Управляющий в петербургский Дом Радио

5 апреля 2021

Дом Радио в Санкт-Петербурге ищет своего Управляющего.


Дом Радио — это исторический памятник, любимый всеми жителями Северной столицы. Полтора года назад Дом Радио передали в управление знаменитому дирижёру Теодору Курентзи и его оркестру musicAeterna. Его творческий коллектив приглашает талантливых музыкантов со всего мира, которые совместными усилиями превращают исторический особняк в новое место силы петербуржцев.


● Ensuring the building is maintained, improved, and managed, and that vendor partnerships are managed.
a. Classical Project Management of adaptation works
i. Negotiations with Vendors, management, acceptance, cataloging of drawings
b. Budget management
c. Technical staff management
d. Day to day work with Landlords
● Venue: make sure DR as a performance venue and cultural institution presented to audience according to artistic director’s expectations.
a. Guided tor for guests
●  MA Residency: Ensuring employees, artists are properly accommodated in a workplace that supports their needs and expectations.
a. Work closely with human resources and the managing director to deliver an outstanding overall employee experience
b. Continually improve and exceed customer expectations
● Assets and technology: Monitoring and managing the major assets and technologies within the workplace to ensure efficient and effective creative work of ensembles.
a. Utilities. Heating. Electricity. Water. Internet Access
● Processes: Setting up and improving processes that facilitate everyday operations—from maintenance requests to room reservations.
a. Access control. Zoning.
b. Monitor seating capacity and utilization.
c. Maintenance processes
d. Sanitary, other statutory requirements from the venue


● 10+ years experience managing facilities or office administration teams.
● Experience with supporting a site of 150 or more employees.
● Russian and English language skills, intermediate or higher for both
● Understanding of building systems: preventative maintenance and repair
● Excellent communication skills from front-line employees to executives —
● Strong project management skills
● Strong negotiation skills
● Commitment to leading and developing employees.

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

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