Social E-commerce Operations Manager в Aliexpress Russia

3 июня 2020

We are waiting for you:
⁃ You are able to work in a short time with a lot of projects;
⁃ Ready to understand the product;
⁃ You can see the physical meaning behind numbers and find cause-and-effect relationships;
⁃ You know how to prioritize and clearly set tasks;
⁃ Work well in a team;
⁃ Understand the specifics of bloggers ‘ work in different social networks;
⁃ Understand the interests of brands/stores/bloggers;
⁃ You can think outside the box and never give up;
⁃ Ready to learn new things and change with us!


You will have to:
⁃ Participate in the preparation and support of special promos both internally and jointly with our partners;
⁃ Develop current and come up with new mechanics for promoting products and promotions through the Department’s current tools (bloggers, partners);
⁃ Analyze your activities and monitor the success of your projects;
⁃ Interact with the Chinese team of marketers, operators and developers;

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

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