Senior Financial Analyst в рейтинговое агентство AM Best - Facancy

Senior Financial Analyst в рейтинговое агентство AM Best

3 ноября 2020
Великобритания, Лондон
релокация зарубеж

AM Best (the world’s first rating agency) in the search for Senior Financial Analyst (Russian speaking).


A task:

London-based think tank AM Best works closely with other offices in the US, Europe and Asia and is supported by the broader London business unit. The team consists of approximately 20 analysts with extensive experience and is responsible for AM Best ratings in the UK, Middle East, Africa and CIS markets

As an analyst, you will conduct credit analysis of a portfolio of (re) insurers operating in the CIS, the Middle East, Africa and the UK, including a number of Russian-speaking companies, under the guidance and support of the head of the analytical department.



As the primary analyst, the candidate will be responsible for timely and quality assessments of the creditworthiness of the portfolio of (re) insurers, as well as for preparing accurate and informative publications in support of the loan decision.
Regular interaction with senior management of (re) insurers and the requirement to attend company meetings with the support of senior colleagues to obtain relevant information to confirm the credit rating
Continuously oversee the assigned portfolios and develop industry knowledge, including identifying key trends and issues that could affect the assigned portfolio of (re) insurers
Submit your analysis to the rating committee, sit on rating committees of other analysts, and participate in internal discussions regarding the health of (re) insurance markets and rating issues.
Participate in external presentations, workshops, and the writing and research of external expert reports with commentary on key issues and market trends. In addition, the applicant is expected to establish a network of contacts in the (re) insurance market (including clients, brokers and other interested parties) to develop market intelligence
This role will require periodic international travel



Developed knowledge of the insurance market and principles of finance and accounting
Extensive financial analysis experience, ideally in the insurance industry, financial services sector, or a financial services consulting company
Strong written and oral communication skills in English
Fluency in Russian is very important
Experience in developing and managing professional relationships with external stakeholders
Suggest new ideas and solutions and constantly seek knowledge
Must demonstrate the ability to effectively and efficiently manage their time, as well as be able to perform multiple tasks at the same time, quickly assimilate ideas and facts without losing attention to detail
Excellent organizational and administrative skills


Education and qualifications:

A bachelor’s degree is the minimum requirement for admission, ideally in mathematics, economics, finance, business, or accounting
Additional relevant professional qualifications are an advantage (MBA, CFA, ACA / ACCA, Actuarial, etc.).

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