Finance Head в Gilead Sciences - Facancy

Finance Head в Gilead Sciences

29 августа 2019


We are seeking the Finance Head for our growing organisation in Russia reporting to the Regional Finance Lead. The Finance lead will primarily support the General Manager, and more broadly the Russian leadership team on all aspects of commercial, strategic and financial decision-making, acting as ‘right-hand’ and facilitator, as well as challenging decisions in a constructive and value-adding manner.


Essential Duties And Job Functions

Supports the General Manager in delivering optimal performance from Russia and ensure all risks are understood by Regional and EAME Management. Ensures High Forecast accuracy.
Partners’ regional & local leadership teams focusing on strategic issues across multiple functions developing business/operational plans and drive their implementation.
Develops and leads strategic initiatives that can impact the long-term goals of the affiliate, region and Company.
Member of Regional and Worldwide Finance Leadership Team. Expected to take a lead role in company-wide Finance projects, for example in ensuring the EAME finance operating model is fit for purpose, efficient & scalable, as well as well-controlled and with deep, best-in-class expertise centres.
Ensures optimal and consistent Finance processes are in place leveraging the International Shared Service Centre and central FP&A Centre-of-Excellence (CoE).
Works with the Financial Shared Services (FSS) center to ensure robust country-level Accounting, Controllership, Tax, Treasury and Procurement including robust financial controls and management of risks, facilitated by strong collaborative relationships.
Responsible for setting direction for the improvement, implementation and general maintenance of the finance systems and process that support multiple functions.

Assure compliance with governmental regulations, and industry standards. Responsible for the effective coordination and conduct of all Institute audits: internal and external.

Provide strategic direction, develop and lead a team of 1 direct report ensuring robust development of Finance staff. Inputs to talent management, strategic resourcing and succession processes.

Regularly interacts with Gilead’s senior management



Knowledge, Experience And Skills

With a unique Company culture, strong core values, operating in an industry with complex reimbursement policies and regulatory environments, we are seeking an experienced individual with proven cultural adaptability and relevant industry experience, preferably at an operational level as country Finance Director. Ideally the candidate will have gained exposure to working within a US corporate environment.


Detailed requirements include

BA or BS degree in accounting or equivalent with a CPA, CA or similar accounting qualification. Relevant experience at a supervisory level. Tax, Treasury and Financial Accounting experience required.
Excellent interpersonal skills, an inquisitive mind, and the ability to work effectively in a matrix organisation with multiple functions, together with a positive attitude and strong work ethic required.
Strong, proven business partnering mentality; has the maturity and awareness to strike a balance between facilitating and challenging the business.
Results oriented with the ability to facilitate and ensure Country GM and other Leadership members are best placed to achieve success. Be optimistic but realistic in your approach.
Must have a significant in-depth proficiency in all aspects of accounting and finance, including technical aspects (SOX and USGAAP included).
Ability to quickly establish credibility with diverse audiences and be perceived as a leader yet is hands-on when necessary. Consistently retains a sense of the ‘bigger picture’.

Possess an open and transparent approach to working with colleagues, combined with the ability to work and succeed in a non-political way.
Experience in life sciences, healthcare, biotech would be an advantage, as would exposure to US corporate environments.
An in-depth knowledge of Oracle or equivalent ERP system and proficiency with Microsoft Office tools.

Fluent English


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