Волонтер на продвижение межкультурности в Париж

7 октября 2020
Париж, Франция

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The European Solidarity Corps which create opportunities for young people are looking for Volunteers to promote interculturality.



To develop the local associative dynamic

To welcome and inform members, people close to the association and local residents about the delegation’s news.

To mobilize volunteers around the delegation’s activities, in particular by helping to organize one or more project presentation events

To be informed and involved in the dynamics put in place by Concordia’s local partners in order to improve Concordia’s anchoring in the Ile-de-France region, in Paris and in particular in the 19th district where the delegation is located.

To promote mobility opportunities for young people from the Ile-de-France region in France and abroad within the framework of volunteering.

To participate in the organization of information times or spaces for young people from the Ile-de-France region: organization of meetings for the general public, communication on social networks, newsletter, and other means of communication according to the proposals of the volunteer.



Concordia takes care of the accommodation in apartments at the Maison des volontaires (Paris 13e). Housing and civil liability insurance will be taken out in the name of the volunteer and paid for by Concordia. The volunteer will receive each month on a French bank account a total allowance of 470€ to ensure his food, transportation in Paris and the Ile-de-France region, and other local expenses. The return trip from the volunteer’s home to Paris will be paid for as part of the Erasmus+ agency’s mileage package.



The volunteer will participate in 2 days of citizenship training. In addition, he or she will participate in the national meetings organized by the E + Agency. They will be welcomed in all the training courses organized internally by the Concordia association: popular education, communication tools, project development, sustainable development He will be supervised throughout his mission by two Concordia employees. One of the employees will be in charge of supporting the development of the activities and the other will be in charge of supporting the definition of his own project



Interest for international mobility Interest in intercultural exchange Interest in teamwork and autonomy Interest in communicating with young people with fewer opportunities Interest for local associative development.

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