IR Manager на проект Golf Restobar в The Golf Development Fund

11 мая 2021
международная компания

Фонд Развития Гольфа совместно с Golf Restobar ищут Менеджера по привлечению инвестиций.


Golf Restobar — сеть Гольф Рестобаров, предлагающих профессиональный гольф-симулятор бар и еду в одном пространстве.


We will be grateful for:

Search for a key investor for the development of the network
Finalization of project documents
Drawing up presentations, holding them in front of potential funds for cooperation, investors
Search through your base of investors, Funds, expanding the base for search, taking into account the specifics of the project
Elaboration of documents for preparation for the transaction, from the financial and legal side
Development of technology to attract and persuade investors


We would be glad to see your experience:

Successful experience in fundraising (food chains advantage)
Experience in working with investors, with Funds, including foreign ones in the USA and Europe, experience in working with banks is welcome
Advanced communication skills
Short-term focus on attracting investments



In case of successful implementation of attracting investments within the framework of the goal, the candidate can be considered for the role of the Chief Financial Officer of the company with a salary with a salary and additional annual bonuses, benefits
% of attracted investments (bonus amount is several million rubles)
Free working hours and locations.

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

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