Head Of Marketing в William Grant & Sons - Facancy

Head Of Marketing в William Grant & Sons

1 августа 2019

William Grant & Sons have an exciting vacancy for a Head of Marketing in Moscow.  The successful candidate will create and lead the implementation of a Marketing vision and strategy for Russia that builds long term brand equity, enduring profitable growth and maximises growth opportunities for the WGS portfolio.  You will create a vision for the future to deliver world class integrated brand and shopper marketing plans to deliver competitive advantage.

We are a global spirits company that is immensely proud of our portfolio of premium brands. We’ve got big ambitions to grow our business by taking more great brands to even more consumers across the world. But it won’t happen by chance.  We need the best people to come and work with us to make this happen.



·       Play a major role in defining the future growth and strategic direction for WG&S Russia ensuring it reflects genuine understanding of Brand Owner perspectives, delivering breakthrough performance and building sustainable competitive advantage

·       Create, champion and manage a Category vision for the WG&S portfolio in Russia that supports delivery of the Company strategy and brand & commercial goals

·       Provide insightful leadership and develop the Marketing team (consumer and shopper) in line with the Company Values to maximise employee engagement; be responsible for coaching and development

·       Work with WG&S Distributor in Russia to drive the share of voice of WG&S brands within Distributor’s portfolio

·       Prioritisation of brand portfolio and investment plans to ensure that brands are leveraged, supported and activated in the most appropriate way by channel

·       Plan and implement the consumer and shopper marketing strategy for the brand portfolio to step-change short and medium term market performance; Ensure alignment of consumer, shopper and customer objectives

·       Develop and establish a common set of consumer and shopper metrics to measure and evaluate performance

·       Be responsible for identifying and leveraging key growth drivers for WG&S portfolio: raise the standards in respect of marketing (consumer and shopper) flair and excellence in execution

·       Deliver agreed Brand targets across the portfolio through sound financial planning, people resource management and alignment of systems and processes

·       Delivering Meta Luxury program

·       Collaborative relationship with Commercial team – agreeing strategy and clear KPIs in both marketing & commercial to deliver against them


Skills and Qualifications:

·       Qualified to degree level with a marketing component, or equivalent professional experience.

·       Significant experience of brand leadership, including responsibility for creating brand strategy and full market mix development and activation for a premium brand portfolio at both global and local levels

·       Significant experience of leading & managing multiple third-party/agency relationships

·       Significant experience of P&L ownership, analysis and comfortable with key financial metrics

·       Excellent presentation and communication skills, fluent English

·       Drinks / FMCG / Luxury industry experience

·       Significant experience in working in challenging environments.

·       Strong influencing and relationship building skills

·       High personal impact

·       Creative thinker, suggesting viable new ideas, concepts and approaches

·       Confident proactive approach and is consistently reliable in delivery

·       Cultural awareness with the ability to adapt communication style as required


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