Country Manager Russia and Ukraine в Fircroft - Facancy

Country Manager Russia and Ukraine в Fircroft

22 июля 2019

Fircroft is currently recruiting for a Country Manager to be based in Moscow.

A key deliverable of this role will include further consolidation of Fircroft’s prime position in the market through strategic management of existing and development of new revenue streams. The successful candidate will also be expected to ensure the company is operating in full compliance with existing legislation as well as timely delivery of financial and operational reports to the Regional Director and UK head office. 



  • Consolidating and ensuring optimum value delivery from existing business
  • Driving both high-level profit and profitability throughout the various revenue streams
  • Identifying new business opportunities and clearly communicating value proposition with a view to implementation over agreed time frames
  • Coordinating local sales and recruitment activity, ensuring motivation, productivity and results against agreed budgets
  • Prepare and approve commercial proposals for both new and existing clients
  • Actively promoting the Fircroft brand in Russia and Ukraine through maintaining sound relationships with clients and contractors
  • Be fully responsible for future resource planning against forecasted business growth
  • Ensuring first class communication and reporting to Regional Director to maintain optimum business efficiency
  • Managing Fircroft Russia & Ukraine office teams through appropriate coaching and mentoring in accordance with company policy and practices
  • Review existing operational processes to identifying improvements and better business efficiencies
  • Identifying additional staff requirements and managing the internal recruitment and hiring process
  • Establish and monitor key KPIs to ensure performance targets are achieved



Qualifications & Key Attributes


Proven 6+years’ experience in recruitment and sales (preferably in the oil and gas industry) and/or large account relationship management

  • Fully understand the needs and expectations of our oil and gas clients who are some of the world’s largest organisations
  • Ability to multitask with good analytical and presentation skills
  • Russian native speaker and fluency in the English language both written and spoken
  • Strong networking skills
  • Dynamic, motivated and goal oriented
  • Analytical and solutions oriented
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Excellent communication/interpersonal skills


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