Wow вакансия: Global Corporate Banking- Executive Director в J.P.Morgan - Facancy

Wow вакансия: Global Corporate Banking- Executive Director в J.P.Morgan

5 августа 2019

Company Description 

J.P. Morgan serves one of the largest client franchises in the world. Our clients include corporations, institutional investors, hedge funds, governments and affluent individuals in more than 100 countries. J.P. Morgan is part of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM), a leading global financial services firm with total assets of $2.615 trillion and market cap $362 billion. The firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers, small business and commercial banking, financial transaction processing, asset management, and private equity. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase serves millions of clients and consumers under its J.P. Morgan and Chase, and WaMu brands.


Department Description 

The Global Corporate Bank manages J.P. Morgan’s overall relationships with large corporations, financial institutions and public sector organizations.

As a central part of the firm’s plans to further expand its successful international banking franchise, the Global Corporate Bank offers exciting opportunities as a place to work.


Job Description 

The main responsibility of JPMorgan in Russia & CIS countries is to offer Corporate Bank services to domestic and multinational companies as well as financial institutions as a means of risk management, trading, working capital, cash management and other corporate banking services. In providing these services, JPMorgan in Russia & CIS works closely with JPMorgan global product teams having a broad international experience.

  • Prepare and execute Global Corporate Banks country specific strategy
  • Grow profitable business, identify client base that can benefit from Global Corporate Banking services, maintain relations at Treasurer & CFO level and specify potential working gaps
  • Identify products that will be marketed to customers, to the market and coordinate departmental work in order to provide desired service. Achieve growth through frequent client meetings and discussions covering new products, market and industry developments
  • Provide assistance for clients required by corporate Finance products
  • Marketing and sales in-scope Investment banking products, Asset Management and flow business (including traditional credit products, private placements, ABS/Conduit. Fx, flow, swaps, derivatives products, F&O, ADR/DR, Custody, collateral management, Cash Management, Trade Finance/Structured Trade finance etc.)
  • Manage internal partners in obtaining necessary support/approvals to promote Russia & CIS business and maintain strong partnership with other JP Morgan lines of business
  • Manage/supervise compliance requirements associated with client portfolio, including GFCC, Sanctions, PEP, Anti-Corruption, KYC, AML, etc.
  • Prepare customer account plans and reports annually together with IB Group Head
  • Conduct customer relations that are subject to the legislation of JPMorgan Chase in accordance with institutional procedures and compliance



  • Client Relationship manager with proven ability to sale, build and develop client relationships, win new business, close transactions and develop networks, both internally and externally
  • Ability to demonstrate Credit knowledge, preferably have either been in credit or debt capital markets
  • Strong commercial judgment
  • Strong influencing skills and proven track record of managing cross cultural environments
  • Strong partnership skills
  • Excellent communication skills with fluency in Russian and English



  • Extensive experience in Financial services Industry
  • Good experience in Relationship Management and /or Client Coverage
  • Proven track record of Sales/ Business development



Important: According to local legislation you are required to submit your CV to the following mailbox prior application process completion.

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