Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах: Исполнительный продюсер в Mail.ru Games Ventures

24 апреля 2020

Executive Producer at Mail.ru Games Ventures is responsible for a full cycle dealmaking from initial contact to the performance of portfolio companies.


There are the top ten of my duties:

1) Data mining and market analysis. I’m in a constant search for new promising investment opportunities, identifying rising trends and emerging niches. That helps us to find products and companies with growth potential, before everyone else.

2) Scouting and sales. Admitting games conferences, demo days, meetings with game companies founders, and selling them the idea of collaboration with MRGV.

3) Analysis and assessment. Applying my development and operating experience, I am able to assess the team, founder’s motivation, game concept, business model, and assume the potential of the investment.

4) Negotiations and business development. My goal is to come up with mutually beneficial terms for all the parties in a series of negotiations with potential investment targets and strategic partners.

5) PR and networking. I am engaged in many offline and online activities: exhibitions, conferences, podcasts, meet-ups. I am giving speeches and masterclasses, writing articles, and managing communities to contribute to the market development and build the MRGV brand.

6) Strategic planning. I help portfolio companies to build their long term strategy: product vision, team composition, marketing strategy, hiring, and platform relations. I run weekly sessions with founders and division leads to make tactical decisions and refine strategy.

7) Tracking and accelerating. On a daily basis, I track portfolio companies’ KPIs, review product updates, participate in brainstorming, provide actionable feedback with instructions on how to improve business metrics.

8) Top management reporting. Every month, I run the Board of Directors with my portfolio companies and prepare a report for stakeholders. The Report summarizes companies’ updates, gains and losses, plan-fact comparison, a roadmap for the next month and quarter, potential challenges, suggestions and resolutions.

9) Investor relations. In case of syndicate investments, I take my part in negotiations with third-party investors, convincing potential partners to participate in the deal, assemble and provide investment opportunity materials, prospects, and our analysis.

10) Teamwork. Every day I communicate and manage tasks for game design and marketing teams. We run meetings with division heads, set and approve tasks for a product review, marketing campaigns planning, performance review.

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