Музыкальный помощник в Spotify (в Бостон)

16 сентября 2021
крутая компания

Spotify is looking for an Associate Technical Account Manager.


What You’ll Do:

Work with a team whose focus is content quality and ground truth for recommendation systems and cultural datasets
Generate, curate and improve music related data
Utilize and expand your music knowledge as a deliverable service
Report on progress and completion of curatorial review
Analyze the effect of quality cultural data and audio recs on potential end-users


Who You Are:

You hold a deep understanding of music, particularly a few popular genres of music and its related music culture
You’re experienced with qualitative & quantitative analytics techniques
You’re passionate and opinionated about music
You love large data sets
You have a grasp on emerging musical trends across the globe
You care about the improvement of music discovery and understanding
You’re comfortable achieving individual goals, as well as reaching goals as part of a collaborative group
You possess a sense of humor and optimistic disposition
You enjoy obsessing over the details when it comes to music
You display a strong familiarity with online music services and social networks, including listener trends and the latest developments
Understanding of Sub-Saharan African or Eastern European/Russian music cultures is a plus
You have 2+ years of experience in tech, streaming, or a relevant music industry position.

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

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Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская