Head of the international Data guidance team в Яндекс.Практикум

26 мая 2021

Practicum by Yandex is looking for a Head of the international Data guidance team.


You will:

Develop a guidance system for our courses, taking into account our students’ needs and plans for our program’s expansion.
To organize the work of the guidance teams: hiring, training, control, feedback, growth.
Develop a system to assess the team’s effectiveness.
Organize and improve the interaction between students and the Student Guidance team:
Monitor students’ educational chats. Analyze weak points of the educational process and generate ideas for its improvement.
Design learning process experiments for international students (mainly from the USA), such as new lecture formats, group work, and hackathons.
Make decisions on all non-standard situations that arise in the process of student educational process.


What the company expects from you:

Advanced-level English.
Project management experience of 3+ years.
Ability to analyse / work with metrics for performance of the product.
Coordination experience in a team of 30 people.
Skills in setting up a workflow for distributed teams.
Sociability and great communication skills: 3-4 interviews a day won’t exhaust you.
Familiarity with IT: you are not afraid of technical terms.
Self-discipline and time management skills.


What the company offers:

Full-time remote employment.
Creative freedom in designing the educational process. We trust enthusiastic and proactive individuals.
A product that you can be proud of — from the content to its presentation. We aim for clarity and quality in our material to ensure learning efficiency.
An opportunity to grow together with Practicum and continuously learn new things.

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

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