Head of Customer Experience в активно растущий китайский сервис такси DiDi - Facancy

Head of Customer Experience в активно растущий китайский сервис такси DiDi

5 ноября 2020
крутая компания

The world’s leading mobile transportation and convenience chinese platform DiDi is recruiting a Head of Customer Experience.


Key Responsibilities:
You will be, ultimately, responsible for Customer experience of all users (Riders, Drivers and Fleet) in Russia.
Design the strategy of Customer Experience in Russia and lead a solid execution plan;
Improve the structure and the current Customer Service operations main KPIs, including front and back office;
Implement and manage different vendors, create a competitive model between then being innovative on how to measure their performance;
Manage directly large teams responsible to handle critical cases;
Build supportives teams to ensure high quality performance, training and assessing their results;
Lead multifunctional projects with team members in different backgrounds and from different localities;
Build, lead and inspire a high performance team
Main KPIs to manage: experience (CX NPS — overall experience, CSAT — customer satisfaction, retention, SLAs — service level agreements) and efficiency (Contact Rate, productivity, cost) besides people management (eNPS, retention, fulfill rate) and risks management.


Bachelor’s degree
Advanced English
Exceptional communication skills.
Leader of multifunctional high performance teams;
Flexibility — You have the ability to work with remote teams and across time zones to develop strategies and foster a cohesive and creative work environment.
Ownership and Entrepreneurial spirit — You have the drive to continue building and improving processes.
Experience in consultancy, strategy, service-industry, customer support, manufacturing or distribution in a high-volume and extremely fast-paced environment is a plus.


Will be considered as a strong advantage:

Experience in a consulting or analytical role.
Bachelor’s from STEM courses
Quality Assurance knowledge
Project Management



Partially remote work.
Broad benefits package: health insurance, life insurance, meals, fitness, Chinese class, etc.
31 days paid annual leave.
Opening a new chapter in multi-billion dollar business, ample opportunity to implement your own ideas.

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская

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Указывать в анкете параметры вакансий, которые вы хотите увидеть (как это обычно устроено во всех сервисах поиска вакансий) - бессмысленно. Наш алгоритм начнет выбирать вакансии для “такого” человека, а не для вас.

Откуда вакансии?
Из LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Телеграме, ВКонтакте, корпоративных сайтов компаний и хантинговых агентств
Для кого?
Для хороших наёмных менеджеров
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Если вы не разобрались, как правильно указать вашу текущую отрасль и функции – задайте нам вопрос
Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская
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