The Golf Challenge Country Partner (Russia) в международную организацию любительских турниров по гольфу The Golf Challenge

19 января 2022
международная компания

В международную организацию любительских турниров по гольфу The Golf Challenge требуется The Golf Challenge Country Partner (Russia).


The Golf Challenge is an International Amateur Golf Tournament organisation, run by and dedicated to amateur golfers. The main target of The Golf Challenge is to provide easy access for amateur golfers, both Men and Women, with all handicaps, to join international friendly tournaments with the support of home clubs.


The Golf Challenge is now looking for an enthusiatic, possibly amateur golfer, to be The Golf Challenge Country Partner, who’s duties will be to organize in his/her home country and also to be responsible for enlisting His/Her home country golfers to join forthcoming International Tournaments, together with building brand.
Company is open to applications from either golf players, or someone with affiliated golfing experience, such as Golf Pro Shop sales, Golf Tour Sales etc. The successful candidate must be available to travel internationally.
The Position is offered on a Partner basis, with a performance oriented income and we envisage that the successful candidate will possess an amateur sprit, being prepared to work voluntarily for the business with the added incentive of some income and travel benefits. Company welcomes applications from candidates who may already be working in the golfing field, and who could also carry out the duties of this role as a freelance position. Company would expect that the successful applicant will agree to act as ambassador in his/her own country.


In order to meet the demands of the role, candidates must possess:

  • An interest in golf as mentioned above
  • An entrepreneurial mind set
  • Highly developed organisational abilities
  • Excellent command of written/oral English – other languages welcome
  • Experience in a similar managerial role preferred but not essential


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