Крупнейшая нефтяная компания мира Aramco ищет Modeling and Simulation Program Director

6 августа 2019

Крупнейшая нефтяная компания мира по показателю добычи нефти и размеру нефтяных запасов Aramco (национальная нефтяная компания Саудовской Аравии) ищет в свой исследовательский центр в Москве Modeling and Simulation Program Director.


Aramco Research Center – Moscow is offering great job opportunities for innovative scientists specialized in computational modeling and simulation. These span all modeling and simulation aspects of upstream oil and gas discovery and recovery value-chain. It will focus on translating frontier techniques in applied mathematics and computer science into leading-edge upstream technologies. Special emphasis is going to be put on the compatibility and integrity of such technologies with the latest high-performance-computing (HPC) techniques as well as associated CPU-based and GPU-based super computers. The focus of the research is going to be on simulating multi-phase flow through porous media, seismic waves propagation through earth layers, and production history matching for mega scale models exceeding a trillion cells.


Modeling and Simulation Program Director: an experienced individual in upstream oil and gas industry with more than 12 years of experience with a PhD degree. Successful applicants should have strong track records in pioneering the creation of new upstream technologies for modeling and simulation as well as high-performance-computing. The applicant must have experience in multi-phase flow through porous media, seismic waves propagation through earth layers, or production history matching. Knowledge of modern high-performance-computing both software and hardware is required


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