Finance Business Partner в LEGO - Facancy

Finance Business Partner в LEGO

2 августа 2019

Are you ready to create value beyond pure Finance as part of LEGO Leadership Team in Russia?

Join us and bring your expertise as a Commercial Finance leader and play your part in driving LEGO success in Russia.

Core Responsibilities

• Strategic business guidance and enabling decision making via: i) proposing or validating strategic and operational choices enabling sustainable delivery of consumer and financial objectives; ii) helping prioritization using financial metrics.
• Strategic and operational leadership to Business Cases and co-accountability for delivery.
• Provide a constructive role in financial and business plan setting and presentation, and ensure that strategic targets are justified in financial performance.
• Analysis and actioning drivers of the past business performance.

• Ownership of financial reporting pack and projections with a particular focus on sales and local cost performance to budget, prior year and balance of year outlook.
• Co-accountability (with the Business Leader) for P&L and cost drivers.
• Target settings (or cascading and breakout from higher level targets) and co-owning financial performance.
• Perform ad-hoc analysis requested by management and use analytical mindset to reshuffle financial information to change direction and further increase value creation.
• Provide strong support to debtor management in order to minimize cost of working capital.

• Building financial capabilities among respective business teams
• Build a close relationship with Director, Russia, Emerging Europe, Middle-East and Africa (REEMEA) Market Finance. Deliver to this reporting line requested financial information, analysis, and work closely and actively with commercial finance team members across REEMEA.
• Be an active member of the Russia business performance team setting and driving the financial agenda.
• Build strong strong interaction with the “Corporate Functions”

• Broader finance oversight (“a’la CFO”) in market and organization to connect various elements of governance and stewardship led out of Finance / Treasury / Tax / Legal.

Play your part in our team succeeding

In the LEGO Group, you join a family-owned global business that offers a collaborative network. Here, you will gain a thorough understanding of business processes in various departments, from Sales and Marketing to Operations, HR and Finance.

You get to cooperate with experienced colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds and develop your talent through a wide range of training opportunities and an individual development plan. At the same time, we will trust you to make decisions and get things done to the highest possible quality, influencing business decisions and developments, thus making an impact.

Do you have what it takes?

• Degree in Economics or Finance, a subsequent accounting qualification is an advantage (CIMA, ACA or ACCA qualification)
• Must have worked with and delivered results in the field of commercial finance (planning, reporting and analysis) preferably as Finance Business Partner.
• Experience with SAP (FI, CO, BW modules) combined with advanced MS Excel and Powerpoint skills
• Flexibility to travel internationally (4-6 times per year)
• Ability to work remotely (only commercial finance person in Russia BU / Moscow)
• Result orientation
• Resilience
• Customer focus and consumer driven
• Strong commercial acumen with an innovative approach to finding mutually beneficial solutions
• Combines a well-developed analytical ability with tenacity, to see ideas through to execution
• Strong technically, with the ability to contribute to key business and systems initiatives
• A high level of professionalism that delivers results when required, typically above expectations
• Self-motivated with an ability to work independently and reliably
• A desire to contribute financial skills across business disciplines
• Strong inter-personal skills with the confidence and maturity to network with people across different functions, business units, time zones and cultures
• Motivated to work with others and seeks to understand other views
• Fluent English


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Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская

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Откуда вакансии?
Из LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Телеграме, ВКонтакте, корпоративных сайтов компаний и хантинговых агентств
Для кого?
Для хороших наёмных менеджеров
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Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская
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