Стипендия на инновационные разработки в The Thiel Fellowship

5 ноября 2020

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The Thiel Fellowship открывает набор на двухгодичную стажировку для молодых специалистов, которым интересно развиваться в инновационных разработках.


What is the Fellowship?

The Thiel Fellowship is a two-year, $100,000 grant for young people who want to build new things instead of sit in a classroom.


Is there an application deadline?

No — we accept applications year round and review them as they come in. If you’re working on something cool, apply now. You can continue to update your application after you submit.


Do I need to have a company or is an idea enough?

You don’t need to have incorporated a company or built a full product yet, but at a minimum you’ll need to demonstrate meaningful progress toward a concrete vision.


Do you only award Fellowships to software engineers?

No. Some Thiel Fellows are programmers, but others have started nonprofits, created consumer products, launched media companies, and built hardware. We look to support young people who want to bring their ideas to the world.


If I receive the Fellowship, do I need to move to San Francisco?

No. Thiel Fellows are based all over the world.


What is the age limit to apply?

Anyone aged 22 or younger is eligible to apply.

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