Head of Procurement Russia & Poland в Sandoz - Facancy

Head of Procurement Russia & Poland в Sandoz

16 сентября 2019

Job Description

1,2+ million spend and procurement teams in 2 countries will be impacted by Head of Procurement Russia & Poland.


Your responsibilities include, but not limited

  • Drive and Implement Russia & Poland strategic goals from overall Procurement strategy being accountable for cost efficiency targets and key compliance metrics (PO-compliance, process compliance, and internal audits); successful implementation of global, regional and country projects across categories & functions
  • Manage quality of end-to-end Procurement process incl. compliance to policies, strategies and processes; understand business priorities and ensure Procurement activities effectively support business strategies.
  • Manage and build effective relationships with key suppliers; ensure effective local implementation of global supplier strategies (e.g. implementation of strategic suppliers, contracting principles, execution of global/regional contracts);
  • Lead Procurement team in both countries, assess & develop the team’s capabilities (hard & soft skills).
  • Ensure effective communication between the different Procurement functions (Operations, Capability centers, global/regional category management, compliance); serve as the key contact for key stakeholders and ensure that business needs are reflected in procurement activities.


Minimum Requirements

You would be a good match for this role, if you have

  • University degree is required.
  • Additional qualifications (CIPS, Project Management) would be a plus; fluent English is a must.
  • 7+ years of procurement experience in large multinational organization as well as 3+ years of experience in people management.
  • Experience in leading through change and ability influence senior stakeholders.
  • Proven track record of successful supplier management, delivering the saving target and bringing value add through procurement processes.


What we offer for you

  • Competitive salary and annual bonus level
  • Medical insurance (for the employee and children, additional discount given for close relatives)
  • Life insurance, meal allowance, mobile compensation
  • Flexible working hours and 2 possible home office days monthly
  • Internal and external educational courses and trainings;
  • Additional 3 additional days of paid vacation
  • Professional and career development opportunities (locally as well as worldwide)


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