Head of Brand Marketing в разработчик мобильных игр Sunday (в Гамбург)

25 марта 2021
Гамбург, Германия
релокация зарубеж

Sunday is a recently founded mobile game developer and publisher. The company is looking for a skilled and passionate Head of Brand Marketing that develops Sunday’s already amiable brand into an internationally recognized and loved brand


You will develop a compelling brand vision together with the management
You will grow Sunday’s brand on all relevant platforms and social channels
You will host and moderate events, do interviews and create a global network within the gaming industry
You will work with the Publishing team to win over the best game development studios worldwide for Sunday
You will share our learnings with the developer community in blogs and case studies


You know how to charmingly convince people and how to build a lovable brand
You know how to address different audiences and get your message across on all relevant social platforms
You are an excellent communicator and speak very good English, additional languages like German, Russian, Turkish, etc. are a bonus
You have a very entrepreneurial, driven and highly analytical mindset
You are very passionate about your work. If there is a problem, you are eager to take responsibility and solve it hands-on


High impact and the opportunity to shape business – Share your creativity, support your ideas with convincing arguments, and make them happen
Startup with a fast-paced environment, strong technical background and inhouse solutions in a great new office (An der Alster)
The company supports visits of company relevant congresses and your further education e.g. with weekly tech talks or German courses
Flexible working hours including home office days and 30 days of vacation per year
Regular team events, off-sites, and parties. . . as soon as it´s possible again
Free drinks and snacks, gym membership, and support for public transportation (HVV-Profi Card)
State of the Art Hard- and Software.


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Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

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