Head Of Media в те самые Маша и Медведи! - Facancy

Head Of Media в те самые Маша и Медведи!

10 сентября 2019

Head of Media (the position could be based in any city in Europe)

We are seeking a Head of Media to manage content rights distribution for “Animaccord|Masha and the Bear” property across various media channels/platforms, and territories.


The core focus for the jobholder is to:

  • Develop and steward advanced, multi-channel media strategy that drive growth for the brand.
  • Lead and oversee our media team in strategy, planning, tactical execution, implementation, optimization and performance analysis.


The jobholder will report to the Chief Commercial Officer and work closely with the wider team to expand global reach and licensing revenue of the company.

Our ideal candidate has proven work experience as a Media Head/Director, or similar role. Is well aware of different types of media distribution and maintenance of international licensing agreement. Candidates should possess exceptional communication and decision – making skills.


Primary responsibilities:

  • Day-to-day management of media team and activities ensuring cooperation, timely execution of tasks, assignments, reporting, including developing recommendations and execution details.
  • Collate performance data, interpret and make recommendations to optimize operational/business processes.
  • Lead media distribution deal negotiations and search for new media partners, with view to optimizing the brand impact.
  • Utilize targeted prospecting to identify and connect with leading media companies and platforms that are aligned with the brand’s perspective.
  • Negotiate, establish and develop collaborations. Build long-term relationships with media companies.
  • Evaluate quality and value proposition of prospective partners; negotiate business terms based on the established models.
  • Find a combination of media channels that will enable to communicate the message to the wider audience.
  • Identify opportunities to optimize performance in the form of audience growth and revenue generation.
  • Ensure dialogue with partners and internal teams on informed strategic implications.
  • Prepare consolidated reporting for the management of the Group of Companies.
  • Prepare budgets, control expenses and incomes within the frameworks of media department.
  • Train, motivate, grow and evaluate media team members.
  • Support media managers in negotiation and execution of global media deals and partnerships.


General responsibilities:

  • Maintain current knowledge of media industry best practices.
  • Remain abreast of new and emerging platforms and the opportunities they represent, as well as changes in existing platforms that impact media performance.

Requirements essential to the position



  • Higher (Master/Bachelor degree or equivalent).

Professional knowledge and experience

  • Knowledge of media sales contracts, terminology and regulations. Experience in contract administration and drafting contract language.


Skills and competencies 

  • Advanced level of English.
  • Ability to put forward their own views in a clear and constructive manner, choosing an appropriate communication method, e.g. email/ telephone/ face to face; Comfort interacting with senior level executives.
  • Strong negotiation skills and ability to bring deals across the finish line without compromising Animaccord’s standards and values.
  • Ability to execute tasks independently, leading initiatives and cooperate with remote team members.
  • Ability to learn quickly and take new responsibilities; share learning with team and colleagues.
  • Proficiency in all MS Office programs.


Requirements desirable to the position 

  • Knowledge of other foreign languages will be an advantage.

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