Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах: Modern fin. tech startup looks for a Partnership executive for cooperation with merchants' affiliate programs

3 марта 2020

Together with a EU bank, company is building a cashback service that works with the largest online retailers in UK and Germany.

Main task:
Building, developing, and maintaining relationships with partner affiliate networks, agencies, and merchants is a vital part of this role that is executed to source the best cashback deals. It includes:

— Researching, identifying and prioritizing partnership opportunities with major international, national and regional companies
— Managing all processes in finalizing partnerships (i.e., lead generation, prospecting, establishing first contact, meetings, contract, integration and follow up)
— Building a strong network in the market by attending industry trade shows and events and planning market visits
— Monitor and optimize campaigns, providing insights, such as market share, to clients and having an awareness of key market trends across each vertical to tailor promotions accordingly

* €€€€uropean salaries
* Office on Mendeleevskaya metro station
* Option to work remotely
* With time, opportunity to relocate to England


Откликнуться в ТГ: @whitezlo (Илья)

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