Government Relations Manager в International Bank for Economic Co-operation

2 ноября 2022
международная компания

International Bank for Economic Cooperation is looking candidates for the role of Government Relations Manager, Strategic Planning and Analysis Department, to work in Moscow headquaters.


Duties and Accountabilities:

  • Organization and support of the Bank's work on all aspects related to interaction with government agencies, advising and supporting the Bank's managers on relevant issues
  • Work with the Bank's management on the development of specific business proposals and the development of stratagies to promote business in member countries and third countries of interest
  • Establishment and support of constructive relations with state bodies and public national or international organizations aimed at promoting the products and interests of the Bank
  • Development of the Bank's GR policy, preparation of proposals for the organizational structure and business model of the Bank, aimed at improving the efficiency of interaction with the authorities of the Bank member countries


Selection Criteria and Qualifications:

  • Graduate Degree from leading Universities of the member countries of the Bank or other countries with specialization (Master degree) in one or more preferred areas: International Relations; International Economics and Trade; International Finance
  • MBA or PhD in one of the above areas is an advantage
  • Work experience in the field of GR in financial institutions, banks, international financial organizations, including development banks, at least 10 years
  • At least 10 years of experience in Banking, in an international or commercial financial organization, or in state financial regulatory bodies, including at least 5 years of managerial and organizational work experience
  • Proven experience in implementing projects related to state funding and funding from international organizations aimed at developing interstate foreign trade relations
  • Participation in the development of external GR-policy, international trade projects/programs of the organization/company
  • Knowledge of the specifics of government programs to support exports and imports, SMEs in the Russian Federation (in CIS and Asian countries is an advantage), understanding of the relevant legislation
  • Knowledge of various programs and tools of development banks aimed at supporting export-import operations
  • A significant advantage is the experience of working with public and private financial institutions in Asia, the CIS and the Middle East (India, China, Vietnam, Mongolia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE)
  • Mandatory mastery of English (upper intermediate (C1) and above). Working knowledge of one or more Asian languages (Chinese, Indian, Arabic) will be considered as a significant advantage
  • Fluent, competent knowledge of Russian (level not lower than C1), ability to write well-structured materials
  • Understanding the features of diplomatic communications, experience in preparing letters to government agencies, embassies, trade missions
  • Excellent knowledge of Excel, Word and PowerPoint


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