Управляющий в family office VIP-персоны

18 мая 2021

А Family Office is looking for a Personal Assistant.


An ideal candidate is expected to have a good knowledge of the specifics of the Family Office, will have strong administrative skills, a high level of self-organization and a desire to work with many different tasks.



• Providing comprehensive support to all family members;

• Family lifestyle management

• Organization of private trips for all family members (maintaining a vacation calendar, controlling the visa calendar, drawing up detailed itineraries)

• Supervision of the work of the administrative and economic service.

• Organization of private family events.

• Organization of medical support for family members, medical services in the Russian Federation and abroad.

• Organization of the educational process of children — selection of teachers, drawing up a program and a schedule of classes.

• Personnel management and recruiting — governesses, gardeners, housekeepers, cooks of the «highest category», tailors, etc ( 30 staff).

• Control over the maintenance of the house in Russia and abroad. Organization of purchases, cleaning, repairs, etc.

• Cost control — monthly mandatory payments, mobile communications, paying bills, buying clothes, gifts, negotiating costs.


We expect you to:

• Have relevant experience in personally accompanying the VIP family members.

• Have experience working in a Family office.

• Have experience in planning and organizing private events and travel.

• Be confident in your communication skills, be able to negotiate with contractors at different levels and express your thoughts verbally and in writing.

• Speak English fluently (levels C1 to C2, speaking / writing). A second foreign language will be a significant advantage.

• Know the basics of budgeting.

• Know business etiquette and handle confidential information.

• Be highly organized, attentive to detail and meticulous. Ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time and prioritize correctly

• Be highly organized, meticulous, detail-oriented and thorough. Able to multitask and prioritize well


Working conditions:

• Work on a 24/7 schedule.

• Be prepared for long business trips, including abroad.

• Official salary from 500,000 rubles. per month + performance bonuses.


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