Senior Account Director в международную маркетинговую компанию

29 апреля 2021
международная компания

Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах. 


An international marketing company is looking for a Senior Account Director.


The Opportunity

A next-level-opportunity has arisen for a talented Senior Account Director to join a hugely successful and international marketing business. As a leader in marketing outsourcing, marketing execution and creative production, they add huge value to many international, A-brand clients within the Retail, FMCG, Fashion, Technology and Pharmaceutical sectors. This is due to their extensive supplier networks, their innovative cutting-edge technology and their subject matter expertise in sustainability and biodegradable marketing materials. This fantastic role has emerged as their client portfolio has expanded and there is a need for more leadership in the CIS region.


The Role

The Senior Account Director is accountable for leading a prestigious client account in the fashion and retail sectors across the CIS region. The main part of the role will be people management but also having the final strategic, commercial, financial and operational lead over the relationship of this multi-million Euro partnership. You will have overall responsibility for team leaders to utilize and manage your teams. Besides giving the partner a senior contact (yourself), you will lead multi-channel retail marketing and in-store campaigns which might include service and solutions lines such as: POS / POP materials, Print and Visual Merchandise, Multi-Material Display Units, loyalty programs, creative services / studio work, retail architecture and many other additional service lines and associated solutions. The strategical side and the future plans of the wider European market will be the long-term priority in this role.


The Required Skills and Experience

As the Senior Account Director, you will have extensive experience in marketing execution, marketing procurement or creative production. A connection with any of the following categories is desired: POS / POP materials, Print and Visual Merchandise, multi-material Display Units, loyalty programs, creative services / studio work, retail architecture etc. A connection to FMCG, Retail or Fashion is essential as well, including understanding the parameters and trends of the industry. Finally, and most importantly previous experience with managing multi-million partnerships and at least mid-sized teams across CIS is a must. The key to success here is the combination of strong leadership but also finding the balance between passion for operational excellence and passion for creativity.


The Offering

In return for your skills and expertise as Senior Account Director, you will be offered a competitive salary package of up to RUB 4,500,000.00 plus a bonus + tools which is dependent on experience.


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