Вакансии для хороших наёмных менеджеров

Managing Director Commerce в голландскую агро-компанию Rijk Zwaan
1 октября 2020
Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах.   A family-owned vegetable breeding company Rijk Zwaan is looking for a people-oriented Managing Director Commerce with a commercial focus.   We are seeking a Managing Director with
An academic degree preferably in the area of (agricultural) business economics
More than 10 years managerial experience in an international environment
Good understanding of the agriculture industry and preferably also of horticulture
Strategic insights for commercial and company development
A people-oriented management style and high teamwork abilities
Due to the international environment a good command of the English language is a requirement. Furthermore, you are willing to travel countrywide and internationally on a regular basis.   Responsibilities: You will guide subsidiary in sales activities, business development, chain activities and R&D operations.   Внимание! Для отклика на вакансию нужен VPN
Community & Partnership Manager в Tik Tok
1 октября 2020
Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах.   TikTok-Russia is looking for a strong Community & Partnership Manager.   Responsibilities: Build long-term relationships with new and existing users and follow through to a successful agreement
Responsible for user operation and management, focus on the top and mid level creators, develop strategies to increase DAU, user activation and user loyalty
Possess a strong understanding of our product, our competition in the industry and position to leverage them into impactful marketing activities
Execution or attendance of local events or shows
Think beyond traditional advertising to develop creative ideas that extend into partnerships, influencers, and other non-traditional formats   Qualifications:
Native in Russian, proficiency in English
2+ years experience; work for the result, not for the process
Outgoing personality required – you will be required to walk into networking events and be comfortable introducing yourself to strangers;
BS/MS degree in journalism, media, communications, marketing, English, or PR preferred; Deep passion for creating and managing virtual communities (please include you TikTok username along with your application);
Pro-active, collaborative, creative, and energetic;
TikTok evangelist – you need to be passionate about the community, so please only apply if you genuinely enjoy and are ready to engage with TikTok.   Внимание! Для отклика на вакансию нужен VPN
Associate Director of Data Science в BCG GAMMA (искуственный интеллект)
1 октября 2020
Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах.   BCG Gamma is seeking a strong candidate with significant advanced analytics experience to fill an exciting Associate Director  position.   JOB REQUIREMENTS:
9+ years of relevant industry work experience providing advanced analytics solutions, or 7+ years consulting experience
PhD or advanced degree required in a field linked to business analytics, statistics or geo- statistics, operations research, geography, applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, or related field
The prospective AD will fit into the company’s team-oriented, relationship-based culture, and will feel comfortable reaching out to other members of the community both for integration with the firm and execution of client business.
Strong record of professional accomplishment and leadership.
Demonstrated ability to lead and manage projects and teams.
Proven ability to drive topics and make a commercial impact.   KEY COMPETENCIES:
Experience in core analytics methods (one or more of the following): Statistics (t-tests, ANOVA), variable reduction (FA, PCA), Segmentation/clustering techniques , Geographic cluster recognition and manipulation techniques, Predictive modeling: e.g. logistic regression, linear regression, Network analysis (location-allocation, travelling sales person, vehicle routing problem), Time series analysis: e.g. ARIMA, VAR, etc., Machine learning: e.g. LCA, Random Forest, neural networks, Spatio-temporal analysis, Time series analysis (ARIMA, VAR, etc.), Text mining & unstructured data analytics, Simulation: e.g. MC, dynamic, discrete event, Optimization: e.g. linear programming, heuristic
Familiarity with a broad base of analytics tools (one or more of the following): Data management: e.g. Excel, SQL, PostGRESql, Hadoop/Hive, Alteryx, Analytics platforms: e.g. SAS, R, RapidMiner, SPSS, Data visualization: e.g. Tableau, GIS toolkits (ESRI, Quantum GIS, MapInfo or similar), ESRI Network Analyst, RouteSmart, RoadNet or similar, GPS data analysis a plus, Programming and/or scripting experience: e.g. Python, C#, VBA, Java, Perl, etc.
Experience in applied analytics for business problem solving: Eg. Extensive experience building analytical solutions for (one or more of the following), Pricing and promotional effectiveness, Delivery fleet consolidation, Loyalty program effectiveness, Network real estate reorganization, Customer segmentation and targeting, Delivery footprint/territory expansion (or reduction), Customer LTV maximization, Cost modeling of transportation & logistics operations, Churn prevention, Strong project management skills, Others a plus Analytical and Conceptual thinking: A successful candidate will be able to conceptualize business problems and drive frameworks for analysis that consultants can then follow. Principals will produce leading edge business models and must be able to work in a hypothesis-based environment where inductive rather than deductive thinking is the norm. Strong business focus with experience with 80/20 approaches. Engagement Management and Team Leadership: The successful candidate will have demonstrated ability to manage engagements, client relationships, provide “thought leadership” to teams, and ultimately be responsible for the quality of engagements. They must lead project teams in the design and development of innovative long-term business strategies for clients that maximize shareholder value. This individual will supervise junior consultants as engagements are executed, but must have the ability to “do the work” as well. Strong presence, strong collaborator and leadership skills and ability to operate effectively in a matrix organization are a must. Client Relationship Management: The successful candidate will have a business focus and a solid track record of developing strong client relationships with large organizations. The candidate with have a demonstrated ability to communicate effectively and professionally with clients, delivering impactful solutions and presenting work in a concise and thoughtful manner, while demonstrating technical expertise (fluency in English is required). Also, begin deepening those relationships to think longer-term about growing BCG’s presence at these existing clients. Analytics Innovation: Must be an autonomous self starter with a passion for analytics and problem solving. He/she will help build new Analytics service offerings that grow our portfolio of products and will captures proprietary content as well as analytics insights to the knowledge infrastructure. The candidate will support the creation of proposal/selling documents and provide perspective on relevant Analytics value propositions. Personnel Development: The successful candidate will have demonstrated ability to guide consultants in their consulting skill sets, motivate them, and build the company’s foundation for future growth. This will take place in both formal and ad-hoc settings.   POSITION PROFILE:
We are seeking a strong candidate with significant advanced analytics experience to fill an exciting Associate Director (AD) position within BCG Gamma. The AD is expected to be recognized expert in data science and will manage a team of data scientists to build innovative new products and analytics solutions. An AD must show they can frame problems in a way that analytics team members can then execute to drive impact and results. Exceptional candidates will also show strong curiosity, going beyond the immediate case requirements to understand the fundamental drivers of advantage and look for clues that may change the basis of competition.   WORK ENVIRONMENT:
Fast-paced, intellectually intense, service- oriented environment
Position is located in Moscow
Expect up to 40 — 75% of time spent traveling.   Внимание! Для отклика на вакансию нужен VPN
Менеджер по спецпроектам VOGUE в Conde Nast
1 октября 2020
Мультимедийнный Издательский Дом «Condé Nast Russia” ( Vogue, GQ, Glamour, AD, Tatler, CNX) ищет Менеджера по спецпроектам бренда Vogue.   Обязанности: Реализация и ведение специальных проектов для клиентов бренда VOGUE под руководством Директора по специальным проектам VOGUE (печатные макеты, промо-сайты, статьи, фото и видео съемки, подготовка отчетов по проектам);
Исполнение и ведение проекта с момента получения подтверждения от клиента: коммуникация по производственному циклу, контроль сроков, определение круга задействованных в проекте исполнителей, привлечение ресурсов для осуществления проектов;
Аналитика показателей эффективности нативных проектов для предоставления отчетов клиентам;
Решение спорных вопросов, умение моделировать ситуации и предвосхищать развитие событий.   Требования: Готовность работать с большими объемами информации и в ограниченные дедлайны;
Стрессоустойчивость, нацеленность на результат;
Внимательность и ответственность, высокая обучаемость;
Коммуникабельность, деликатность, презентационные навыки;
Навыки управления сложными спец.проектами;
Аналитический склад ума, стратегическое мышление, лидерские качества;
Оперативное выполнение поставленных задач;
Опыт работы в digital и медиа.   Условия: Уровень заработной платы обсуждается с успешным кандидатом;
Медицинская страховка, страхование жизни;
Место работы: ул. Б.Дмитровка;
График работы 9.30 – 18.00;
В офисе проведена Специальная оценка условий труда (СОУТ).
Социальные лидеры в области демократии и права на летнюю стажировку в Стэнфордском университете
1 октября 2020
Покажите вашим детям.   A three-week intensive academic training program The Draper Hills Summer Fellows Program (DHSF) that is hosted annually at Stanford University’s Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law invites young talented people from all over the world.   Program Overview
Launched in 2005, the Draper Hills Summer Fellows Program (DHSF) is a three-week intensive academic training program that is hosted annually at Stanford University’s Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law. The program brings together a group of 25 to 30 non-academic mid-career practitioners in law, politics, government, private enterprise, civil society, and international development from all regions of the world. This training program provides a unique forum for emerging leaders to connect, exchange experiences, and receive academic training to enrich their knowledge and advance their work. For three weeks during the summer, fellows participate in academic seminars that expose them to the theory and practice of democracy, development, and the rule of law. Delivered by leading Stanford faculty from across the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Affairs, the Stanford Law School, the Graduate School of Business, and the departments of economics and political science, these seminars allow emerging leaders to explore new institutional models and frameworks to enhance their ability to promote democratic change in their home countries. Guest speakers from private foundations, think tanks, government, and the justice system provide a practitioners viewpoint on such pressing issues in the field. Past program speakers have included: Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of California- the Honorable Tino Cuéllar; Carl Gershman, president of the National Endowment for Democracy; and Eric Schmidt, former executive chairman of Google. Summer Fellows also visit Silicon Valley technology firms such as Facebook, Google and Twitter to explore how technology tools and social media platforms are interacting with democracy. Alumni of the DHSF become part of an alumni community of 383 members across 83 countries. Fellows continue to strengthen their connection to Stanford and with members of the network through online learning, regional workshops, and capacity-building opportunities around the world. The program is funded by generous support from Bill Draper and Ingrid von Mangoldt Hills.   Program Fees
A small travel fund is available for fellows who under no circumstances can support their travel or need to apply for a partial subsidy. Priority for accessing the travel fund will be given based on need, and destinations from which airline fares to California are exorbitant. Stanford asks all applicants to be prepared to contribute towards the cost of their participation in the fellowship, if they are selected. Typically this comes in the form of a fellow covering round-trip airfare to the Program. Stanford will pay for accommodations, most meals, and transportation costs during the duration of the Program. In the past, some fellows have asked their employers to subsidize their travel to Stanford based on the benefits that the training will contribute towards their professional and organizational advancement. They may also choose to fundraise for these costs after selection decisions are issued in the spring.
Операционный директор в Тинькофф Инвестиции
1 октября 2020
Корпоративная семья Тинькофф Инвестиций примет в свои ряды Операционного директора.   Обязанности:
Курирование направлений: бэк-офис, депозитарий, клиентская отчетность, налогообложение клиентских операций, корпоративные действия, инциденты и др
Руководство проектом по автоматизации процессов данного направления
Перестроение внутренних процессов в соответствии со стандартами и методологией банка
Взаимодействие с бизнесом и операционным блоком банка
Участие в стратегическом и операционном бизнес-планировании   Требования:
Опыт от 5-7 лет на аналогичной позиции (или заместителем/руководителем бэк-офиса) в крупной инвестиционной/управляющей/брокерской компании или банке
Знание актуальных IT-технологий, опыт руководства проектами, опыт внедрения в работу новых IT-систем
Финансовое или техническое образование   Условия: Работа в комфортном офисе у метро «Водный стадион».
Профессиональное развитие.
Бесплатные и вкусные обеды в уютном Tinkoff Сafe.
Забота о здоровье — полис ДМС
Занятия в бесплатном фитнес-зале Tinkoff Sport.
Достойная зарплата.
Коммерческий директор в Комсомольскую правду (Симферополь)
1 октября 2020
Одно из старейших российских изданий — газета Комсомольская правда,  приглашает Коммерческого директора присоединиться к команде.   Обязанности:
Эффективное управление командой продавцов, выполнение плана продаж
Составление планов продаж, медиа-планов и индивидуальных коммерческих предложений;
Подбор, обучение и мотивация сотрудников отдела продаж
Личные продажи рекламных возможностей крупного медиахолдинга.
Мониторинг и анализ рынка, расширение партнерской базы;
Планирование финансовых результатов и достижении результатов.
Подготовка и ведение документооборота.   Требования:
Высшее образование, опыт продаж СМИ (газета, сайт, радио), стаж работы на руководящей должности в СМИ — не менее 3 лет.
Умение вести переговоры на любом уровне, владение отличными коммуникационными и презентационными навыками;
Уверенное знание компьютера, навыки работы с таблицами, составления писем и презентаций.
Желание заниматься активными продажами, работать на результат и зарабатывать   Условия:
Полный рабочий день, полная занятость
Официальное трудоустройство, полный соц. пакет;
Белая з/плата: оклад 40 000 рублей + % от личных продаж и от продаж отдела;
Оборудованное рабочее место;
Уютный офис, дружный коллектив профессионалов;
График работы: 5 дневная рабочая неделя с 9 00 до 18 00;
Введение в работу, обучение, наставничество;
Перспектива карьерного роста. Навыки, опыт и ценность на рынке.
Финансовый директор в маркетинговый интегратор Ingate
1 октября 2020
Маркетинговый интегратор Ingate ждет в свою команду нового Финансового директора, который возглавит  финансово-операционную деятельность компании.   Обязанности: Курирование операционной деятельности компании Формирование финансовой политики компании Руководство работой по управлению финансами исходя из стратегических целей Актуализация регламентирующего учета Взаимодействие с налоговым и фискальным учетом Анализ рисков и финансовых затрат Обеспечение экономической безопасности компании   Что найдет отклик: Высшее экономическое образование по следующим специальностям — банковское дело, экономика предприятия, учет и аудит, финансы и кредит Опыт работы в финансовой сфере на руководящей должности не менее 3-х лет, в компаниях с численностью 500+ сотрудников Опыт работы с большими годовыми оборотами (от нескольких млрд в год) Опыт работы с налоговым и фискальным учетом Знание нормативной и законодательной базы Успешные контакты с контрагентами Навыки ведения переговоров.   Что предлагают: Амбициозные и масштабные проекты; Работу в одной из самых перспективных и стабильных отраслей современного рынка; Привлекательные условия оплаты труда. Обсуждаются индивидуально с успешным кандидатом.
Руководитель производства в Много Мебели
1 октября 2020
Крупная российская мебельная компания Много Мебели открывает свои двери для нового Руководителя производства.   Обязанности:
Руководство обособленным подразделением фабрики по производству мебели;
Обеспечение планового выпуска продукции;
Контроль качества выпускаемой продукции;
Управление персоналом и всеми циклами производства;
Контроль за соблюдением техники безопасности и трудовой дисциплины работников;
Улучшение и оптимизация производственных процессов.   Требования:
Опыт руководства мебельным производством;
Знание технологических процессов мебельного производства;
Умение решать нестандартные задачи и находить конструктивные решения;
Готовность к ненормированному рабочему дню;
Высшее техническое образование будет преимуществом.   Условия:
Достойная заработная плата;
Трудоустройство согласно ТК РФ;
Не ограниченная возможность реализации управленческого потенциала.
Head of Analytics в очень крупный лондонский финансовый сервис TransferWise (релокация в Таллин)
1 октября 2020
Таллин, Эстония
A peer-to-peer money transfer service TransferWise is looking for an Analytics Lead to join the  growing Customer Support team in Tallinn.   Key benefits: Flexible working – whether it’s working from home, school plays or life admin we get that flexibility is essential and you’re trusted to do the right thing and be responsible
Stock options in a profitable company
An annual all-expenses paid company trip, Summer Days
Paid annual holiday, sick days, parental leave and other leave opportunities
National health insurance plan, with additional 3 health days per year
6 weeks of paid sabbatical after 4 years at TransferWise on top of annual leave
Relocation support for you and your family
Loads of development opportunities
A fun work environment with social activities and events
The opportunity to work with super smart, curious people   Your mission: TransferWise has already pioneered new ways for people to transfer money across borders and currencies. Our customers can also manage their hard-earned money with the world’s first platform to offer true multi-currency banking. As the Lead Analyst in our Customer Support tribe, you’ll grow a team of analysts and work directly with product teams to quantify and measure impact, as well as understanding the reasons for customer contacts and reducing their contact rates. You’ll work extensively with the Customer Support leadership team to help them as they manage, improve and scale our CS operations. While you’ll be focusing on building and empowering the Customer Support tribe, you’ll also be working closely with other Leads across Analytics. This means you’ll be facilitating cross-team projects, helping shape our tooling and platform discussions, contributing to our growth plan, and helping teams to push TransferWise one step closer to Mission Zero.   Here’s how you’ll be contributing; Be responsible for hiring, on-boarding, supporting, guiding and inspiring our analyst team in the Support tribe.
Your team will help us understand what customers want from support, why they contact us, how satisfied they are, and how our service levels impact growth
You’ll partner with our CS leadership team to help them build a globally scalable model as they consider CS location and language strategy, talent planning, hiring capacity, outsourcing opportunities, specialisation and cost modelling.
Operationally the team will help us understand our support teams’ efficiency, the effectiveness of our tooling and workflows, the accuracy of our forecasting and scheduling, and help our support team lead self-serve with data.
You’ll have oversight of our contact data and share contact attribution and actionable insights across all the product teams at TransferWise, helping them correctly engage with the data and reduce their contact rates
Our analysts will partner with our product teams in the tribe to help project and measure the impact of our product changes both for our customer self-service and internal tooling, as well as managing data integration
You’ll identify opportunities how to more powerfully use our data, and machine learning, to automate and optimise our processes and solutions   About you: You are very hands on and are comfortable working with Python (e.g. Airflow, ETLs), data design (e.g. Snowflake, Looker) and statistics (e.g. A/B testing, forecasting).
You’ve experience working across operational teams, leading operational analysis, supporting them with data, and driving operational change
You have led and scaled a team of Analysts.
You’re a self-starter who is comfortable working autonomously and with teams located across our offices.
You can take complex, fuzzy problems and take people on a journey, from understanding the underlying dynamics to rationalising a solution
You are willing to travel and work with Wisers in our offices around the globe.
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