Русскоговорящий эксперт по Siri в Apple (Испания) - Facancy

Русскоговорящий эксперт по Siri в Apple (Испания)

29 сентября 2020
Барселона, Испания

Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах.


Apple needs a new hero — Russian Speaking Siri Annotation Analyst.


Key Qualifications
Fluency in the Russian language with excellent comprehension, grammar and proofreading skills
Excellent English reading comprehension and writing skills
Highly organized with strong attention to detail
Excellent active listening skills with the ability to understand verbal nuances in Russian dialect, including the variations across different Russian provinces and territories.
Demonstrates attention to detail and critical thinking skills in evaluation of Siri’s language usage and dialect
Ability to independently navigate systems and tools
Demonstrates integrity and focuses on customer privacy
Experience in content review or a similar environment, prior testing experience preferred
Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability to changing work-flows and responsibilities
Grows with a team where expertise is shared and feedback is welcomed
Excels at working independently to make timely decisions and take appropriate actions
Experience as an end user of Siri, similar Intelligent Personal Assistants, or other AI
Successfully meets or exceeds targets, working within tight deadlines
Ability to identify business process solutions that increase efficiencies
Ability to maintain focus and aim for high results through large volumes of tasks


Our team is comprised of very talented individuals, who are passionate about AI/ML and ensuring Apple services are at their best. As part of the Annotation Team you’ll play a central role in enhancing the user experience. We work in a fast paced, dynamic, technology focused environment. As an Annotation Analyst, you’ll listen and transcribe audio files and evaluate Siri’s response and language usage, from customers who have opted in to the grading program. You’ll use your language and cultural knowledge, along with analytical skills, to evaluate responses against guidelines. Your flexibility and the ability to prioritize tasks is essential. We focus on the user experience, thinking creatively on how customers use Siri and use this knowledge for improvements.Because we believe our individual backgrounds, perspectives, and passions help us build the ideas that move all of us forward. We’ll train you to be an expert in understanding, supporting and improving the customer experience. This position comes with competitive pay, great benefits, eligibility to participate in our company stock plan, time off, and employee discount. We are seeking applicants with fluency in the Russian language.


Education & Experience
Bachelors degree or equivalent work experience preferred


Additional Requirements
Ability to work Monday- Friday on a full-time basis; with scheduling and work flexibility based on business needs
Positions with language skills require strong grammar
Successful completion of a pre-employment assessment and background check
Successful completion of initial training and certification testing.

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