продажах / диджитал;
Знание SCRUM – менеджмент, Jira, Confluence, GA;
Навыки управления проектами;
Коммуникабельность, умение работать в команде, честность.   Условия:
Работа в крупной амбициозной компании — лидере рынка в своей отрасли;
Полное соблюдение ТК РФ, официальная » белая» заработная плата;
Пятидневная рабочая неделя с 9:15 до 18:00.
Director of Quality в manufacturing service Combi Works (в Хельсинки)
22 марта 2021
Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах.   Combi Works is a leading manufacturing service provider that has developed the Factory as a Service concept. It has two business segments, Construction and Tailored manufacturing. Now the company is looking for a Director of Quality.   The quality director needs to lead a cross functional and multinational team of professionals to grow our market position and new service models to develop the circular economy aspects of our business as well as extending the product life.   Responsibility areas:
Developing the Quality process and project quality follow-up
Supplier audit and supplier categorization
Procurement planning and categorization from quality perspective
Production and quality
Production technology support   Qualifications:
University degree in engineering
Language skills: fluent English (bonus to know Finnish, Swedish, Russian and other languages).
C-level and managerial work experience for 5+ years
Experience within manufacturing in infrastructure or construction industry
Manufacturing and quality standard experience (ISO, EN, Six sigma etc.)
Quality and precision oriented mindset and willingness to seek new solutions
Organizational skills and ability to conceptual thinking.
Experience in new product and business model development
Supply chain and manufacturing experience
Networking skills.   Внимание! Для отклика на вакансию нужен VPN
Account Executive менеджер в международное PR агентство Grayling
22 марта 2021
международная компания
Международное PR агентство Grayling ищет Account Executive менеджера.   Требования:
Опыт работы в PR от полугода.
Грамотный русский и свободный английский.
Хорошие коммуникативные способности.
Опыт работы с Медиалогией.
Знание офисных программ (Word, Ехсеl, Power Point).
Аналитические способности для поиска информации и составления отчетов.   Условия: Заработная плата — по итогам собеседования.
Менеджер по развитию бренда нового курорта на рифовом острове в Le Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa (на Мальдивы)
22 марта 2021
релокация зарубеж
Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах.   An exciting opportunity to build your career as a Marketing & Communications Manager within a new resort Maldives Resort & Spa based on Le Méridien island.   Set in a picturesque corner of Lhaviyani Atoll nestled on Thilamaafushi Island, Le Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa is a canvas inspired by the formation of the Atolls, fringing reefs and marine life. Defined as Reef Island in local parlance, Thilamaafushi Island is the quintessence of the Maldives. Spanning nine hectares, Thilamaafushi is an eco-conscious haven abundant with indigenous flora and fauna and is enveloped by a shimmering lagoon and coral reefs bursting with marine life.   Education and Experience Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university in Marketing, Business Administration, Hotel and Restaurant Management, or related major.
Minimum three years’ experience in a similar role within luxury hotels and resorts in an international setting.
English as a first language is a must. Secondary languages including Cantonese, Mandarin, Russian, German etc. are desired but not necessary.   To fulfil this position, the candidate must possess the following minimum requirements and experience: Education/Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, business, or related fields.
Experience: Minimum three years’ experience in a similar role within luxury hotels and resorts or PR, digital, social media, or advertising agency.
Language: English as a first language is a must. Secondary languages including Cantonese, Mandarin, Russian, German etc. are desired but not necessary.
Computer skills: Superior creative skills, with solid copywriting, design experience and excellent knowledge of Microsoft office suite of products and possess experience in working with content for desktop, web and mobile and be proficient in the following:
Videography and editing — example: Adobe Premiere Element 10
Photography skills and editing — example: Adobe Photoshop CS6
Graphic design — example: InDesign
Proficient ability to use data and metrics to support strategic recommendations.
Able to work under pressure as well as multi-task.
Entrepreneurial with strong initiative.
Sensitivity and ability to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of information, protect the assets of the Company, act with ethics and integrity, and adhere to the resort’s policies and procedures. Mathematical Reasoning — Demonstrates ability to add, subtract, multiply, or divide quickly, correctly, and in a way that allows one to solve work-related issues.
Oral Comprehension — Demonstrates ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences.
Reading Comprehension — Demonstrates understanding of written sentences and paragraphs in work-related documents.
Writing — Communicates effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.
Mathematical Reasoning — Demonstrates ability to add, subtract, multiply, or divide quickly, correctly, and in a way that allows one to solve work-related issues.
Oral Comprehension — Demonstrates ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences.
Reading Comprehension — Demonstrates understanding of written sentences and paragraphs in work-related documents.
Writing — Communicates effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.   Rework activities Promote the resort’s facilities and services including food and beverage, on-property programming, brand programming, excursions / recreations and spa.
Develop a key message bank of resort key messages for all segments of the business to be used for all channels, but not limited to sales, online and offline, web, sales partners and the like.
Development of food & beverage logo and style guides for the resort’s food & beverage outlets.
Develops leisure marketing plan that addresses the distribution of rate offers, packages and programs designed to build occupancy.
Ongoing content development in support of sales team requirements and the resort’s social media channels.
Maintains, updates, and manages owned media channels including the Le Meridien social media, property site, OTAS and sales partner channels.
Coordinate online newsletters, collateral (online and offline), fact sheets, flyers/PDFs, sales presentations, food and beverage menus, ensuring consistent messaging, Le Meridien tone of voice and style guides for Le Meridien and F and B outlets are adhered to.
Collaborate with the Director of Sales & Marketing to strategize and drive forward a holistic content strategy which includes customer-focused internal and customer-facing global content positioning Le Meridien as the resort of choice in the Maldives. Align and manage the Marketing and Communications Coordinator to execute said strategy via owned media channels.
Develop a content calendar of storytelling, aligned to the resort’s key pillars – leverage the development of the creative newsroom.
Ensuring social media is scheduled on a monthly basis, as approved by the Director of Sales and Marketing. Review monthly scheduling prior to sending to the Director of Sales and Marketing for final approval. Ensure the resort’s key messages and brand pillars are accounted for in the plan and presented in an authentic and engaging manner, aligned to Le Meridien Hotels & Resort’s tone of voice.
As directed by the Director of Sales and Marketing, identify any media / influencer opportunities to be leveraged to drive social engagement – i.e. Instagram takeovers, content collaboration opportunities, guest ‘blog’ writer for the microsite etc. and the like – must ensure rich visual and compelling storytelling.
As directed by the Director of Sales & Marketing develop unique, novel and trendsetting content that can be used for sales / marketing and PR purposes including video and photography that will position Le Meridien Maldives Resort & Spa at the forefront of the client and customers mind-set.
Respond to reviews within 24 hours on review sites including but not limited to TripAdvisor, Google, Booking.com and Expedia, ensuring response rate is no less than 90%.
Proactively respond to Facebook reviews, direct messages and comments and Instagram comments and direct messages within 1 to 3 hours (where possible) ensuring the response rate is no less than 90%.
Monitor FlyerTalk posts, sentiment and respond to posts where required.
Manage the resort’s TripAdvisor and Google business listing, ensuring content is factually correct and best represents the resort for conversion.
Coordinate a monthly reputation management report attached to the social media insights report. Report to give an overview of review consumer feedback from sites including TripAdvisor, Google, Booking.com, Expedia, Facebook reviews and FlyerTalk. Monthly report to be distributed to director of sales and marketing, Marcoms manager and general manager.
Ensure company protocol is followed for online reputation issues and propose suggestions to maintain brand image in the digital realm.
Conduct regular content audits ensuring the resort’s content is up to date.
Where directed work collaboratively with nominated public relations agencies.
Coordination of all media and influencer FAM trips on-property including logistics, itinerary setting and collaboration with operations to execute accordingly.
Communication of on-property media opportunities to global PR agencies, where applicable.
Proactively develop a creative newsroom of ‘off-the-shelf’ stories and content for media pitching and the social media calendar.
Management of local media relationships including sharing news and pitching resort stories.
Copywriting and development of media briefs, pitches and factsheets as and when required by internal and external stakeholders.
Maintain the resort’s press kit, ensuring it is constantly updated with the latest information.
Develop and manage a FAM trip tracker to ensure tracking of all FAM trips and subsequent deliverables / ROI.
Manage the resort’s coverage tracker and master media, and influencer list, ensuring record keeping, evaluation and ROI for all generated coverage.
Monthly media reporting to be shared with the director of sales and marketing detailing coverage yielded, PR agency performance and activities and recommendations for the media strategy.
Attend PR agency calls and assist with determination of agency requirements.
Support the resort’s reputation management strategy via awards including the submission (including process management) of the resort into relevant awards as directed by the director of sales and marketing.
Drive forward special events (Le Meridien brand programming, Festive, Easter, Orthodox Christmas etc.), creative collaborations and partnerships as required.
Evaluates new marketing opportunities for the property.
Ensures property is represented on all quality websites that have the potential of providing business.
Works closely with respective tourism partners.
Uses and interprets all reporting necessary for sound marketing recommendations, including but not limited to DMA source market reports, past guest lists (utilizing leisure rate codes) and tracking.
Reviews and provides analysis on all website and email campaign tracking, for both individual property sites as well as corporate email campaign results and Marriott.com property reports.
Supports in the development of a strategic marketing plan for property, includes group, leisure and local efforts.
Plans and supervises all photo shoots, developing shot list while keeping goals of property and brand image in mind.
Identifies and communicates with distribution channels that can sell distress inventory to drive property occupancy.
Provides all sales channels with creative and unique tools to assist in the sales and marketing of the property.
Develop creative and effective storytelling and news distribution to internal and external stakeholders, including sales partners and the GSO teams to position and promote the resort’s happenings, offers and the like – ensuring Le Meridien Maldives Resort & Spa is top of mind to all key partners.
Acts as liaison between corporate and the resort in rolling out programs and making sure the resort is taking advantage of all opportunities provided through corporate.
Works with company approved media buyer to plan and execute advertising, where applicable and as directed by the director sales and marketing.
Assists property in developing promotions for various campaigns, keeping in mind strategy and goals of promotion as well as Look No Further prerequisites. Assists director sales and marketing with materials, tracking/analysis and presentations to internal and external stakeholders including but not limited to corporate office and resort ownership.
Acts on behalf of property with all vendors, exacting a balance between quality work and price, requesting estimates and approving all materials as needed.
Keeps detailed files and records on all matters relative to property’s marketing materials (photo usage rights, vendor contracts, etc.).
Manage and track all sales and marketing invoices, ensuring they are tracked through to payment.
Adaptability – Develops strategies and identifies resources to implement and manage change; models flexibility in adjusting priorities; and communicates the need for change in a positive way that encourages commitment.
Communication — Actively listens and uses appropriate communication styles to deliver complex information in a clear concise way and influences others to accept a point of view, gain consensus, or take action.
Problem Solving and Decision Making — Models and sets expectations for solving complex problems, collecting and comparing information to evaluate alternatives, considering their potential impact before making decisions, involving others to gain agreement and support, and guiding others to implement solutions.
Professional Demeanor — Exhibits behavioral styles that convey confidence and command respect from others; makes a good first impression and represents the company in alignment with its values.
Building and Contributing to Teams — Leads and participates as a member of a team to move the team toward the completion of common goals while fostering cohesion and collaboration among team members.
Driving for Results — Focuses and guides others in accomplishing work objectives.
Planning and Organizing — Gathers information and resources required to set a plan of action for self and/or others; prioritizes and arranges work requirements self and/or others to accomplish goals and ensure work is completed.
Coworker Relationships — Develops and uses collaborative relationships to facilitate the accomplishment of work goals.
Customer Relationships — Develops and sustains relationships based on an understanding of customer needs and actions consistent with the company’s service standards.
Global Mindset — Supports employees and business partners with diverse styles, abilities, motivations, and/or cultural perspectives; utilizes differences to drive innovation, engagement and enhance business results; and ensures employees are given the opportunity to contribute to their full potential.
Organizational Capability — Evaluates and adapts the structure of organizational units, jobs, and work processes to best fit the needs and/or support the goals of an organizational unit.
Talent Management — Provides guidance and feedback to help individuals develop and strengthen skills and abilities needed to accomplish work objectives.   Внимание! Для отклика на вакансию нужен VPN
PR Manager Corporate&Brand в HONOR
22 марта 2021
крутая компания
Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах   One of the world’s leading manufacturers of smartphones, laptops, wearables and audio devices HONOR is looking to hire a 
PR Manager Corporate&Brand.
  As a PR Manager you will focus on External Corporate & Brand PR and work in Honor brand Marketing Department. Your responsibilities will be:
· Corporate external communication strategy creating and execution, including CSR program and corporate communications initiatives that support the business’ key strategic goals;
· Growing our corporate brand through content creation that showcases our brand story;
· Crisis communications management by working to prepare replies as needed and/or directly managing issue conversation;
· Support to coordinate critical enterprise communications to assure information released on time to all stakeholders and media;
· Ability to manage the end-to-end campaign delivery process from brief to results analysis;
· Analyze the brand media presence and all the key competitors;
· Monitor trends, cases and activities of the main competitors on behalf of media presence;
· Communicating with TIER 1 media on behalf of brand on a daily basis;
· Initiating interviews, comments, columns and other publications with TOP media;
· Real time PR topics searching, creating ideas, pitching with media;
· Support trade marketing, social media and advertising activities through all PR channels in frame of real time PR approach;
· Creating the news breaks and pitch with the media;
· Media mapping and leading loyalty program;
· Build strong and long-term relationships with the journalists;
· Ability to create non-standard ideas dedicated to the product launches and its execution;
· Special projects & other creative PR projects (PR stunts, surveys, CSR campaigns, etc.) management from brief to report analysis;
· Ability to correct and rewrite any PR related materials, including press releases, articles, speeches, columns, comments, statement and others dedicated to the brand / company;
· Assist in organization of events such as press conferences, exhibitions, press tours and others;
· Agency management, maintain and coordinate day-to-day work with the agency, control agency’s results and achievements;
· Check/control or prepare from the beginning reports and statuses;
· Document flow: acceptance, campaign management.   Attributes
· A bachelor’s degree or above (PR or journalist preferably);
· At least over 5 years of relevant experience;
· Corporate & Product PR experience, internal communications as a bonus;
· Crisis management experience;
· Experience in IT & e-commerce companies with relevant experience as a bonus;
· Extensive experience in media relations and a strong network of high level media contacts;
· Strong relations with journalists from business, general interest, news wires (all required) and others media, IT as a bonus;
· Excellent written and verbal communications skills both in Russian and English;
· Strong command of the English language (Advanced or above);
· Creative and non-standard approach with critical thinking abilities;
· Detailed project management skills;
· Self-motivated, possess a positive team-player attitude and passionate about consumer technology;
· Skilled in multi-tasking, delivering under timelines, adapting quickly to change;
· Proven ability to understand business challenges and formulate effective communications strategies that support the audience needs and business goals;
· Professional knowledge of Microsoft Office (strong Excel, Word and PPT skills is a must).   Conditions
· Working time: 5/2 since 9.30 a.m. to 18.00 p.m. (remotely in quarantine time);
· Location: Business center Krylatskiy Hills;
· Opportunity for professional growth and career development;
· Competitive salary;
· Mobile phone allowance.   Внимание! Для отклика на вакансию нужен VPN
CRM Директор в Л'Этуаль
22 марта 2021
Сеть магазинов парфюмерии и косметики Л’Этуаль открывает конкурс на вакансию CRM Директор.   Обязанности:
Формирование и выполнение стратегического плана развития клиентской базы
Управление программой лояльности (Базовые правила, Акции, Клубы, Сегментированные и Персональные предложения)
Управление отделом клиентского опыта (Call-центр, Чат-бот, NPS, CSI)
Разработка и внедрение системы KPI монетизации клиентской базы в digital-каналах
Контроль бюджета и KPI монетизации клиентской базы (LTV, CAC, Частота покупки)
Управление стеком CRM систем (SAS Campaign Management, SAS Miner, SAS VA, SAS VS, SAS CI 360)
Управление развитием клиентской базы
Внедрение программы проектов изменения программы лояльности
Развитие digital-каналов коммуникации с клиентами
Развитие прямых продаж   Требования:
Опыт работы в должности CRM-директора / Руководителя направления программ лояльности ритейл-кампании / E-commerce-кампании / Банка с клиентской базой не менее 4 млн клиентов
Глубокие знания и опыт работы с разными видами сегментации клиентской базы
Опыт построения и управления командами аналитиков
Опыт разработки и внедрения стратегий монетизации клиентской базы
Успешные проекты внедрения программ лояльности
Успешные внедрения кросс-функциональных проектов
Опыт работы с промышленными CRM-системами (SAS, SAP, Oracle, Microsoft и пр.)
Опыт бюджетирования и оценки эффективности CRM-кампаний
Управление командами более 15 сотрудников
Специализированное математические, экономическое или техническое
Дополнительное образование в области маркетинга будет плюсом
Дополнительное образование в области Data Mining методов анализа будет плюсом
Обязательны аналитически и высокие математические навыки
Активная жизненная позиция, инициативности
Высокая стрессоустойчивость
Адаптивность   Условия:
5/2 рабочая неделя. Гибкий график. Возможность совмещения режима очной и удаленной работы
Корпоративная связь
Заработная плата обсуждается с успешным кандидатом
Место работы – современный офис рядом со ст.м.Нахимовский проспект.
Подписка на вакансии
"Хороший наёмный менеджер начинает искать новую работу в первый день новой работы"
...из Кодекса хорошего наёмного менеджера