Пресс-секретарь в филиал Médecins Sans Frontières (Врачи без границ)

17 ноября 2022
международная компания

В филиал Médecins Sans Frontières (Врачи без границ) требуется Пресс-секретарь.



  • У вас есть опыт подобной работы
  • Вы хорошо пишете
  • Ориентируетесь в новостной повестке
  • У вас есть широкая сеть контактов в ведущих СМИ, или вы понимаете, как её развить
  • Свободный устный и письменный английский



Promote MSF’s institutional profile in key Russian media:

  • Distributes and shares MSF press releases to key journalists
  • Ensures press-releases are available in Russian on all the MSF Russian-language digital platforms
  • Develops and maintains professional relations with media based in Russia
  • Identifies and organises appropriate opportunities for Russian media to visit MSF field projects
  • When requested by operational field colleagues assists in organising visits for foreign media to MSF projects in Russia
  • Ensures MSF spokespeople are well prepared and trained for media interviews
  • Ensures MSF’s brand values are accurately represented in media work
  • Drafts press releases if necessary
  • Ensures the digital platforms meet the informational needs of Russian media

Reactive media work:

  • Handles enquiries from journalists based in Russia or reporting for Russian media abroad
  • Takes part in 24/7 media on-call rota
  • When required supports crisis communications under the close supervision of the Critical Incident management team

Media Monitoring and analysis:

  • Prepares and circulates bi-weekly media monitoring
  • Performs daily media monitoring for critical issues and reports them to the Head of Comms
  • Assists the Head of Communications with Media analysis
  • Provides regular reporting on media pick up of MSF comms outputs. In addition, provides ad hoc reporting following specific communications initiatives as requested by content producers
  • Keeps media lists updated ensuring open access to other members of the Comms team
  • Works with MSF network to map key Russian media overseas, as well as key international media based in Moscow

Planning and development:

  • Proposes strategies to improve the communication of MSF’s humanitarian and medical activities and positions in Russian-language media
  • Identifies opportunities and risks for MSF to communicate publicly on issues and flags them to the Head of Communications
  • Assists the Head of Communications in developing media plans that support the overarching communications strategy

Public engagement:

  • Provides media and communications support to public engagement events organised by MSF in Russia and the Russian-speaking audience on request
  • Identifies opportunities to use Russian staff stories in Russian media
  • Support of the OCA Russia and Belarus mission

Prepares Weekly Press Review on healthcare issues:

  • Contributes to the Crisis Info Updates on a monthly basis
  • Handles the press monitoring requests from the projects on specific issues
  • Assists to the TB-PRACTECAL clinical trial project
  • Designs and produces the calendars and postcards for 2023


  • Works closely with Press Officers and other Comms colleagues working with the media in the region and on subjects with particular resonance in Russia to ensure MSF’s messages are consistent and relationships with the media are well managed
  • Conducts working visits to the MSF projects in Russia, Belarus and abroad
  • Works with HR colleagues to provide press and media support to recruitment activities in Russia
  • Occasionally manages volunteers and interns

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