Руководитель московского офиса в швейцарский совет по культуре Pro Helvetia

17 июня 2021

Швейцарский совет по культуре Про Гельвеция ищет Руководителя московского офиса.


Будущая/ий глава представительства Про Гельвеции в Москве будет отвечать за общее руководство командой офиса, стратегический, административный и финансовой менеджмет, а также тесно сотрудничать с головным офисом в Цюрихе и представительствами Совета по всему миру.


You will be responsible for the general management (conceptual as well as administrative and financial) of the liaison office, supervise 4 to 5 employees, working in close cooperation with and reporting to our head office in Zurich, Switzerland.


Your responsibilities / Tasks

You will manage and strategically develop Pro Helvetia’s activities in Russia, elaborate and monitor the office’s annual programme, process applications in all art disciplines (except film) in collaboration with the specialists at our head office in Switzerland, as well as to ensure the accurate reporting on the office’s activities. You will build new and expand the office’s existing networks within the arts sector in Russia and Switzerland and maintain relations with other foreign arts councils, Swiss representations (Swiss embassies and consulates) and regional arts and cultural bodies. You will promote, stimulate and support (in cooperation with cultural actors and partners from the region) artistic/cultural projects with Swiss content as well as cultural exchange activities with Swiss and Russian participants and be responsible for the financial administration of such projects. In addition, you will oversee the communication strategy of the office. Furthermore, you will contribute your knowledge of the region and critical insights to the further development of Pro Helvetia’s global activities, in dialogue with your peers within the organisation in Switzerland and around the world.


The profile we are looking for

University degree or equivalent education
Competence in conceptual thinking and willingness to take on responsibility, excellent communication and networking skills
At least 10 years of professional experience in cultural project management and administrative work
Proved experience in leading an organization or a complex programme, including expertise in accounting, personnel and financial management.
Thorough networks in and knowledge of the contemporary cultural scenes in Russia and professional expertise within at least one artistic discipline covered by Pro Helvetia’s activities
Familiarity with the international (incl. European) arts environment and strong cross-cultural sensibilities
Excellent knowledge of English and Russian (written and spoken), knowledge of German and/or Italian or French is not a requirement, but of advantage
Experience with the production of cultural events
Very good interpersonal skills, intercultural competence and ability to work hands-on
Flexibility to work irregular hours (evenings and weekends) and travel for business
Applications from non-Moscow based candidates are welcomed if there is willingness to relocate to Moscow

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