Head of Brand Ambassadors Russia в JUUL Labs - Facancy

Head of Brand Ambassadors Russia в JUUL Labs

25 июля 2019

JUUL ­Labs — это американская частная компания со штаб-квартирой в Сан-Франциско, ищет  Head of Brand Ambassadors Russia.

Созданная двумя промышленными дизайнерами из Стэнфорда – Джеймсом Монзисом и Адамом Боуэном. Всего за три года компания заняла более 70% рынка электронных сигарет США и успешно стартовала на европейских рынках и в России (октябрь 2018).




A Juul Country Brand Ambassadors manager will be responsible managing of team of JUUL brand ambassadors for delivering an exceptional product experience through one-one engagement with adult smokers, dualist and vapers at point of purchase or consumption.

The role of BA team is an important strategic focus of the launch and roll out of JUUL and therefore this role is fundamental to the success of JUUL’s mission.

He/she will have relevant experience in participating in ambassadorial/promotional/event programs and will understand the approach to trial, sampling, events and visual merchandise, including developing and managing store and event visits in collaboration with their regional manager, marketing, trade marketing and sales teams.

He/she will be responsible for team development, coaching, supervision and managing large activation and cross regional projects.

This role will report into Head of ambassador CEE&Russia and will have dotted line reporting to Marketing director, Russia. She/he will work closely with Sales Director and Area sales managers.



The key components of the role are, in accordance to JUUL HQ guidelines and specific needs of the local market:



  • Build, manage and develop team of 40-60 brand ambassadors (3-5 supervisors)
  • Create priorities for BA team’s development
  • Motivate, engage and develop talents within the team
  • Manage analytical insights on how ambassadors team should be organized (geography, # of ambassadors, coverage, number of trials, switch and purchaises)
  • Help BAs to source, nominate and liaise with local venues to enable small scale activations/events in accordance with Juul’s strategic plans
  • Day-to-day reporting and ensuring all administrative tasks are completed ie: hours logged, logistics, KPI tracking, consumer insights, etc
  • Lead large or cross regional ambassadorship events e.g. Festivals, Shops, events, sampling etc., always with a strict self-regulative approach and adhering to all necessary approvals for sampling activity (where required)
  • Represent Juul with the utmost of professionalism, presentation and enthusiasm, ensuring we are following all regulatory and age gating guidelines.





  • Experience
    • Team leadership
    • Brand ambassador experience is advantage
    • Ideally experience and knowledge of the Vape /e-cig/tobacco sector
    • Have worked in highly regulated environment is advantage
    • Coaching or sales trainer experience is advantage
    • Experience with direct sales might be advantage
  • Skills
    • Ability to interact face-face with consumers in a friendly and engaging manner
    • Presentations and negotiation skills — Confident with ability to present to all levels (internal and external)
    • Establishing and maintaining working relationships venues and store management
    • Fluent English is advantage
  • Key Attributes Necessary for Success
    • Team leader, coaching/training experience
    • Strong resilience and desire to drive continuous improvements and operate in a changing environment
    • Ability to build and develop collaborative relationships — internal and external
    • Make it happen personality who can get things done fast — Ability to problem solve and think on your feet
    • Driving license B is required for this role




  •   A place to grow your career. We’ll help you set big goals — and exceed them
  •   People. Work with talented, committed and supportive teammates
  •   Equity – RSU – every employee is shareholder.
  •   Location – Moscow, business trips to regions
  •   Cell phone subsidy, medical and life insurance, etc

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская

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Откуда вакансии?
Из LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Телеграме, ВКонтакте, корпоративных сайтов компаний и хантинговых агентств
Для кого?
Для хороших наёмных менеджеров
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Если вы не разобрались, как правильно указать вашу текущую отрасль и функции – задайте нам вопрос
Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская
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