Retail Operations Manager в Jimmy Choo - Facancy

Retail Operations Manager в Jimmy Choo

29 августа 2019

This role will be based in Moscow at the LPI office twice a week with 2 days in Gum store and 1 day in Crocus.  The position will also involve travelling to London and Milan for training and to participate in the merchandise selection for the directly operated stores within their designated region and travelling within Russia to visit existing stores.



Key Responsibilities and Duties

  • Monitoring the stores’ KPIs and driving the business by improving these KPI results
  • Providing reports regarding competitors and price analysis on a weekly / monthly basis
  • Dealing with HR related issues, which include recruitment of new staff, conducting appraisals and performance reviews, providing or organising training and development
  • Handling other HR issues, such as disciplinary actions, disputes and complaints
  • Conduct training on new collections, selling techniques, marketing initiatives and system updates
  • Monitoring the stores compliance with all retail operational directives, both global and local, to ensure that the stores run smoothly, efficiently and in line with local regulations
  • Building, maintaining and increasing a strong customer database and implementing CRM strategies to ensure customer retention and satisfaction
  • Maintaining exceptional levels of customer service, including rolling out CRM activities and initiatives, ensuring that customer complaints and enquiries are dealt with in a prompt and effective way and a good after sales service is provided
  • Manage the stock control function and ensure stock control procedures are adhered to and that tight controls of the inventory are maintained to avoid slippage and inaccuracies in stock holding data
  • Participate in Performing stock takes at warehouse
  • Optimisation of stock by store with transfers between stores
  • Organising F&F sales – selecting stock, organising transportation, arranging layout, labeling, ensuring cash equipment, bags, etc. are prepped and organising sale of old stock to TSUM
  • Managing MAS (Aizel system) to ensure that the right stock and prices are uploaded
  • Working closely with the JC Central Marketing Team to develop and implement marketing strategies for Russia, which will help to elevate the brand profile and drive sales performance within the stores
  • Highlighting on a weekly basis to the Central Buying Team any product needs for the stores in order to meet and maximise business potential as well as reparing reports and materials for buying sessions
  • Liaising regularly with the logistics Dept to ensure that the product flow into the stores is working efficiently and meets the needs to the business and enables the stores to adhere to the Global Marketing Calendar
  • Liaising with IT for any requested support in store or creation of NSSR
  • Working closely with the JC Central Visual Merchandising Team to ensure that the visual merchandising in all stores, both retail and wholesale branded spaces, follows the company directives at all times
  • Maintaining awareness of market trends in the retail industry, understanding forthcoming customer initiatives, and monitoring local competitor activity
  • Ensuring that the Jimmy Choo brand image and the company’s profile as a Global Luxury Fashion House are preserved at all times
  • Updating Milan office  on business performance, new initiatives and other pertinent issues
  • Performing other retail ops tasks – evaluating service providers, such as cobbler, florist, etc.
  • Liaising with Store Development on any new store openings
  • Participating in the transition process between RetialPro and SAP
  • Working with Retail, Finance and Merchandising planning department on Sales Budget, Forecast
  • Creation and updating of KPI reports master ( Store manager are in charge for daily updating)
  • Working closely with LPI team to monitor all the operational actions and process for stores and business ( for ex. shipment check, warehouse management, in store maintenance and actions)


Skills, Experience and Qualifications

  • Previous experience in a retail operations management position
  • Experience with managing and motivating retail teams
  • Demonstrable experience of handling HR issues


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