Эксклюзивная вакансия (ищем только мы): VP of Sales в один из крупнейших российских системных интеграторов

2 сентября 2019

Who are they looking for?



VP of Sales will take ultimate responsibility for their revenue growth and drive the development and execution of their commercial strategy.


In order to grow, they need to be able to scale rapidly. You will be responsible for ensuring their systems, processes and teams can grow at the pace they need them to. Your leadership skills should foster collaboration: inspiring growth and action across the sales, marketing and operations functions at the company. 


Together with the CEO, COO and CMO you will be a part of the Executive Team, acting as the face of the company both internally and externally. They want you to be known in the industry as a thought-leader and a key factor in the company’s success.


As VP of Sales, they would challenge you to:


Revenue and Growth


Be responsible for the revenue; overseeing the sales functions at the company.


Develop and implement strategic sales plans for defining their route to growth and profitability, overseeing multiple sales channels (e-commerce, B2B, B2G, their dealership and franchising network) across such verticals as automotive, medical, design, dentistry, construction, aerospace, military and food industries.


Sales Operations


Design the sales engine — including strategy, technology, processes and team structure — to ensure that the company identifies and optimizes a clear path to aggressive growth.


Use metrics and data to track team progress, prioritize pipeline opportunities and solve bottlenecks for further growth.


Evaluate and improve the stack of pipeline management and automation tools across sales and marketing to create predictable, scalable revenue growth.


Allocate and manage their budget.


Oversee their accounts receivable.


Strategic Partnerships


Identify, negotiate and nurture partnerships which meet their strategic goals (vendors, dealers, sub-resellers and country-wide centres of excellences).


Negotiate commercial agreements to ensure the best financial outcome for the company.



Research and Market Development


Coordinate market research and analyze threats and opportunities.


Guide market development activities to identify the most profitable and scalable new opportunities.


Leadership and Management


Participate in the executive team, reporting directly to the CEO.


Assist in creating a fast-paced culture which is focused on results and uses evidence to make smart decisions.


Manage, coach and motivate direct reports.


Prepare reports for the board.


Deliver thought-leadership within the industry and local community.


Their dream CCO must already have:


Demonstrated experience in developing and executing successful commercialization strategies in middle-stage growth companies. You must have grown a company to the 1 — 10 billion ruble level.


Strong experience in closing large complex deals with long sales cycles (20M RUR+)


Strong problem-solving skills supported by analytical insights.


Passion about building long-term customer value.


Outstanding management and leadership skills. People naturally follow you.


Ability to influence, engage and motivate highly talented people to inspire great performance across departments.


In-depth knowledge of market analysis and metrics.


Fast self-learner with thorough understanding of how to translate acquired competencies across the team.


Hands on experience in creating reporting and managing budgets.


Excellent communication skills.


Salary: up to 1 000 000 RUR is possible (fix salary + flexible system of bonuses)


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