Product Owner в финтех-стартап М10 (в Азербайджан)

20 апреля 2022
Баку (Азербайджан)
релокация зарубеж

Финтех-стартап М10 ищет Product Owner.


М10 – финтех-стартап, разрабатывающий первый масштабный электронный кошелек в Азербайджане. Цель – подарить жителям Азербайджана удобную и простую альтернативу наличным.



  • Sets ambitious and clear product vision and communicates it effectively to stakeholders, the team, and other members
  • Accountable for product specific KPIs once product is launched and for regular communication of KPIs to key stakeholders
  • Utilizes market and industry knowledge to translate user needs into user stories; maintains a backlog 3 to 4 sprints ahead of the team
  • Works closely with CPO to establish each product’s business value proposition
  • Integrates product discovery activities into product requirements and facilitates product release planning with stakeholders as well as weekly demos


Experience, Competencies and Skills Required:

  • 2+ years in this role working with cross-functional teams to deliver digital solutions, experience with launching digital products from 0 is a plus
  • Experience in developing product vision, strategy and product roadmap based on research, hypothesis testing and, data and current market position
  • Knowledge on how to identify and track product metrics and make product decisions backed up by data
  • Knowledge how to research market needs and have conducted customer interviews, surveys, segmentation, usability tests and competitive analysis more than once
  • Believes in a non-hierarchical culture of collaboration, transparency, safety, and trust
  • Not afraid to “roll up the sleeves” and seeks to go outside comfort zone to learn – pushes teams to do the same
  • Advance English, fluent Russian

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