Вакансии и студенческие стажировки с релокацией в Сингапур от Group-IB

18 июля 2019

Group-IB — одна из ведущих международных компаний по предотвращению и расследованию киберпреступлений и мошенничеств с использованием высоких технологий открывает несколько вакансий и студенческих стажировок с релокацией в Сингапур.


Life in Singapore is booming but it’s very important for me to address all of your questions so here you go. Let’s discuss today how you can become a part of our dream team.

How to start working for Group-IB’s HQ in Singapore

In order to achieve this you’ll have to meet our quite strict requirements:
1. Be a great expert – really best of the best
2. Be capable to share your knowledge with others and train them to reach the highest level of expertise
3. Have solid leadership skills

Our Singaporean team consists of the best experts capable of all the above and more. Total fluency in English is non-negotiable of course. These guys were well trained in our Moscow office at first and were ready to make this move both professionally and personally. ⠀
So, if you are student willing to work in Singapore, here is your game plan: internship within Group-IB Moscow, employment in Group-IB Moscow, upgrade to Singapore office. By the way we will open other cool locations very soon: stay tuned.

One more great question: is it hard to find qualified employees abroad?

My answer is yes and no. On the one hand, Singapore has a variety of candidates with good background records, and Russian IT companies are an attractive target for young talents.
On the other, the IT market in Singapore is still a little bit overheated: when we evaluate a candidate from Russia vs a candidate in Singapore we can see that the letter are more expensive.


Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская

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Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская