Visa Direct Cross-border Manager - Facancy

Visa Direct Cross-border Manager

24 июля 2019

Visa Direct Cross-border Manager filling this role will be a key team member of the CEMEA Push Payment commercialization group which is building the infrastructure to drive the Visa Direct exponential growth. The successful candidate will lead the Push Payments Cross Border P2P strategy, execution and implementation, with responsibility for the development and commercialization of new mobile and digital payment solutions and the management of push payment solutions within the RUSSIA sub-region. The solutions have to be deployed keeping in mind the evolving market, client and consumer needs and protection with the objective of driving significant future payment volume growth for Visa in the market. The role holder must possess a unique blend of strategic thinking, product management, project management, stakeholder management and implementation skills as well have an intimate understanding of payments, mobile technology, processing, back-end banking systems, consumer behavior and Visa’s business.


Immediate focus is on remittances to/from RUSSIA — CIS-SEE corridor, expanding to other corridors like , Europe, UK, AP,etc. We are in the early stages of identifying and prioritizing new products and product characteristics to better meet remittance payment needs. The candidate must have prior experience of large scale technology/ remittance payment product roll-outs, the ability to communicate commercially whilst being able to dive into technical detail as required and the ability to collaborate successfully across the region, with client executives, technology partners and non-traditional partners.


Push Payments Subject Matter Expert
Be the business and technical subject matter expert for Push Payments for RUSSIA sub-region.
Develop and manage processes and programs to support Visa’s entrance & expansion into the cross border/Remittances Push Payments use cases, with focus on enabling market players, ensuring fast fund readiness and authorization rates in the required corridors.
Collaborate and provide input to the regional Push Payments team on the development of the product vision, strategy, requirements gathering, functional design and technical roadmap.
Educate and inform Visa Staff, Clients and Partners on Push Payment benefits, complexities, opportunities, architecture and implementation.
Work with legal and business stakeholders to operationalize and implement regulatory requirements for expanding cross border solutions in the RUSSIA region
Maintain the integrity of the product design while ensuring the correct solutions are being developed by clients and partners.
Provide regular and ad hoc reporting as required to the Regional and Global Push Payments team.
Be the “go to” person within RUSSIA sub-region for all Push Payments matters.


Engagements and Solutions Delivery
Program manage client Push Payment projects including project solution design, planning, implementation and commercialization.
Work to localize the product where needed through coordination with the product team to create the best experience possible for cardholders and clients
Bring deep specialist subject matter expertise to bear in working with clients to develop the push payments business case and technical solution.
Collaborate with the x-functional Visa teams, including product, marketing, communications, acceptance, consulting and the country management to engage clients, provide the right solution and ultimately commercialize push payment solutions to drive incremental payment volume to Visa.


Solutions planning and design
Facilitate the planning and design of push payment solutions to client requirements.
Understand market trends and requirements and provide feedback to the Global and Regional Push Payments team for solutions that need to be produced by the hub team. Produce applicable solutions locally if warranted.
Import and disseminate knowledge of cross border solutions from the Global and Regional Push Payments team within the broader CEMEA team.





  • Bachelor of business or engineering
  • Minimum 7 to 8 years’ experience with a significant tenure involved in payments and technology, with a strong understanding of the cross border regional payments landscape.
  • Experience in global money movement & remittance products
  • Prior experience in money changers and money transfer organizations is a plus
  • Experience working in compliance or heavily regulated product industry, with product knowledge of KYC and AML requirements in the remittance industry
  • Global or multi-national business experience strongly preferred
  • Strong academic credentials, with relevant undergraduate degree and MBA or graduate degree strongly preferred
  • Superior analytical and problem solving skills, with demonstrated intellectual and analytical rigor.
  • Must be team oriented, collaborative, diplomatic, and influential, flexible, with superb presentation skills, including strong oral and writing capabilities.




  • Experience and in-depth knowledge of the payments industry, in particular experience in managing remittance payments projects.
  • In-depth knowledge of mobile technology, processing and back-end banking systems.
  • Experience with product development methodology for technology products including direct involvement in the function design and technical implementation.
  • Experience of working with and understanding relevant government laws and regulations.



  • Expert level meeting and workshop facilitation skills
  • Self-starter and able to operate independently, without detailed direction
  • Detail orientated, expected to ensure the highest level of quality/rigor in solutions development and delivery
  • Multi-disciplinary thinking skills: creative, analytic, strategic
  • Relationship management skills particularly ability to influence and negotiate with senior executives.
  • Expert level Excel and PowerPoint
  • Excellent communicator.
  • Fluent in English &Russian, written and verbal skills


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