University Alliance Programme Manager в British Embassy

30 октября 2020

The British Embassy in Moscow is looking for a University Alliance Programme Manager who will make a positive and lasting difference to the relationship between Russia and the UK by delivering the University Alliance programme which connects UK and Russian universities, research organisations and early career researchers.


The University Alliance Programme Manager will develop and deliver the following activities within the programme

Professional development grants for early career researchers
University partnerships
Policy forums and events


The Programme Manager will be responsible for development and delivery of the programme in the following areas: project management, financial planning and management, communications and knowledge management, evaluation and reporting.


Project Management (60% of time)

Programme development and delivery with the support of British Council science higher education teams
Identifying, approaching and building relationships with Russian and UK partners
Identifying and approaching service providers for the programme, preparing and agreeing terms of reference and contracts for Russian partners and venues and UK trainers and consultants
Coordinating events
Ensuring adherence to standards and policy for the following areas in all of our activities: child protection, equality diversity and inclusion, health and safety, environmental framework


Financial Management (10% of time)

Planning, managing and reporting on the budget for the programme in line with British Council corporate standards and client requirements: planning and forecasting, tracking expenditure, monthly and quarterly reporting, initiating and running tenders for suppliers
Working in SAP
Managing all financial documentation and retaining data for accounting and audit


Communications and Knowledge Management (10% of time)

Mediating between Russian partners and UK partners
Working on communications strategies and media campaigns
Assessing and monitoring risks related to communications
Preparing press-releases, announcements, publications
Collecting audience data


Risk Management (10% of time)

Ensuring that risks are identified and monitored
Agreeing actions to mitigate risks
Escalating risks as appropriate


Evaluation and Reporting (10% of time)

Agreeing the format for reporting to the client
Collating and analysing data for the report: audience data, financial data, media statistics, feedback from partners and participants of the programme
Completing reporting documents


Essential qualifications, skills and experience

Experience of working with education and science sectors
Experience of managing international programmes
Experience of working effectively as a member of a team
Experience of financial management and reporting
Understanding of and commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Proficient written and spoken English (C1 according to the Common European Framework* of Reference for Languages) and proficient written and spoken Russian.

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