В FMCG-компанию РемиЛинг 2000 ищут Head of Development.
Группа компаний РемиЛинг 2000 основана в 1992 году. Основной деятельностью компании является разработка и организация производства широкого спектра товаров для дома.
Все товары производятся в фирменном стиле Компании в удобной упаковке и продвигаются на рынок под собственными торговыми марками “REMEZ”, "PROFIFLOORING", "CASCADA", “AQUARIUS”, "GOSCH", "WaterLine", "WasserWelt" и др.
- Launch on the market new products and new programs (FMCG products, High Technology products...)
- General management
- Organization, management and development of the team
- Market research and analytics
- Elaboration and implementation of the Marketing and Promotion Plan
- Development and product optimization (marketing, technical and economic parameters, project management)
- Search for business ideas and commercialization of new products
- Sales system management
- Budgeting of Marketing activities
- Brand management and development, PR-strategy
- Sales statistics and analysis: creating and maintaining information database
- Web-sites development control, content update and SEO optimization etc.
- Experience in launching companies, creation new departments for projects, sales organization: 5-10 years
- Project management skills
- Experience in the promotion of FMCG, High Technology products
- High level of organization, communication and presentation abilities
- Higher education
- Russian and English - fluent
- PC advanced user
- M.Molodejnaya , Kunzevskaya
- West area, Moscow, Russia