Травник на мальдивский курорт JOALI BEING (на Мальдивы)

16 ноября 2021

Мальдивский курорт JOALI BEING ищет Травника.


JOALI BEING is the region's first integrated Nature immersive wellbeing island retreat. 


Preferred background and skills:

  • An accredited degree in Natural Health studies and / or Traditional Naturopathy with emphasis on Herbology
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in their field
  • Excellent command of conversational and written English language
  • Russian and additional European language skills are an advantage
  • Experience in hotel / resort environment is a plus
  • Outgoing personality, team player, self-managed, problem-solving skills, adaptability, resilience, able to multi-task, and a passion for leading a healthy lifestyle

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