General Manager, International Markets (Russian) iHerb - Facancy

General Manager, International Markets (Russian) iHerb

23 июля 2019


iHerb is looking for a growth focused leader to drive market success in Customer growth and end-to-end Customer Experience. In this role, the General Manager, International Markets will be responsible for driving increases in new Customer Acquisition marketing, Customer Service, and localization of e-commerce content in Russia, Ukraine, and other Russian speaking markets.


Job Expectations
Market Lead — Drive executive leadership to deliver successful execution towards Russian market performance targets through functional team responsibilities including local marketing, local customer service, and localized content operations.
Acquisition Marketing — Lead the market growth of new Customer acquisition through efficient, measureable, and scalable marketing/advertising channels including paid advertising, paid social, CRM, on-site marketing, and referral/affiliate.
Marketing Platform Partnerships — Lead strategic business development activities to drive Customer and sales growth; partnerships across open marketplace, payment, shipping, affiliate network, mobile distribution, and other platforms.
Go-To-Market — Lead the end-to-end success of new marketing program launch; marketing/promotions, campaign localization, local program operations, customer service, and local market customer feedback.
Site Content & Marketing Campaign Design — Develop and continuously optimize iHerb e-commerce store content operations, marketing campaign localization, market pricing, and local promotion policy that is locally relevant and market competitive.
Customer Experience — Drive concerted improvements across iHerb e-commerce store content experience, Delivery service, and Customer Service to ensure a delightful end-to-end Customer experience.



Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Strong understanding of e-commerce industry and competitive landscape in Russian speaking markets.
Strong understanding of market Customer demand and behavior in the supplements, vitamins, and other health related natural product industry.
Track record of success building and developing high performing teams, driving execution towards quarterly/annual marketing growth targets.
Strong leadership behavior, sound judgement, great decision making capabilities, problem solving skills.
Strong combination of marketing, business development, marketing/site operations, and customer experience.
Fluency (verbal and written) in Russian and English languages.


Experience Requirements
15+ of experience in e-commerce business.
7+ years of e-commerce experience in Russian speaking markets.


Education Requirements
Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Finance, Science/Engineering, or related field or a combination of education and equivalent work experience. MBA preferred.


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Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская

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Откуда вакансии?
Из LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Телеграме, ВКонтакте, корпоративных сайтов компаний и хантинговых агентств
Для кого?
Для хороших наёмных менеджеров
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Выберите из списка
Если вы не разобрались, как правильно указать вашу текущую отрасль и функции – задайте нам вопрос
Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская
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