Вакансии для хороших наёмных менеджеров

Начальник отдела методологии в один из департаментов Правительства Москвы
20 октября 2022
В один из департаментов Правительства Москвы открыта вакансия Начальник отдела методологии.    Обязанности:
  • Организация методологического обеспечения деятельности в части ведения бюджетного, бухгалтерского и налогового учета, осуществления платежей, составления бюджетной, бухгалтерской (финансовой), налоговой консолидированной, статистической отчетности, иной обязательной отчетности, формируемой в том числе на основании данных бюджетного, бухгалтерского и налогового учета, и предоставления ее в соответствующие государственные органы
  • Организация и контроль разработки методических рекомендаций, инструкций и других документов, регламентирующих централизованное ведение бюджетного, бухгалтерского и налогового учета, оплаты труда и составление отчетности в отношении ОИВ КЭПиИЗО и подведомственных организаций
  • Формирование учетной политики ОИВ КЭПиИЗО и организаций, внесение изменений в учетную политику
  • Методологического обеспечения в формировании единой модели бюджетного и бухгалтерского учета органов исполнительной власти и подведомственных организаций Комплекса
  • Знание принципов безопасного поведения на рабочем месте, знание ФЗ № 149-ФЗ «Об информации, информационных технологиях и о защите информации», № 152-ФЗ "О персональных данных"
  • Высшее Финансово-экономическое/ юридическое образование
  • Знание законодательства в области методологии бухгалтерского (бюджетного) налогового учета
  • Знание методики организации и осуществления внутреннего финансового контроля ведения бюджетного (бухгалтерского) учета и составления бюджетной (бухгалтерской) отчетности
  • Опыт работы в ОИВ, учреждениях бюджетной сферы
  • Официальное трудоустройство в подведомственное учреждение Правительства Москвы
  • Доход обсуждается по результатам собеседования с успешным кандидатом
  • Возможность карьерного и профессионального роста в рамках Комплекса экономической политики и имущественно-земельных отношений города Москвы
  • Внутреннее корпоративное обучение
  • Корпоративный спорт (хоккей, футбол, волейбол, настольный теннис и др.)
  • Скидка на программы ДМС для Вас и ваших близких
  • Обучение со скидкой в Skyeng, МИРБИС, Нетология, GeekBrains, SkillBox и т.д
  • Скидки партнеров (New Balance, СССР, Pilates class, X-fit, World Class и т.д.)
Руководитель департамента логистики в компанию-производитель кровельных материалов Металл Профиль
20 октября 2022
Лобня, Московская область
Компания Металл Профиль в поиске Руководителя департамента логистики.   Компания Металл Профиль является лидером среди производителей тонколистовых кровельных и стеновых материалов. В Компанию входят 18 заводов, а также более 80 торговых представительств в различных регионах России, а также в странах СНГ.   Основной функционал:
  • Взаимодействие с руководителями всех филиалов РФ и заводов в КЗ и РБ по функции Логистика
  • Определение текущих и целевых показателей по всем направлениям деятельности (авто, жд, мультимодальные перевозки, ВЭД)
  • Разработка мероприятий по повышению эффективности бизнес-процессов
  • Регламентация и автоматизация всех новых процедур
  • Внедрение мероприятий, анализ эффективности новых процессов
  • Организация и методологическое сопровождение работы сотрудников, находящихся в прямом и функциональном подчинении
  • Формирование и развитие устойчивых отношений с поставщиками; поддержание необходимого уровня конкуренции среди поставщиков
  • Работа с пакетными рейсами, с аукционами на понижение/повышение
  • Претензионная работа
  • Настройка аналитики, подготовка отчетности
  Требования к успешному кандидату:
  • Опыт работы в логистике от 7 лет, из них на руководящих должностях, с уровнем подчинения n -1/-2 – не менее четырех, в компаниях с объёмом транспорта от 150 единиц
  • Экспертное знание процессов логистики, «узких мест», опытом решения сложных нестандартных вопросов
  • Успешный опыт внедрения изменений, затрагивающих не только деятельность подразделения, но и работу всей компании
  • Позиционирование себя как эксперта, при помощи знания тенденций рынка, ключевых показателей бизнеса. Готовность выдвигать и оперативно реализовывать конкретные практические предложения по повышению эффективности работы блока
  • Конкурентный уровень дохода обсуждается с успешным кандидатом
  • Релокация в г. Лобня (Московская область)
Product Manager в IT-компанию BAIK Technologies
20 октября 2022
Ташкент (Узбекистан)
Один из крупнейших IT-разработчиков Узбекистана BAIK Technologies в поиске Product Manager-а.   BAIK Technologies уже 18 лет специализируется в области разработки программных обеспечений и занимает лидирующие позиции на рынке IT услуг Узбекистана.   Требования:
  • Высшее образование в сфере ИТ
  • Успешный опыт работы на позиции Product Manager/Owner от 2-х лет в ИТ компании
  • Отличное знание узбекского, русского и английских языков (Устная и письменная грамотность)
  • Приветствуется опыт в документообороте, в делопроизводстве и в мессенджерах
  • Владение основами тестирования, UI/UX, системой и БД архитектуры
  • Мощные аналитические способности с технической и со стороны бизнеса, умение анализировать продуктовые метрики, находить закономерности, делать выводы
  • Умение объяснять сложные вещи простым языком, описывать продуктовые задачи с точки зрения пользователя и бизнеса, представлять результаты работы в понятном виде, основываясь на цифрах
  • Способность глубоко и быстро погружаться в предметную область
  • Умение работать в режиме многозадачности
  • Знание и понимание Agile-процессов (Scrum, Kanban)
  • Выявление и продвижение гипотез
  • Анализ недостатков продуктов
  • Общение и изучение клиентов (анализ фидбеков)
  • Анализ сильных и слабых сторон продукта
  • Разработка бизнес-кейсов
  • Анализ конкурентов
  • Анализ рынка
  • Создание персонажей и пользовательских историй
  • Документирование требований рынка
  • Анализ функционала продукта (Определение MVP, проследование релизов)
  • Разработка и обновления требовании к продукту, бэклогов
  • Разработка и тестирования ценности продукта
  • Позиционирование продукта, демонстрации, прототипы
  • Управление запуском
  • Планирования релизов
  • Контроль качества внедрения разработанных фичей продуктов и сроков выполнения поставленных задач;
  • Взаимодействовать с клиентами и приоретизировать задачи бэклога между стейкхолдерами;
  • Отвечать за построения и защиту планов развития продукта (общая стратегия, квартальное планирование; планирование спринта (2 недели))
  • Выделять ключевые метрики продукта, анализировать эффективность и улучшать показатели качества продукта
  Предлагаемые условия:
  • График работы: офисный режим, полная занятость (5 дней: 9:00-18:00)
  • Возможность работы в стабильной и надежной компании, сумевшей сохранить динамичную и дружелюбную рабочую среду в течение 18-ти лет
  • Трудоустройство: официально, согласно законодательству РУз
  • Местоположения: Комфортный офис со всеми условиями в бизнес-центре (метро Хамида Олимжона, в центре Ташкента)
  • Систематизированное, горизонтальное операционное управление по формату Agile (Scrum, Kanban)
  • Регулярные корпоративные и тимбилдинговые мероприятия
  • Зарплата определяется при собеседовании

Отклик на вакансию через Телеграм (по кнопке "Откликнуться")
Руководитель департамента внедрения в IT-компанию BIMeister
20 октября 2022
В IT-компанию BIMeister требуется Руководитель департамента внедрения.   Bimeister  - группа компаний, занимающаяся разработкой, инжинирингом и внедрением инновационных цифровых решений для промышленности. Команда создает инструмент накопления и анализа знаний об объекте капитального строительства на всех стадиях жизненного цикла.   Обязанности:
  • Построение процессов внедрения, сопровождения программных продуктов и сервисов компании (СУИД, BIM и прочие) на инфраструктуре крупных индустриальных заказчиков
  • Участие в обследовании объектов и бизнес-процессов заказчика
  • Взаимодействие с Заказчиком и командой проекта, участие в деловых и отчётных встречах
  • Разработка и имплементация интеграционных решений для встраивания наших решений в ИТ-контур заказчика
  • Выработка решений по реализации требований заказчика и постановка задач продуктовым командам, валидация результатов
  • Разработка документации: проектной, технической, сопроводительной, отчётной, в т.ч. составление ТЗ, технических проектов, ТКП/КП, схем BPMN, методологий по внедрению и оптимизации бизнес-процессов, руководств по использованию систем, ПСИ, ПМИ и пр.
  • Взаимодействие с подрядчиками и валидация результатов их работ
  • Организация процесса поддержки пользователей на этапе внедрения
  • Автоматизация внутренних задач и процессов производственных подразделений группы Бимэйстер
  • Контроль деятельности службы технической поддержки (внутренний и внешний контур)
  • Управление и развитие команды департамента внедрения
  • Знание жизненного цикла разработки ПО, в том числе гибкой методологией управления Agile
  • Опыт разработки проектной документации (технические задания, постановки на разработку, иное)
  • Опыт работы с интеграциями: знание базовых методов интеграции и форматов обмена данными, понимание API
  • Опыт работы с нотациями моделирования бизнес-процессов (BPMN)
  • Опыт управления и мотивации распределенными командами
  • Опыт автоматизации внутренних процессов
  • Опыт сбора и анализа данных для локализации инцидентов (сбор и анализ логов, заведение дефектов, взаимодействие с командами Support/QA)
  • Опыт разработки целевой системно-технической архитектуры Заказчика
  • Опыт планирования и управления задачами в современных инструментах, в т.ч.в JIRA
  • Опыт развертывания и администрирования информационных систем
  • Понимание и опыт работы с UNIX-подобными системами
  Будет плюсом:
  • Опыт работы с базовыми SQL-запросами и базами данных (в т.ч. PostgreSQL)
  • Опыт работы с системами технического мониторинга (Kibana, Grafana, Zabbix, Kubernetes Dashboard)
  • Опыт администрирования систем виртуализации и контейнеризации
  • Понимание основных принципов SAFe
  • Аккредитованная IT-компания
  • Инновационная культура, в которой хочется творить и созидать, воплощать в жизнь самые смелые и прорывные идеи. Компания не расставляет рамок для развития команды или продукта. Каждый может проявить себя без ограничений и создать что-то новое, чем будет по-настоящему гордиться
  • Возможность реализовать свой опыт и амбициозные идеи. Безграничный профессиональный и карьерный рост
  • Масштабные задачи в команде лучших экспертов
  • Работу в высокотехнологичной компании: компания следит за современными тенденциями в технологиях и подходах к разработке
  • Компания заботится о здоровье и настроении команды и инвестирует в страхование, спорт и постоянные корпоративные мероприятия
  • Техника, на которой приятно работать
  • ДМС после испытательного срока
  • Официальное трудоустройство и «белая» зарплата
  • Современный офис рядом с метро Белорусская
8 вакансий в службу доставки продуктов и еды из ресторанов Getir (в Турцию)
20 октября 2022
Стамбул (Турция)
релокация зарубеж
8 карьерных возможностей в службе доставки продуктов и еды из ресторанов Getir.   Getir is a tech company. Is writing the book on super-fast delivery and ‘democratizing laziness’. Journey started in 2015 by simply bringing groceries to your door, via simple/sophisticated app. All within minutes. Today, Getir brings hot food, and well your weekly groceries.    1. Head of Information Security Getir is looking for an experienced Head of Information Security to lead strategy on technology security. 
This is a high profile, global role with the opportunity to make a significant impact on the business, as it continues to grow. You will work as part of Global IT Department and be responsible for the key decision making and shaping of a newly defined team. 
Getir is the pioneer of ultra-fast delivery. By bringing together great technology with a unique operational model, they were the first to introduce the concept of groceries being delivered to your door in minutes. Technology continues to be at the heart of business as company expands across the globe. What You’ll Be Doing:
  • Define, own, deliver and continuously improve the Information Security strategy for Getir, in line with business objectives
  • Hire, develop and lead a strong security specialists across multiple sites and geo locations
  • Drive to perform periodic reviews of Getir security compliance programs to support information security standards regulations regional and global, performs risk ranking and reports on non-conformities
  • Responsible for ensuring due diligence is performed on third parties where necessary and regular penetration testing of our systems and services. Whilst tracking remediation of findings
  • Business owner of creating and maintaining internal security processes, policies and procedures
  • Accountable to own and manage updated technology risk register, controls, gaps, remediation, and reporting
  • Choosing new security products and conducting the technology research process in responsible areas
  • Following the updates about technology security and participating in active studies about the measures to be taken in Getir
  • Coordinating Information security awareness trainings within the organisation
  • Accountable for the Information Security budget, working with finance partners to track, maintain and forecast
What You’ll Bring:
  • 10+ years of experience in Information Security, Governance, Compliance and Risk Management
  • Strong people management - Support, promote and develop people within the team, while creating opportunities for them to continuously improve
  • Strong interpersonal skills with exceptional stakeholder and vendor management
  • Ability to present reports and business cases to senior leadership
  • Fluent or very high level of English Language and an excellent communicator
  • Understanding of fundamental technical knowledge on cloud-based systems, software development, network and computer systems
  • Knowledge on CSA, ISMS, NIST, SANS framework, ISO 27001, SOC2, OWASP and PCI DSS standards and experience with IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Cloud, traditional infrastructure and application security controls
  • Extensive familiarity with regulatory compliance to include but not limited to, KVKK, GDPR relevant legislation and standards for the protection of KVKK, GDPR, information
  • Experience in Secure SDLC and worked on the establishment / regulation of the process, and has a good command of threat modelling and security analysis processes
  • Experience of architectural planning in related technologies
Отклик: https://boards.eu.greenhouse.io/getir/jobs/4084664101   2. Commercial Finance Executive What You’ll Be Doing?
  • Act as a strong business partner to the management and all stakeholders by managing and deploying financial measures and processes
  • Be a bridge-builder and ambassador among business and finance-related support functions, with independent (financial) views on what is best for the Company as a whole
  • Provide critical assessment, evaluate assumptions, logic and architecture of commercial initiatives and internal business proposals
  • Challenge business performance and be proactive in providing alternative routes on profitability and key drivers
  • Provide ad hoc support for senior executives to create transparency of financial results and business performance
  • Lead forecasting, budget review and approval process (P&L, CF, KPIs)
What You’ll Bring?
  • Bachelor’s degree (preferably in Economics, Engineering, Management) / MBA is a plus
  • 3-5 years of solid financial and commercial experience in multinational corporations/FMCG, with previous managerial experience. Consultancy background will be an asset
  • Experience with KPI measurement and business analytics; understands how to turn data into actionable information for important business decisions
  • Good interpersonal skills, able to influence without authority and comfortable interacting with colleagues at all organizational levels
  • Strong Excel, Word and PowerPoint (Tableau is a plus) skills
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English
You as a Getirian
You are a good person first, everything else is secondary. You are a champion of growth, and actively strive to be the best version of yourself, for you and your team. You value diversity, and embrace ideas over hierarchy. You aren't afraid to learn and re-learn at Getir speed. You are an initiator, in charge of your own story and your legacy. Benefits:
  • Once-in-a-career opportunity to make an impact in one of the fastest-growing mobile-commerce businesses in the world
  • Take charge of your own career growth with company through professional development opportunities
  • Working in a diverse and dynamic environment with international team of thousands of Getirians across the globe
Отклик: https://boards.eu.greenhouse.io/getir/jobs/4079815101   3. General Accounting Manager What You’ll Be Doing?
  • Managing team of accountants
  • Leading and maintaining day to day accounting operations
  • Managing accounting analysis, posts entries
  • Controlling the chart of accounts and managing the reconciliations
  • Supporting international accounting processes
  • Ensuring all accounting transactions on time and in accordance with the legislation
  • Monitoring bank transactions postings and checking bank trial balances with the treasury team
  • Provide leadership in maintaining accurate and timely statutory accounting operations
  • Planning and monitoring on month end and annual financial closing processes
  • Monitoring and analyzing and reviewing all balance sheet items
  • Develop and realize process improvements
  • Develops best practice accounting solutions
What You’ll Bring?
  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance
  • CPA certificate is a plus
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English
  • Minimum 10-12 years experience in accounting operations (At least 4-5  years with working experience on the SAP S/4 HANA)
  • Extensive accounting knowledge (local accounting regulations, Turkish Accounting Standards)
  • Team player with excellent problem solving and communication skills
  • Strong interest in accounting and long-term career goal in accounting field
  • Strong ability to apply several accounting and reporting systems
  • Passionate to work in dynamic environment
  • Experience of leading an accounting team
  • Understanding and management of balance sheet and accounting operations
  • Advanced Office experience, including advanced use of Excel
  • Solid accounting knowledge
  • Must be a self-starter, results driven, and capable of working autonomously
  • Hunger to learn
  • Self-starter
You as a Getirian
You are a good person first, everything else is secondary. You are a champion of growth, and actively strive to be the best version of yourself, for you and your team. You value diversity, and embrace ideas over hierarchy. You aren't afraid to learn and re-learn at Getir speed. You are an initiator, in charge of your own story and your legacy. Benefits:
  • Once-in-a-career opportunity to make an impact in one of the fastest-growing mobile-commerce businesses in the world
  • Take charge of your own career growth with company through professional development opportunities
  • Working in a diverse and dynamic environment with international team of thousands of Getirians across the globe
Отклик: https://boards.eu.greenhouse.io/getir/jobs/4079765101   4. Senior Product Manager (Supply Business Partnership) From Turkish roots, company has expanded globally to 9 countries so far in 2021 after a few successful investment rounds that have led it to a valuation of $7.5 billion and recently launched in the US.
To reach that goal, company is looking for an awesome Senior Product Manager, to join Product Team and help improve internal solutions for Business Units and Suppliers. Here’s what your day-to-day looks like:
  • Develop a vision for your product & roadmap based on OKRs and drive the delivery of this roadmap together with tech and data teams
  • Prepare product & sprint backlog and coordinate software development and testing processes
  • Own the long-term product vision, inspire the team to achieve the vision by effectively sharing the plans
  • Drive feature definition, user story detailing and sprint planning across technical teams with clarity and conviction
  • Participate in daily stand-ups, grooming sessions, release planning and retrospectives meetings
  • Create mock-ups, communicate with stakeholders and give strategic briefs to expected benefit before the development process starts
  • Collect feedback and input from a diverse set of stakeholders from different domains, manage conflicting requests and ensure continuous alignment on priorities
  • Be data-driven, define key metrics, track them, and improve upon them
  • Use data to ensure the voice of the stakeholder is present in product decisions and measure feature effectiveness
  • Prepare clear and concise product documents for both the team and the stakeholders
  • Collaborate closely with product managers and stakeholders to deliver successful products and implement features required by the stakeholder
  • BS / MS in Computer / Electronics / Industrial Engineering or related disciplines
  • Previous working experience at least three years as a Product Owner, Product Manager, Business Analyst, or Project Manager
  • Fluency in English is a must
  • You know the ins and outs of development, design, agile framework, software development and scrum approach
  • Experience in creating use case diagrams, use case documents, workflows, meeting minutes, storyboards, and wireframes
  • Strong Communication and Stakeholder management
  • Ability to communicate efficiently both strategic vision and specific details to various stakeholders, from senior leadership to individual project members
  • Data-driven mindset with strong analytical skills
  • Creative problem-solving skills with a deep curiosity about the Getir business and product
  • Excellent at cross-team coordination, task prioritization, multitask management and coordination
  • Love to work in detail and reflect these details in the documents
  • A desire to work in a fast-paced, results-driven environment
  • Experience in supply chain, commercial planning or purchasing processes is a plus
Team Mission:
Goal is to serve Getir business by making commercial teams’ lives easier. To achieve this, team creates the required systems to conduct, control and optimize processes like supplier onboarding, demand management & planning, product creation & pricing, cost management & reconciliation. The Role:
  • The Commerce Tribe is a key player in company’s day-to-day operations. Company is looking for an experienced Product Manager to ensure that internal tools can empower business units to deliver customer value efficiently, and at scale. If you’re passionate about optimizing commercial processes and interested in building products for a dynamic & fast growing business, this is a great opportunity to be involved in both
  • As a Product Manager in Commerce, you’ll have the opportunity to work on internal products that reduce workload and support business teams throughout their day-to-day operations like supplier onboarding, demand management & planning, product creation & pricing, cost management & reconciliation
  • Above all, company is looking for people that are passionate about delivering value for internal customers, and who will make Getir better. Believes there are many different ways of developing skills and loves diverse experiences! So even if you don’t “tick all the boxes” but think you’d thrive in this role, company would really like to learn more about you
With company you can expect:
  • Flexible working - Remote or option to go to the office
  • Your mental and physical health is valued - company has Gym membership for you and encourages team members to prioritize their health
  • Able to Travel - You have the opportunity to travel to and from any Getir locations once pandemic recedes
  • Don't go hungry - Company offers employee discounts at all serviceable locations
  • Have friends. Lots of them - Are an international team of 4000+ strong and there will not be a day when you don't interact with someone from across the globe
Отклик: https://boards.eu.greenhouse.io/getir/jobs/4080561101   5. Growth Commercial Executive Company is looking to add a Growth Commercial Executive to dynamic GetirYemek Growth team. Here, you can help company grow, while learning a lot yourself, experiencing personal growth alongside GetirYemek’s growth. During your journey in GetirYemek Growth team, you will have a chance to see and discover different parts of growth team. You will realize yourself every day while discovering the details of growth strategies. What you'll be doing?
  • Recognize and seize growth opportunities
  • Find and define growth corridors and opportunities to continue scaling GetirYemek
  • Use conventional and (more) unconventional means for growth
  • Understand client base & map with restaurant types
  • Create monthly & 3 monthly plans w/ branded mega restaurants
  • Confidence to working with P&L
  • Create a basic financial feasibility analysis to decide monthly plans with branded mega restaurants
  • Closely keep track competition & discover growth opportunities w/ our restaurant selection
  • Optimizing the different marketing channels to improve restaurant based traffic, conversion rates, acquisition costs and customer lifetime value
  • Take growth-related projects from infancy to adulthood
  • Disregard the existence of the box when finding solutions
  • Optimize customer journey with retention & engagement tools and actions
  • Manage campaigns while thinking about better campaigns
  • Working hands-on with analytics and KPIs
What you'll bring?
  • For executive, 1-2 years of experience in growth/CRM management or if you are eager to learn more about growth
  • “Analyze first, act second” mindset
  • Love to make hands dirty
  • Understanding of growth hacking
  • Data driven work style and reasoning
  • Enthusiasm for working in an imperfect dynamic startup environment
You as a Getirian 
You are a good person first, everything else is secondary. You are a champion of growth, and actively strive to be the best version of yourself, for you and your team. You value diversity, and embrace ideas over hierarchy. You aren't afraid to learn and re-learn at Getir speed. You are an initiator, in charge of your own story and your legacy. Benefits:
  • Once-in-a-career opportunity to make an impact in one of the fastest-growing mobile-commerce businesses in the world
  • Take charge of your own career growth with company through professional development opportunities
  • Working in a diverse and dynamic environment with international team of thousands of Getirians across the globe
Отклик: https://boards.eu.greenhouse.io/getir/jobs/4086548101   6. Senior Legal Counsel (Regulatory Compliance) Legal team is responsible for providing legal counsel, collaborating with management to create efficient compliance, defense and governance strategies and solutions for rapidly growing business needs. What you'll do?
  • Review and examine the business practices of the company periodically to ensure it is in line with relevant regulations, industry specifications, standards
  • Responsible for answering compliance-related questions to provide regulatory guidance regarding the products/services of the company, in accordance with emerging/new regulations
  • Documenting compliance-related processes and maintaining records
  • Conduct research to provide appropriate compliance recommendations, advice on upcoming regulations, and evaluating the overall impact on the business
  • Keeping abreast of regulatory changes and developments in the regulatory environment
What you will need?
  • Bachelor's Degree in Law required
  • Min. 6 years of legal experience in a top tier national or international law firm or corporate environment with a focus on Regulatory Compliance
  • Experience in technology or consumer goods would be valuable but not essential
  • Excellent communication skills and fluent command in English
  • Project management and leadership skills
  • Highly analytical, investigative, detail-oriented, and able to multitask
  • Strong research and drafting skills
  • Solid skills using MS office tools
You as a Getirian
You are a good person first, everything else is secondary. You are a champion of growth, and actively strive to be the best version of yourself, for you and your team. You value diversity, and embrace ideas over hierarchy. You aren't afraid to learn and re-learn at Getir speed. You are an initiator, in charge of your own story and your legacy. Benefits:
  • Once-in-a-career opportunity to make an impact in one of the fastest-growing mobile-commerce businesses in the world
  • Take charge of your own career growth with company through professional development opportunities
  • Working in a diverse and dynamic environment with international team of thousands of Getirians across the globe
Отклик: https://boards.eu.greenhouse.io/getir/jobs/4084227101   7. Marketing Operations Executive Customer-driven mindset gives direction to commercial activities, from assortment management to marketing. The goal of team is to match customers with the brands they love, anytime and anywhere. This team creates commercial and partnership strategies, keeping the product range up-to-date and commercial in line with consumer demands and Getir’s commercial strategy. What You'll Be Doing?
  • Execute Getir’s notifications, e-mailing, etc. Ensure campaigns reach the right audience
  • Monitor campaign performance and analyze campaign results
  • Create projects to automate operational processes
  • Learn startup marketing on the job. Your team most probably will not have time to teach you skills in a classroom-like environment
  • Will provide operational support to the team during the campaign periods
  • Creating campaigns to increase the number of visitors to company`s site
  • Creating, planning, and implementing local campaigns
What You'll Bring?
  • 3 years experience (preferred)
  • Proactive and initiative taker
  • Strong data-driven decision-making skills
  • Deal with the paradox that not all your initiatives might be met positively
  • A love for technology
  • Get your hands dirty
  • Think about the customer first
  • Hunger to learn and relearn
  • Enthusiasm for working in an imperfect dynamic startup environment
  • An allergy to the ‘comfort zone’
You as a Getirian:
You are a good person first, everything else is secondary. You are a champion of growth, and actively strive to be the best version of yourself, for you and your team. You value diversity, and embrace ideas over hierarchy. You aren't afraid to learn and re-learn at Getir speed. You are an initiator, in charge of your own story and your legacy. Benefits:
  • Once-in-a-career opportunity to make an impact in one of the fastest-growing mobile-commerce businesses in the world
  • Take charge of your own career growth with company through professional development opportunities
  • Working in a diverse and dynamic environment with international team of thousands of Getirians across the globe
Отклик: https://boards.eu.greenhouse.io/getir/jobs/4088001101   8. Operational Finance Manager What You’ll Be Doing?
  • Initiate and drive cross-functional efforts to increase quality, operational efficiency, and stakeholder satisfaction
  • Manage and increase the effectiveness and efficiency in operational finance processes
  • Play a significant role in long-term planning, including an initiative geared toward operational excellence
  • Oversee any invoice related activities specifically relating to franchise op.
  • Identifying business risks and opportunities; creating mechanisms and reporting to improve performance
  • Analyze financial performance of franchise operations on a monthly basis, develop measurement tools, support counterparts to manage P&L
What You’ll Bring?
  • Bachelor's degree (Master's degree preferred) in Business or an equivalent combination of education and experience
  • 8+ years of experience in Finance, Business Consulting, or relevant areas
  • Fluent English
  • Passionate for working in a dynamic startup environment
  • Multi-tasking, outstanding negotiation, communication, and presentation abilities
  • Proactive and initiative taker
  • Hunger to learn and relearn
You as a Getirian
You are a good person first, everything else is secondary. You are a champion of growth, and actively strive to be the best version of yourself, for you and your team. You value diversity, and embrace ideas over hierarchy. You aren't afraid to learn and re-learn at Getir speed. You are an initiator, in charge of your own story and your legacy. Benefits:
  • Once-in-a-career opportunity to make an impact in one of the fastest-growing mobile-commerce businesses in the world
  • Take charge of your own career growth with company through professional development opportunities
  • Working in a diverse and dynamic environment with international team of thousands of Getirians across the globe
Отклик: https://boards.eu.greenhouse.io/getir/jobs/4079768101
Заместитель руководителя юридического департамента в бренд одежды АЛЕФ
20 октября 2022
В бренд одежды АЛЕФ требуется Заместитель руководителя юридического департамента.   Компания АЛЕФ является одним из крупнейших российских брендов по продаже модной и стильной верхней одежды, меха и аксессуаров. В корнерах представлены эксклюзивные женские и мужские коллекции изделий из высококачественного меха, дубленок, пуховиков, пальто и кожаных курток, а также различные аксессуары (сумки, шапки, шарфы, перчатки и зонты).    Обязанности:
  • Работа с договорами аренды, согласование в части касающейся переговоров с контрагентами (ТРЦ) по заключаемым договорам аренды
  • Подготовка и согласование международных контрактов (ВЭД). Поставка, купля-продажа
  • Работа в режиме многозадачности
  • Представления интересов компании в судах общей юрисдикции, арбитражных судах при разрешении гражданских, трудовых и иных споров
  • Представление интересов компании по спорам в судах по Закону о защите прав потребителей
  • Подготовка заявлений о признании незаконными решений Таможенных органов (КТС)
  • Работа с судебными приставами - исполнителями
  • Согласование договоров (поставка, комиссия, купля продажа, подряд, реклама)
  • Участие в разработке локальных нормативных актов компании (регламентов, положений, инструкций и т.д.)
  • Организация работы с контролирующими органами, (Роспотребнадзор, Таможня, ФНС, Прокуратура, Полиция, Труд. Инспекция)
  • Организация работы со страховыми компаниями, согласование договоров страхования
  • Обжалования действий \ бездействия управляющих компаний, споры с управляющей компанией
  • Подготовка и регистрация договоров по отчуждению товарных знаков
  • Обжалование кадастровой стоимости объектов недвижимости
  • Опыт работы более 10 лет
  • Знание гражданского законодательства
  • Высшее образование (профильное)
  • Знание английского языка (приветствуется)
  • Умение работать с двуязычными договорами
  • Мобильность, Готовность к командировкам
  • Готовность к высокоинтенсивной работе
  • Оформление по ТК
  • Рабочий Офис - м. Первомайская, ул. Первомайская д. 116 А, Головной офис - Московская обл. г. Красногорск
  • График работы 5/2
  • Заработная плата обсуждается с успешным кандидатом
  • Подчинение директору по правовым вопросам
General Accounting Manager в службу доставки продуктов и еды из ресторанов Getir (в Турцию)
20 октября 2022
Стамбул (Турция)
релокация зарубеж
В службу доставки продуктов и еды из ресторанов Getir требуется General Accounting Manager.   Getir is a tech company. Is writing the book on super-fast delivery and ‘democratizing laziness’. Journey started in 2015 by simply bringing groceries to your door, via simple/sophisticated app. All within minutes. Today, Getir brings hot food, and well your weekly groceries.    What You’ll Be Doing?
  • Managing team of accountants
  • Leading and maintaining day to day accounting operations
  • Managing accounting analysis, posts entries
  • Controlling the chart of accounts and managing the reconciliations
  • Supporting international accounting processes
  • Ensuring all accounting transactions on time and in accordance with the legislation
  • Monitoring bank transactions postings and checking bank trial balances with the treasury team
  • Provide leadership in maintaining accurate and timely statutory accounting operations
  • Planning and monitoring on month end and annual financial closing processes
  • Monitoring and analyzing and reviewing all balance sheet items
  • Develop and realize process improvements
  • Develops best practice accounting solutions
  What You’ll Bring?
  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance
  • CPA certificate is a plus
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English
  • Minimum 10-12 years experience in accounting operations (At least 4-5  years with working experience on the SAP S/4 HANA)
  • Extensive accounting knowledge (local accounting regulations, Turkish Accounting Standards)
  • Team player with excellent problem solving and communication skills
  • Strong interest in accounting and long-term career goal in accounting field
  • Strong ability to apply several accounting and reporting systems
  • Passionate to work in dynamic environment
  • Experience of leading an accounting team
  • Understanding and management of balance sheet and accounting operations
  • Advanced Office experience, including advanced use of Excel
  • Solid accounting knowledge
  • Must be a self-starter, results driven, and capable of working autonomously
  • Hunger to learn
  • Self-starter
  You as a Getirian
You are a good person first, everything else is secondary. You are a champion of growth, and actively strive to be the best version of yourself, for you and your team. You value diversity, and embrace ideas over hierarchy. You aren't afraid to learn and re-learn at Getir speed. You are an initiator, in charge of your own story and your legacy.   Benefits:
  • Once-in-a-career opportunity to make an impact in one of the fastest-growing mobile-commerce businesses in the world
  • Take charge of your own career growth with company through professional development opportunities
  • Working in a diverse and dynamic environment with international team of thousands of Getirians across the globe
Operational Finance Manager в службу доставки продуктов и еды из ресторанов Getir (в Турцию)
20 октября 2022
Стамбул (Турция)
релокация зарубеж
В службу доставки продуктов и еды из ресторанов Getir требуется Operational Finance Manager.   Getir is a tech company. Is writing the book on super-fast delivery and ‘democratizing laziness’. Journey started in 2015 by simply bringing groceries to your door, via simple/sophisticated app. All within minutes. Today, Getir brings hot food, and well your weekly groceries.    What You’ll Be Doing?
  • Initiate and drive cross-functional efforts to increase quality, operational efficiency, and stakeholder satisfaction
  • Manage and increase the effectiveness and efficiency in operational finance processes
  • Play a significant role in long-term planning, including an initiative geared toward operational excellence
  • Oversee any invoice related activities specifically relating to franchise op.
  • Identifying business risks and opportunities; creating mechanisms and reporting to improve performance
  • Analyze financial performance of franchise operations on a monthly basis, develop measurement tools, support counterparts to manage P&L
  What You’ll Bring?
  • Bachelor's degree (Master's degree preferred) in Business or an equivalent combination of education and experience
  • 8+ years of experience in Finance, Business Consulting, or relevant areas
  • Fluent English
  • Passionate for working in a dynamic startup environment
  • Multi-tasking, outstanding negotiation, communication, and presentation abilities
  • Proactive and initiative taker
  • Hunger to learn and relearn
  You as a Getirian
You are a good person first, everything else is secondary. You are a champion of growth, and actively strive to be the best version of yourself, for you and your team. You value diversity, and embrace ideas over hierarchy. You aren't afraid to learn and re-learn at Getir speed. You are an initiator, in charge of your own story and your legacy.   Benefits:
  • Once-in-a-career opportunity to make an impact in one of the fastest-growing mobile-commerce businesses in the world
  • Take charge of your own career growth with company through professional development opportunities
  • Working in a diverse and dynamic environment with international team of thousands of Getirians across the globe
Commercial Finance Executive в службу доставки продуктов и еды из ресторанов Getir (в Турцию)
20 октября 2022
Стамбул (Турция)
релокация зарубеж
В службу доставки продуктов и еды из ресторанов Getir требуется Commercial Finance Executive.   Getir is a tech company. Is writing the book on super-fast delivery and ‘democratizing laziness’. Journey started in 2015 by simply bringing groceries to your door, via simple/sophisticated app. All within minutes. Today, Getir brings hot food, and well your weekly groceries.    What You’ll Be Doing?
  • Act as a strong business partner to the management and all stakeholders by managing and deploying financial measures and processes
  • Be a bridge-builder and ambassador among business and finance-related support functions, with independent (financial) views on what is best for the Company as a whole
  • Provide critical assessment, evaluate assumptions, logic and architecture of commercial initiatives and internal business proposals
  • Challenge business performance and be proactive in providing alternative routes on profitability and key drivers
  • Provide ad hoc support for senior executives to create transparency of financial results and business performance
  • Lead forecasting, budget review and approval process (P&L, CF, KPIs)
  What You’ll Bring?
  • Bachelor’s degree (preferably in Economics, Engineering, Management) / MBA is a plus
  • 3-5 years of solid financial and commercial experience in multinational corporations/FMCG, with previous managerial experience. Consultancy background will be an asset
  • Experience with KPI measurement and business analytics; understands how to turn data into actionable information for important business decisions
  • Good interpersonal skills, able to influence without authority and comfortable interacting with colleagues at all organizational levels
  • Strong Excel, Word and PowerPoint (Tableau is a plus) skills
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English
  You as a Getirian
You are a good person first, everything else is secondary. You are a champion of growth, and actively strive to be the best version of yourself, for you and your team. You value diversity, and embrace ideas over hierarchy. You aren't afraid to learn and re-learn at Getir speed. You are an initiator, in charge of your own story and your legacy.   Benefits:
  • Once-in-a-career opportunity to make an impact in one of the fastest-growing mobile-commerce businesses in the world
  • Take charge of your own career growth with company through professional development opportunities
  • Working in a diverse and dynamic environment with international team of thousands of Getirians across the globe
Senior Legal Counsel (Regulatory Compliance) в службу доставки продуктов и еды из ресторанов Getir (в Турцию)
20 октября 2022
Стамбул (Турция)
релокация зарубеж
В службу доставки продуктов и еды из ресторанов Getir требуется Senior Legal Counsel (Regulatory Compliance).   Getir is a tech company. Is writing the book on super-fast delivery and ‘democratizing laziness’. Journey started in 2015 by simply bringing groceries to your door, via simple/sophisticated app. All within minutes. Today, Getir brings hot food, and well your weekly groceries.
Legal team is responsible for providing legal counsel, collaborating with management to create efficient compliance, defense and governance strategies and solutions for rapidly growing business needs.   What you'll do?
  • Review and examine the business practices of the company periodically to ensure it is in line with relevant regulations, industry specifications, standards
  • Responsible for answering compliance-related questions to provide regulatory guidance regarding the products/services of the company, in accordance with emerging/new regulations
  • Documenting compliance-related processes and maintaining records
  • Conduct research to provide appropriate compliance recommendations, advice on upcoming regulations, and evaluating the overall impact on the business
  • Keeping abreast of regulatory changes and developments in the regulatory environment
  What you will need?
  • Bachelor's Degree in Law required
  • Min. 6 years of legal experience in a top tier national or international law firm or corporate environment with a focus on Regulatory Compliance
  • Experience in technology or consumer goods would be valuable but not essential
  • Excellent communication skills and fluent command in English
  • Project management and leadership skills
  • Highly analytical, investigative, detail-oriented, and able to multitask
  • Strong research and drafting skills
  • Solid skills using MS office tools
  You as a Getirian
You are a good person first, everything else is secondary. You are a champion of growth, and actively strive to be the best version of yourself, for you and your team. You value diversity, and embrace ideas over hierarchy. You aren't afraid to learn and re-learn at Getir speed. You are an initiator, in charge of your own story and your legacy.   Benefits:
  • Once-in-a-career opportunity to make an impact in one of the fastest-growing mobile-commerce businesses in the world
  • Take charge of your own career growth with company through professional development opportunities
  • Working in a diverse and dynamic environment with international team of thousands of Getirians across the globe
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