Head of Sales в IT компанию ITPO - Facancy

Head of Sales в IT компанию ITPO

8 июля 2022
международная компания

В IT компанию ITPO открыта вакансия Head of Sales. 


ITPO - is an international company specializing in the launch and management of IT products.



  • Active participation in increasing the size of the project's profit
  • Search and communication in order to conclude partnership agreements with world celebrities, influencers, brands and other potential clients of the project.
  • Conducting online and personal meetings with partners
  • Building a sales process
  • Monitoring deals at all stages of sales (monitoring the implementation of all agreements between the company and partner)
  • Communication with current project partners
  • Preparation of presentations, commercial offers and contractual documentation
  • Organization of team work: selection, adaptation, mentoring, training, development of employees
  • Achieving personal and team performance indicators


For passing the interview, you should:

  • Have successful experience of developing B2B sales of international start up projects
  • Have a passion for presenting an innovative product on the market and correctly convey the benefits of the product to the clients
  • Be independent
  • Have no complexes
  • Have a creative approach and perseverance in solving non-trivial problems
  • Have an ability and desire to achieve any goal in any part of the world
  • Have an ability to establish and maintain contact with a partner of any position.
  • Have an active business position
  • Have an active leadership position
  • Have the proven team management experience
  • Have a broad business vision
  • Have experience in achieving unattainable results
  • Be technically educated
  • Have fluent speaking and advanced writing skills in English (C1+ level)



  • Contract with a company incorporated in Switzerland
  • Official employment in IT - a company accredited by the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia
  • Flexible schedule for starting the working day
  • Decent salary with KPI bonuses the
  • Possibility of remote work

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

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Как получить рассылку?

Заполнить анкету, описывающую вашу текущую позицию
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Указывать в анкете параметры вакансий, которые вы хотите увидеть (как это обычно устроено во всех сервисах поиска вакансий) - бессмысленно. Наш алгоритм начнет выбирать вакансии для “такого” человека, а не для вас.

Откуда вакансии?
Из LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Телеграме, ВКонтакте, корпоративных сайтов компаний и хантинговых агентств
Для кого?
Для хороших наёмных менеджеров
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