Head of the Procurement Division (food production) в компанию-производитель вафель Акульчев

12 июля 2022

В компанию-производитель вафель Акульчев открыта вакансия Head of the Procurement Division (food production).


Akulchev is the first producer of soft waffles in Russia. This is a stable, rapidly developing enterprise, aimed at the future. Today the company operates in the markets of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. Products are also presented in the USA and China.



  • Management of activities in the Procurement Division;
  • Determination of the material purchasing procedure, criteria and norms of conducting transactions;
  • Control over the state of inventory stocks of all assortments;
  • Active participation in negotiations, analysis of market conditions, optimization of material costs and maintenance of quality level;
  • Development of alternative options of less costly and more profitable purchasing, organizing negotiations with new suppliers;
  • Management of the procurement cost budget, cost-management within a set limit.



  • Awareness of specific features of materials purchasing for a food production;
  • Possession of sustainable linkages with major material suppliers in Russia;
  • Knowledge of modern methods and techniques of procurement activities management;
  • Leadership, focus on rapid development of the company, consistency, ability to promote and lobby ideas, conflict-solving skills, stress resistance, honesty, analytical mind.



  • Official employment;
  • Corporate mobile communication;
  • Cozy office, friendly team;
  • Opportunity of professional development.

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