Сервис для чтения книг Bookmate ищет Head of Analytics.
Bookmate is a subscription-based e-book service that makes reading, and listening to audiobooks, accessible to anyone in the world with a mobile phone. Bookmate brings readers, authors, publishers, brands and distribution partners together through a strong business model. One of the market leaders in Russia, Bookmate is now available globally and has a large catalogue of books in English, Spanish, Danish and numerous other languages.
Company is looking for a new Head of Analytics. You will be leading Bookmate’s Data Analysis team and responsible for Business Analytics and Product Analytics.
As Head of Analytics, you will manage a team of analysts and take the lead on numerous tasks, including:
- Defining and monitoring product KPIs
- Developing and improving data warehouses and ETL pipelines
- Supporting the team with ad-hoc reports
- Managing A/B tests
- Collecting and organising user behaviour data
- Working with historical data
- Providing useful insights into user behaviour, optimising content catalogue, and driving business model forward
- Creating data-driven recommendations for Product teams
Company is looking for someone with the following qualities:
- A deep understanding of the internet industry, conversion funnels, activation, engagement, and retention
- Expertise in marketing performance and sales analytics
- Web and mobile product analytics and conversion optimisation experience
- A good knowledge of statistics
- The ability to organise and lead the Data Analysis team
- Experience with B2C subscription-based products
- An understanding of AWS infrastructure
- Experience with tablieau
What company offers:
- Join them and you’ll become a core part of team and will have the authority to make a positive difference. You’ll also get the opportunity to work for an international product which is used by millions of people in different parts of the world
- Working environment is friendly and relaxed, but still professional. Company respects each other and have fun as a team. And, of course, offers competitive pay and a great atmosphere