Head of Financial Institutions Unit в АйСиБиСи Банк

7 апреля 2020


  • Be responsible for formulating and improving strategies of institutional business,be responsible for building,maintaining and managing correspondent relations,trying to get sufficient limitations from other outstanding banks,satisfying development of international business
  • Be responsible for launching full duty’s investigation on banking clients,opening accounts,arranging limitations and monitoring using of such limitations
  • Be responsible for negotiation with our target banks,organizing signing master agreement and necessary additional agreement with other relevant banks
  • Be responsible for building,maintaining and managing data information in our bank’s system,formulating policies and instructions with our cooperating banks
  • Be responsible for marketing and popularizing our products,expanding our business and improving profit of our business
  • Be responsible for organizing and drafting annual plans on new limitations and adjustment
  • Be responsible for coordinating internal relevant departments for communication with other banks
  • Be responsible for dealing with some administrative documents,orders and SWIFT messages from our counter parties
  • Other matters



  • Bachelor degree on economics
  • 10 years’ banking experience and 7 years’ experience on correspondent relations, 3 years a head or a deputy head of correspondent relations department
  • Close relations with local main banks
  • Be familiar with banking business,especially about the bilateral loans, syndicated loans, bond issuing and their relevant conditions, procedures and business management.
  • Be excellent on listening,speaking,reading and writing in English,be friendly and effectively on communicating



  • Face to face negotiations
  • Medical insurance
  • Lunch costs reimbursement

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