
Вакансии для хороших наёмных менеджеров

Skyeng Kids Spain
24 июля 2019
SkyEng ищет руководителя проекта Skyeng Kids Spain , который не только с нуля запустит проект Kids в Испании, построит инфраструктуру, соберет команду, но и достигнет результата в количестве 300 новых учеников к концу 2019 года.    Какие будут стоять задачи:
  • Сформировать стратегию развития проекта в рамках горизонтали Kids с учетом рынка образования в Испании;
  • Выстроить тактический план действий на месяц/ квартал /год;
  • Собрать функциональную команду проекта, которой можно доверять: внутренние сотрудники Skyeng , внешние подрядчики, фрилансеры;
  • На основе анализа рынка региона и возможностей компании сформировать образовательный продукт для Kids, быстро запускать тесты, проверять гипотезы
  • Выделить таргетные каналы продвижения
  • Выстраивать отношения с партнерами;
  • Оценивать эффективность своей работы, выполнять опережающие и результирующие показатели.
  • Знаешь испанский язык на уровне не ниже C1;
  • У тебя есть опыт от 2-х лет в управлении Digital/IT проектами;
  • Имеешь опыт запуска с нуля новых образовательных продуктов — желательно;
  • знаешь про рынок английского языка для детей в Испании или можешь провести быстрый анализ — желательно;
  • Ты-проактивен и не ждешь указаний от руководства, а сам предлагаешь решения и их реализуешь;
  • Ты-быстро учишься и умеешь молниеносно сориентироваться в новой ситуации и быть эффективным в условиях высокой неопределенности;
  • Ты- решителен, принимаешь решения и умеешь нести ответственность за них;
  • Ты-системно мыслишь, грамотно планируешь свою работу, даешь конструктивную обратную связь.
  Что мы предлагаем?
  • Работу в крупной современной компании в сфере EdTech, где ценят каждого сотрудника и его идеи;
  • Достойный уровень заработной платы и возможность увеличить совокупный доход, выполняя метрики и результирующие показатели;
  • Демократичную корпоративную культуру, где ты можешь получить большую зону ответственности и самостоятельно реализовывать амбициозные проекты;
  • Мощную прокачку твоих скиллов и личного бренда;
  • Работу где угодно — можно из дома, а можно в нашем уютном офисе на Таганке.;
  • Повлиять на сферу образования;
  • Получить опыт запуска международных проектов. 
  Откликаться Нури n.rustamkyzy@skyeng.ru
Visa Direct Cross-border Manager
24 июля 2019
Visa Direct Cross-border Manager filling this role will be a key team member of the CEMEA Push Payment commercialization group which is building the infrastructure to drive the Visa Direct exponential growth. The successful candidate will lead the Push Payments Cross Border P2P strategy, execution and implementation, with responsibility for the development and commercialization of new mobile and digital payment solutions and the management of push payment solutions within the RUSSIA sub-region. The solutions have to be deployed keeping in mind the evolving market, client and consumer needs and protection with the objective of driving significant future payment volume growth for Visa in the market. The role holder must possess a unique blend of strategic thinking, product management, project management, stakeholder management and implementation skills as well have an intimate understanding of payments, mobile technology, processing, back-end banking systems, consumer behavior and Visa’s business.   Immediate focus is on remittances to/from RUSSIA — CIS-SEE corridor, expanding to other corridors like , Europe, UK, AP,etc. We are in the early stages of identifying and prioritizing new products and product characteristics to better meet remittance payment needs. The candidate must have prior experience of large scale technology/ remittance payment product roll-outs, the ability to communicate commercially whilst being able to dive into technical detail as required and the ability to collaborate successfully across the region, with client executives, technology partners and non-traditional partners.   Push Payments Subject Matter Expert
Be the business and technical subject matter expert for Push Payments for RUSSIA sub-region.
Develop and manage processes and programs to support Visa’s entrance & expansion into the cross border/Remittances Push Payments use cases, with focus on enabling market players, ensuring fast fund readiness and authorization rates in the required corridors.
Collaborate and provide input to the regional Push Payments team on the development of the product vision, strategy, requirements gathering, functional design and technical roadmap.
Educate and inform Visa Staff, Clients and Partners on Push Payment benefits, complexities, opportunities, architecture and implementation.
Work with legal and business stakeholders to operationalize and implement regulatory requirements for expanding cross border solutions in the RUSSIA region
Maintain the integrity of the product design while ensuring the correct solutions are being developed by clients and partners.
Provide regular and ad hoc reporting as required to the Regional and Global Push Payments team.
Be the “go to” person within RUSSIA sub-region for all Push Payments matters.   Engagements and Solutions Delivery
Program manage client Push Payment projects including project solution design, planning, implementation and commercialization.
Work to localize the product where needed through coordination with the product team to create the best experience possible for cardholders and clients
Bring deep specialist subject matter expertise to bear in working with clients to develop the push payments business case and technical solution.
Collaborate with the x-functional Visa teams, including product, marketing, communications, acceptance, consulting and the country management to engage clients, provide the right solution and ultimately commercialize push payment solutions to drive incremental payment volume to Visa.   Solutions planning and design
Facilitate the planning and design of push payment solutions to client requirements.
Understand market trends and requirements and provide feedback to the Global and Regional Push Payments team for solutions that need to be produced by the hub team. Produce applicable solutions locally if warranted.
Import and disseminate knowledge of cross border solutions from the Global and Regional Push Payments team within the broader CEMEA team.     Qualifications Professional
  • Bachelor of business or engineering
  • Minimum 7 to 8 years’ experience with a significant tenure involved in payments and technology, with a strong understanding of the cross border regional payments landscape.
  • Experience in global money movement & remittance products
  • Prior experience in money changers and money transfer organizations is a plus
  • Experience working in compliance or heavily regulated product industry, with product knowledge of KYC and AML requirements in the remittance industry
  • Global or multi-national business experience strongly preferred
  • Strong academic credentials, with relevant undergraduate degree and MBA or graduate degree strongly preferred
  • Superior analytical and problem solving skills, with demonstrated intellectual and analytical rigor.
  • Must be team oriented, collaborative, diplomatic, and influential, flexible, with superb presentation skills, including strong oral and writing capabilities.
  • Experience and in-depth knowledge of the payments industry, in particular experience in managing remittance payments projects.
  • In-depth knowledge of mobile technology, processing and back-end banking systems.
  • Experience with product development methodology for technology products including direct involvement in the function design and technical implementation.
  • Experience of working with and understanding relevant government laws and regulations.
  • Expert level meeting and workshop facilitation skills
  • Self-starter and able to operate independently, without detailed direction
  • Detail orientated, expected to ensure the highest level of quality/rigor in solutions development and delivery
  • Multi-disciplinary thinking skills: creative, analytic, strategic
  • Relationship management skills particularly ability to influence and negotiate with senior executives.
  • Expert level Excel and PowerPoint
  • Excellent communicator.
  • Fluent in English &Russian, written and verbal skills
  Внимание! Для отклика по ссылке нужен VPN
Tatler ищет стажера/ассистента продюсера
24 июля 2019
Tatler ищет стажера/ассистента продюсера   Обязанности: – помощь продюсеру в организации журнальных съемок; – поиск локаций для съемок, составление портфолио локации, а также оформление необходимых документов и разрешения на проведение съемок; – поиск реквизита для съемок; – коммуникации с туристическими агентствами, авиакомпаниями, таможенными органами, транспортными агентствами, модельными агентствами и другими организациями для проведения съемок; – ведение деловой переписки, сопровождающей документации и финансовой отчетности; – выполнение других поручений продюсера.   Требования: – опыт работы в должности ассистента руководителя/секретаря в международной компании от года с высоким уровнем многозадачности; – грамотная устная и письменная речь; – уверенный пользователь Microsoft.   Условия: – ненормированный график работы; – полная занятость.   Откликнутся: AHramova@tatler.ru
Эксклюзивная вакансия (ищем только мы): CFO в средний растущий ритейлер
23 июля 2019
Эксклюзивная вакансия: ищем только мы. Известный отраслевой ритейлер, представляющий собой растущий средний бизнес, ищет финансового директора, который может управлять финансовой дирекцией и бухгалтерией одновременно (суммарно 15 человек) Важен опыт работы с банками, займами, кредитами. Хорошо понимающий в налогах, в себестоимости и в международных операциях. Идеален человек из средней или крупной компании, работающий на позиции заместителя финансового директора с хорошим английским и огромным желанием перейти на первую позицию. Не рассматриваются люди из гос.сектора, банков и крупных корпораций с численностью финансового департамента от 50 человек и выше. Резюме и рекомендации на  alena@vladimirskaya.com
Внештатный автор-искусствовед в аукцион современного искусства VLADEY
23 июля 2019
VLADEY приглашает к сотрудничеству внештатных авторов-искусствоведов со специализацией на российском современном искусстве.    Присылайте резюме и несколько ваших статей по этой теме, желательно не общетеоретических, а сфокусированных на анализе творчества и произведений конкретного художника. Пожалуйста, напишите художников или периоды, на которых вы больше специализируетесь. В резюме необходимо указать ставку, по которой вы работаете.    Резюме на почту team@vladey.net
Стажер в PR-отдел Яндекс Поиск
23 июля 2019
Яндекс ищет PR-стажера для работы в отделе Поиска и портала. Вам предстоит работать с Поиском, Браузером, голосовым помощником Алисой и устройствами, где она живет (Яндекс.Станцией и другими), Погодой, Районом, Персональными сервисами и с другими нашими сервисами. Вы подходите, если :
  • отлично ориентируетесь в медиатрендах и в информационной повестке, знаете блогеров, инфлюенсеров и каналы;
  • грамотно пишете;
  • знаете английский язык достаточно, чтобы изучать иностранные медиа;
  • умеете работать с контентом;
  • интересуетесь PR и digital-коммуникациями.
Вам предстоит:
  • вносить проактивные предложения по встраиванию сервисов Яндекса в информационную повестку дня, отслеживать тренды и потенциальные информационные поводы, публикации лидеров мнений и инфлюенсеров;
  • взаимодействовать с блогерами, селебрити, VK-пабликами, Telegram-каналами, журналистами и т. п.;
  • готовить текстовые материалы для различных каналов;
  • работать с базой СМИ;
  • работать на мероприятиях для СМИ и блогеров;
  • утверждать документы с партнерами и подрядчиками.
Откликаться по ссылке (внимание, обязательно на старте тестовое задание!)
HR директор в SILA SVETA
23 июля 2019
Знаменитая студия света и видео инсталляций Sila Sveta, сделавшая Вавилонскую башню на ВДНХ,  видеоинсталляцию для Met Gala, десяток космических презентаций Audi, Lamborghini, Samsung,  тура Дрейка Scorpion, LED-экраны посреди Таймс-сквер  ищет HR директора   Требования не описаны, зато описан бонус за выход человека по вашей рекомендации —  поездка на Dubai Expo с проживанием Bvlgari Hotel
General Manager, International Markets (Russian) iHerb
23 июля 2019
  iHerb is looking for a growth focused leader to drive market success in Customer growth and end-to-end Customer Experience. In this role, the General Manager, International Markets will be responsible for driving increases in new Customer Acquisition marketing, Customer Service, and localization of e-commerce content in Russia, Ukraine, and other Russian speaking markets.   Job Expectations
Market Lead — Drive executive leadership to deliver successful execution towards Russian market performance targets through functional team responsibilities including local marketing, local customer service, and localized content operations.
Acquisition Marketing — Lead the market growth of new Customer acquisition through efficient, measureable, and scalable marketing/advertising channels including paid advertising, paid social, CRM, on-site marketing, and referral/affiliate.
Marketing Platform Partnerships — Lead strategic business development activities to drive Customer and sales growth; partnerships across open marketplace, payment, shipping, affiliate network, mobile distribution, and other platforms.
Go-To-Market — Lead the end-to-end success of new marketing program launch; marketing/promotions, campaign localization, local program operations, customer service, and local market customer feedback.
Site Content & Marketing Campaign Design — Develop and continuously optimize iHerb e-commerce store content operations, marketing campaign localization, market pricing, and local promotion policy that is locally relevant and market competitive.
Customer Experience — Drive concerted improvements across iHerb e-commerce store content experience, Delivery service, and Customer Service to ensure a delightful end-to-end Customer experience.   Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Strong understanding of e-commerce industry and competitive landscape in Russian speaking markets.
Strong understanding of market Customer demand and behavior in the supplements, vitamins, and other health related natural product industry.
Track record of success building and developing high performing teams, driving execution towards quarterly/annual marketing growth targets.
Strong leadership behavior, sound judgement, great decision making capabilities, problem solving skills.
Strong combination of marketing, business development, marketing/site operations, and customer experience.
Fluency (verbal and written) in Russian and English languages.   Experience Requirements
15+ of experience in e-commerce business.
7+ years of e-commerce experience in Russian speaking markets.   Education Requirements
Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Finance, Science/Engineering, or related field or a combination of education and equivalent work experience. MBA preferred.   Внимание! Для отклика нужен VPN
Investment Manager at ITech Capital
22 июля 2019
Один из крупнейших и самых успешных  российских частных инвестиционных фондов ITech Capital ищет Investment Manager .   Responsibilities:
  • Origination of prospective investment opportunities
  • Research of industries, sectors and markets, identification of emerging trends
  • Analysis, screening and execution of investments in iTech portfolio
  • Valuation of prospective investment opportunities
  • Preparation of Investment Committee presentations
  • Ongoing work with portfolio companies
  • At least 3 years of relevant experience as Analyst/Associate/Manager (venture capital, private equity, investment banking or consulting experience is preferred)
  • Fluency in written and oral English and Russian
  • Strong quantitative and finance skills (with an emphasis on valuation and corporate finance)
  • Outstanding record of professional and academic achievement
  • Entrepreneurial mind-set and passion for startup technology-enabled businesses challenging the status quo
  • Exceptionally strong Excel and modeling skills are a must
  • Outstanding communication and presentation skills, advanced users of PowerPoint
  • A natural team player
  • High motivation and ability to take initiative, self-starters are preferred
  • High attention to detail and organizational skills
  About iTech Capital iTech Capital is a group of private equity funds with more than $200M of total assets under management. We back entrepreneurs worldwide applying technology to transform the industries. Our team invests at the Series A stage in rapidly growing businesses and provides partnership support to help companies to achieve their full potential. Our pioneer fund, iTech Fund I with $100M AUM, was established in 2011 and is fully invested with 9 companies in its portfolio and 4 successful exits. Second fund, iTech Fund II, has been launched in 2018 with a target size of $200M AUM and $5-10 USDM investment ticket. The fund is actively fundraising and seeking for new deals across such verticals as SaaS, AdTech, Online Travel, FinTech, Big Data, and Crypto Tech.
Country Manager Russia and Ukraine в Fircroft
22 июля 2019
Fircroft is currently recruiting for a Country Manager to be based in Moscow. A key deliverable of this role will include further consolidation of Fircroft’s prime position in the market through strategic management of existing and development of new revenue streams. The successful candidate will also be expected to ensure the company is operating in full compliance with existing legislation as well as timely delivery of financial and operational reports to the Regional Director and UK head office.    Responsibilities
  • Consolidating and ensuring optimum value delivery from existing business
  • Driving both high-level profit and profitability throughout the various revenue streams
  • Identifying new business opportunities and clearly communicating value proposition with a view to implementation over agreed time frames
  • Coordinating local sales and recruitment activity, ensuring motivation, productivity and results against agreed budgets
  • Prepare and approve commercial proposals for both new and existing clients
  • Actively promoting the Fircroft brand in Russia and Ukraine through maintaining sound relationships with clients and contractors
  • Be fully responsible for future resource planning against forecasted business growth
  • Ensuring first class communication and reporting to Regional Director to maintain optimum business efficiency
  • Managing Fircroft Russia & Ukraine office teams through appropriate coaching and mentoring in accordance with company policy and practices
  • Review existing operational processes to identifying improvements and better business efficiencies
  • Identifying additional staff requirements and managing the internal recruitment and hiring process
  • Establish and monitor key KPIs to ensure performance targets are achieved
    Qualifications & Key Attributes   Proven 6+years’ experience in recruitment and sales (preferably in the oil and gas industry) and/or large account relationship management
  • Fully understand the needs and expectations of our oil and gas clients who are some of the world’s largest organisations
  • Ability to multitask with good analytical and presentation skills
  • Russian native speaker and fluency in the English language both written and spoken
  • Strong networking skills
  • Dynamic, motivated and goal oriented
  • Analytical and solutions oriented
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Excellent communication/interpersonal skills
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