Школьники-программисты на уникальные задания онлайн-соревнования по искусственному интеллекту AIJ

9 ноября 2020

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AIJ Contest — an international online data analysis and AI competition held among industry developers and experts worldwide since 2016.



Each year, contestants are invited to complete a unique task from an AI area.

This time, not only adult DS specialists are invited to participate in the contest – the best solutions offered by students under 18 will be awarded in the AIJ Junior special nomination.


This year, the online competition will consist of three tracks.

Digital Peter: Recognition of Peter the Great’s manuscripts October 9 – November 22
NoFloodWithAI: Flash floods on the Amur river October 9 – November 22
AI4Humanities: ruGPT-3 October 16 – November 22


Deadline: The results will be announced at an awards ceremony held as part of the AI Journey international online conference (November 20–22).

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