Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах: Public Relations Manager в Philip Morris Russia

16 марта 2020


  • Hold a degree in PR, Marketing communications or similar.
  • Have 3+ years of experience within PR/marketing or communication department.
  • Have a strong knowledge of digital media channels (especially practice knowledge supported by real projects examples/cases).
  • Have a deep understanding of 360 degrees campaigns: online & offline channels mix.
  • Have a strong knowledge supported by real cases in media relationship, new media activations and must clearly understand how to measure the success.



  • You will join PR & SM stream and with focus on development and execution of Reduced Risk Product (IQOS) PR strategy which is based on key pillars.
  • Educated awareness among external stakeholders, media, LAS & educated advocacy building among LAU (E-reputation & SEO, media special projects, external SM activations).
  • Image-building and leveraging on loyalty / engagement with own LAU community & media relationship building (media campaigns, relationship building with media stakeholders, press-trips, cross-functional pro.



  • Permanent employment contract.
  • Encouraging and motivating corporate culture.
  • Competitive salary.
  • Life insurance, voluntary medical insurance.
  • Trainings.
  • Meal allowance.

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

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