Marriott ищет Regional Director Global Sales, Eastern Europe & Emerging Markets - Facancy

Marriott ищет Regional Director Global Sales, Eastern Europe & Emerging Markets

9 августа 2019

Одна из крупнейших сетей отелей в мире Marriott ищет Regional Director Global Sales, Eastern Europe & Emerging Markets в Москве.


Краткое описание кандидата:



• 8+ years sales and marketing experience required.
• Team management experience strongly preferred.
• Has validated experience – recognized as an expert in specific business segment(s), functional area(s), and/or geographical area(s).
• Excellent professional relationships with the main influencers within their area of expertise.


Skills and Knowledge

• Interpret financial information, perform profitability analysis, identify trends and amend business plans accordingly.
• Ability to use standard software applications, such as MSOffice, SFA, etc.
• Acts independently to improve and increase skills and knowledge.
• Deals with conflict situations constructively. Demonstrates adaptability by generating alternative solutions.
• Delivers on commitments to customers, supervisors and peers.
• Establishes and maintains open, collaborative relationships with associates and ensures associates do the same within the team.
• Expresses oneself clearly, concisely and effectively in written and verbal settings.
• Gains the confidence and trust of others through their own authenticity and ethical standards.
• Generates innovative ideas and solutions. Finds ways to extend and apply innovative ideas to enhance business results.
• Holds self and others responsible for achieving results.
• Identifies and acts on near term sales opportunities and forecasts longer term sales opportunities, in alignment with Marriott’s business needs.
• Identifies and cultivates relationships with key colleagues and constituents in other parts of the organization.
• Is astute in acting on issues that are most important based on appropriate timing, intensity, flexibility and priority for both Marriott and the customer.
• Listens patiently and carefully to input; clarifies others’ point of view; listens well in a group setting.
• Manages all resources within budgeted guidelines.
• Navigates through “political” dynamics with insight, patience and persuasiveness (i.e., builds trust).
• Proven sales ability.
• Possesses thorough understanding of Marriott brands, processes and procedures.


Education or Certification

• College degree and/or related experience generally required.
• English language written and spoken generally required.
• Command of language and culture of geographic area of specialization generally required.


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